ActionScript 3.0 :: Conflict With Panel Class Since The Enlargement Doesn't Occur Whenever The Image Pivots

Dec 21, 2009

I'm building my portfolio in as3 with a 3D panel effect with a class called panel taht i get as my main class in my the publish window. This class uses GS tweening class ton rotate on a 3D axis and to enlarge the pictures from my portfolio all this is working relatively well. Now i got an image to also turn 90 dergees for it is horizontal image nd the gallery has vertical thumbnails so i just coded this simple function to make it flip with GS of course


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1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: URLRequest
1180: Call to a possible undefined method URLRequest.
1180: Call to a possibly undefined method navigateToURL

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code in frame:

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btn_contact.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, contactClickHandler);function contactClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {    var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest("../Subpages/SubpageContact.html");    navigateToURL(url, "_top");}


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Saving Panel Area As Image Question?

Apr 2, 2011

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var bd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(vgrpBottleArea.width, vgrpBottleArea.height);                bd.draw(previewPan);                var ba:ByteArray = (new PNGEncoder()).encode(bd);                                (new FileReference()).save(ba, "MyLabel.png");

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Multiple Image Zoom To Fill Panel

Jun 13, 2010

I've been working on a Flash site on and off for some years now and despite the fact it's been near the finishing stage for some time, the biggest problem I've had has been my custom photo gallery. The concept is simple, a panel has a group of images loaded into it, and each one is resized to thumbnail size. On clicking one of the thumbnails, it enlarges or zooms itself to fill the panel. I've only recently managed to get one image to zoom in from the centre, stopping when it reaches a specific size, and therefore have left it working this way. What I want however, is for the images to be loaded in row formation, and on clicking each one, it "zooms in" from its position to fill the whole panel. Currently I have the thumbnail movieclip duplicated, with a different image loaded into each copy, on clicking one of the images, it zooms from the centre, although obviously, this is not what I want. I've attached my source and images in a file called

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Save Specific Image Area In Panel?

Apr 2, 2011

I've been using the code below to save the image in my panel.

ActionScript Code:
var bd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(vgrpBottleArea.width, vgrpBottleArea.height);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Reuse The Tween Class In A Scrolling Thumbnails Panel?

Mar 7, 2007

How do I reuse the tween class in a scrolling thumbnails panel?

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Professional :: Workspace / Panel - Error: The Following Panel Layout Is Missing Or Could Not Be Read...

Dec 7, 2011

I just downloaded Flash CS5 for mac which installed without any errors. However, when I first launched the software I am getting the following error: The following panel layout is missing or could not be read: /users/rob/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Flash CS5.5/en_US/Configuration/Workspace/Essentials.xml The application will not have a correct layout. load one from Windows ->Workspace Once past this message none of the panels load.

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Actionscript :: Tab Index Not Work On Image, Panel And Group Tags In Flash?

Oct 3, 2011

I am writing code to order the tab on multiple tags like "img","Panel","LinkButton",...and pie charts. when I run my flash program, the tab indexing does not work at all. it just works on pie chart and "link button" tags, not on "img","Panel","Group" tags. I also have tried to "enable tab" on those fields , but no help.on the other hand when I disable tab on the pie chart,and link button, still the tab is enabled.

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I have a map in a panel.When maximizing the panel,the map remain the smaller size.How to make the map growing synchronizely with the Panel? When maximizing the Panel,I added Resize Effects.How to apply Resize effects on the Map when the extent of the map changing? It seems to me that I should dispatch extentChange event when maximizing the panel.

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Flex :: Controls In Spark Panel Still Show When Outside Of Panel Size?

Mar 24, 2011

I discovered this while doing some programmatic panel resizing:Components in a spark Panel will still be visible when their location is outside the physical Panel boundaries. This does not happen with the mx Panel.unning Flex 4.1 on Windows 7I tried putting mx and spark controls in the spark Panel, and they both appear outside of the boundaries. Note this doesn't happen with the mx Panel. What am I missing to make the spark behave like the mxSample Code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx=""


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ActionScript 2.0 :: SetInterval With A Class - Function Doesn't Work Inside Class ?

Oct 7, 2004

I was wondering why my current code for calling a setInterval on a function doesn't work inside my class.I have this code inside one function, calling a second function.

intID = setInterval(selfReferential, dupe, 30, 0x000000);

The selfReferential keyword refers to the current class,but was defined previously (selfReferential = this; ).I get no errors, but the dupe() function is never called.and I had the selfReferential variable replaced with the this keyword at one point as well.

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