ActionScript 3.0 :: Converting Frames Of A MovieClip To Bitmaps?

Aug 17, 2010

I'm trying to convert the frames of a MovieClip (mc) --which are vector graphics-- to Bitmaps in order to improve performance.

The Logic is simple: During the first time play of the mc on every frame I convert the vector display of the mc to BitmapData with their appropriate transformation applied and store these BitmapData instances in an Object with the frame number as the key. I use these BitmapData instances to create Bitmap instances and use them in place of the actual mc during the successive play.

Everything works fine except that there is a random but small position error for the created Bitmap instances so it looks like its vibrating in its place. I have no idea what is causing this.

I have attached the Flash Builder 4 AS project for anyone who wants to look at the code. The swf file can be found in the 'bin-debug' folder when extracted.

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Actionscript 3 :: Accessing Pieces Of Bitmaps Inside A Movieclip?

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for ( var i =0 ; i< myMovieClip.numChildren ; i++)
trace ( myMovieClip.getChildAt(i) );

Problem is numChildren comes "1" only, as if it doesnot consider those 10 pieces of bitmap.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Converting String Into MovieClip Name

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My code is below and brings up this error:
Actionscript Code:
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert "areanaH" to flash.display.MovieClip. at EnterpriseZone_fla::Layer1_1/end()
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Converting String To Movieclip

Jul 15, 2010

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import flash.display.MovieClip;import;
var numRight:Number = 0;var originalX:Number;var originalY:Number;var box:Rectangle = new Rectangle(0,0,450,380);


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Oct 20, 2010

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Converting to Bitmapdata
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Then assiging to byte array variable.

So in this case different byte arrays were used for saving in case of JPG and PNG and it worked.

I found the code to convert movieclip to bytearray in Stackoverflow itself


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var changeMe:MovieClip;
var changeMe = "_root.scrollerClip."+_global.currentlySelecte d; // (_global.currentlySelected is the name of a movieclip i know exists, but adding the


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Sep 9, 2010

I had an old AS2 trick that I named "menuStatus" that I would use to for a file where I had several buttons. Each button would have it's over state, off state, and "current" state. When the button is in it's "current" state, it moves to a 3rd frame in the respective button (for this example - a basic color shift). I'll also eventually remove the listener when it is in this state. But first things first: I can grab a button's name using the "" and assign it to a variable. But when I try to tell that variable to gotoAndStop(3), I get an error:[I]1061: Call to a possibly undefined method gotoAndStop through a reference with static type String.

ActionScript Code:
var current:String = new String();
var myBtns:Array = [one_btn, two_btn, three_btn, four_btn, five_btn];


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Converting A String To A Movieclip?

Jun 29, 2011

Is it possible to convert a string to a movieclip instance name.

var theName:String;
but it says, "Type Coercion failed: cannot convert "mv3" to flash.display.MovieClip"

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Converting The Rectangle To A Movieclip (error 1009)

Aug 11, 2009

I'm creating a quiz that has the user press a submit button.Everything was working perfectly until i tried to make the button look better by going in the clip and converting the rectangle to a the button looks great but says its calling a null reference.if i go in an break apart the mc on the first frame (up) then it works.why is it doing this? is putting a mc in a btn bad? is there a way around this.I really like the way by buttons look but dont know how to get the same effects without it being a movieclip.

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Nov 4, 2009

I have a slider that the values are passed to a concatenated string.
trace ("object" + event.value + "_mc");
this gives me "object1_mc"

Now, what I would like to do is use that string to set the alpha to 1
object1_mc.alpha =1;
It will not work because it is a string and not a movieclip...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Converting String To MovieClip?

Aug 14, 2010

the problem:I want to convert my string variabale to Movie Clip like this :var a:String="blue";I want to turn the value of (a) variable to MovieClip I mean I want it to be like this :var blue:Movie ClipI tested some ways like this but didn't responsear b:MovieClip=MovieClip(a)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Converting Sequence Of Small Images To MovieClip

Aug 24, 2010

I am using Flash Professional CS5 and a sequence of small images that I want to convert to a MovieClip to use in actionscript 3. I have a blank actionscript 3 file. I go to Insert -> New Symbol, name it 'blue', set it as a Movieclip and tick 'Export For Actionscript'. Then I press OK. I get the message about creating a new class and click OK. Obviously this creates 'blue' in my library. I then go to File -> Import -> Import To Stage and select my first image of four, 'blue1.png'. It asks if I want to import the sequence of images. I have blue1.png, blue2.png, blue3.png, blu4.png, so I click Yes and the images appear on the timeline, stage and my library. Can I now use the class 'blue' in my main actionscript file? Currently, in my main actionscript file, called BubbleVillage, I have some very simple code:

package {
import flash.display.*;
public class BubbleVillage extends MovieClip {
public function BubbleVillage() {
private var firstblue:blue;
firstblue = new blue();
When I save and test the movie, I get a blank screen.

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Flash8 :: Why Is The Movieclip(s) Carried Over To Other Frames

Jun 15, 2009

Im using this script on various movieclips in a game


onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
xplace = Math.round(_x);
if (xplace<10) {


I use this so when characters move around movieclip it detects where it is and put the appropriate clip on top (so a character can move infront and behind objects). Theres a problem. The script works GREAT and does what its supposed to do. The problem is that every movie clip i put it on carries over to the next frame when the timeline is furthered. It doesn't help that its a clean frame (or even several frames ahead) the movieclips are still duplicated to the new frame and so on.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Using XML To Direct A Movieclip's Frames?

Dec 9, 2009

I need to start using AS3 for my job. So, I have gotten a great deal of help setting up classes with another co-worker's help and a myriad of tuts. Basically, What I need to do is, set up an XML navigation/subnav (got it), and use those links to populate a series of checkboxes. These check boxes will then be used to populate text in a dynamic text field (got that ready to rock). For example, of the user selects in the nav Agreement > TOC, they might get presented with 4 options:

Told and Agreed
Told and Disagreed
Lost Connection before Agreement
Was Not Told - Cancelled

How would I use XML to direct the MC that holds the check boxes (in some cases, close to 50 of them) to the right frame? I can pull from an XML doc, sure, but have never had the need to use it to run a movie clip before.

Here's the XML I'm basing this off of:

Code: Select all<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<level style = "main.xml">


So, in this example, How would I get "Balance" to go to the right frame in my (for the sake of argument) checkBox_MC ?

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Flash :: Trimming Frames From SWF Movieclip?

Dec 24, 2009

Is there a library or cli program which is capable of dropping/extracting frames from a SWF movie? Let's say I have a SWF movieclip with 451 frames, of which I will like to make a new movie clip out of with only the first 450 frames. No wrappers or containers though.

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Flex :: Draw On Different Frames Of MovieClip

May 29, 2009

How can I used ActionScript to draw on different frames of a movie clip. That is, make it so that
Will show something different to

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Alpha Vs. Movieclip 2 Frames?

Aug 14, 2010

So I've a movieclip with 2 frames placed on stage. 1st frame is button on state, 2nd frame is button off state which is just a bit lighter icon which can be achieved with alpha 40%.So I was wondering what would be better to do: leave the movieclip with 2 frames and then in ActionScript use .gotoAndStop() to show the off/on state or create movieclip with 1 frame and with ActionScript just change the .alpha of icon ? I mean better in performance, speed and all those things. Because if I have the movieclip with 2 frames and it's added to stage it's redrawing it going to 1st, 2nd, 1st, 2nd.. frame until I .stop() it..

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Use XML To Direct A Movieclip's Frames?

Sep 20, 2010

I'm new to AS3, still thinking of things with an AS2 frame of mind. However, I need to start using AS3 for my job. So, I have gotten a great deal of help setting up classes with another co-worker's help and a myriad of tuts. Basically, What I need to do is, set up an XML navigation/subnav (got it), and use those links to populate a series of checkboxes. These check boxes will then be used to populate text in a dynamic text field (got that ready to rock). For example, of the user selects in the nav Agreement > TOC, they might get presented with 4 options [code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get The Number Of Frames In A Movieclip?

Mar 11, 2006

how can I get the number of frames in a movieclip?

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