ActionScript 3.0 :: Drop Down List Rollover?

Jan 5, 2011

I want to make a drop down list menu which open when mouse-over not click as you can see I use

<sropDownList id="dl" rollOver="dl.openDropDown()" but the problem appears when I try to close it.I can't use this rollOut="dl.CloseDropDown()" because It will close too soon(When It open I've tried to move my mouse down to the sub-item but the list will close if I move to somewhere else that's not a list base so I can't select the item on the list because it close before I can)


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workcatagorydropdown_mc.mask = mask_mc
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[Code] .....

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list.addEventListener(ListEvent.ITEM_ROLL_OVER, onItemRollOver);
function onItemRollOver(e:Event):void {
var itemInfo:Number = 0;

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private function _dropped(e:DragEvent):void


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protected function list_dragDropHandler(event:DragEvent):void
if(event.action != DragManager.NONE)

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private function doDragDrop(event:DragEvent):void{
var ds:DragSource = event.dragSource;
var dropTarget:ChartBase=ChartBase(event.currentTarget);


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Flex :: Drag And Drop (list Items To Canvas)

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I just started using Flash Builder 4 (yesterday infact).

I have two lists and a canvas. When dropping a list item onto the canvas, i want to trace what item it is (the label and data) and which list it came from. From there, i want to add an image to the canvas according to the dropped item.

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private function componentDragEnterHandler(event:DragEvent):void {
DragManager.showFeedback( DragManager.COPY );


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Aug 21, 2011

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Jun 3, 2008

I have a combo box on the stage in a main SWF. when the user selects an item in the dropdown list a child SWF is launched into level0 using loadMovieNum and data is left behind using _global variables for the child SWF to use. this works fine and well. but inside the new child SWF that is launched is a button that takes you back to the previous main SWF with the ComboBox. its done using the same method loadMovieNum into level0. and the main SWF loads but you cannot open the ComboBox. it will not drop down. the halo green color on hover over is there and it gets darker when you click, but the list doesn't drop down. here is some code that I think may be significant to the situation...


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Html Efect (the Drop-down List) In Flash?

Apr 27, 2005

it's possible to do this html efect (the drop-down list) in flash


html code example
<SELECT NAME="cities">
<OPTION VALUE="paris">Paris</OPTION>[code]....

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Mar 30, 2011

Because of screen size, I must ensure we're only displaying necessary data to the user.I have a drop down box that contains only 5 items and I would like that when an item is selected, it doesn't appear in the drop down box (since technically it's showing twice, once at the top as the selected item and once in the list). how I would achieve this? I tried using a custom CellRender and overriding the "set selected" function to call this.visible = false if selected is true, but that simply hides the item but does not remove it from the layout of the drop down list.

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Flex :: DataGrid / List Drag And Drop - How To Avoid Copying

Jul 21, 2011

I'm using drag and drop on a DataGrid to reorder items. However, when the user holds down Ctrl he can initiate a drag Copy operation. How can I disable copying altogether? (not just cancel the drop, but also prevent Ctrl + drag from showing the (+) icon)

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