ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Adding Function Through For Loop?

Jul 25, 2011

i have an array of coins that are layed out on a map for a character to come pick up.i have the coins displaying on screen but i cant get a simple hit test to work. it only seems to work on the last coin created, i presume because the 'i' value hasnt been appended to the name. i knew how to do this in as2 but dont know the syntax for as3. ive attached the file for you to have a look at.

ActionScript Code:


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Dynamically Adding Movieclips To Stage In 'for Each' Loop

Dec 2, 2009

I am reading in collection objects from an XML file. Each collection has an img field that stores a URL to the collection image. So I am trying to load the images of each collection, storing each image in a MovieClip, and add these MovieClips to the stage. However, my problem is that after adding a MovieClip (with the collection image) to the stage, when a new MovieClip is created in my 'for each' loop it overrites the previous MovieClip. So the images I am adding to the stage are being replaced by the following collection's image on each loop iteration. What can I do to avoid this?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Creating And Adding Movieclips To Stage In 'for Each' Loop

Dec 2, 2009

I am reading in collection objects from an XML file. Each collection has an img field that stores a URL to the collection image. So I am trying to load the images of each collection, storing each image in a MovieClip, and add these MovieClips to the stage. However, my problem is that after adding a MovieClip (with the collection image) to the stage, when a new MovieClip is created in my 'for each' loop it overrites the previous MovieClip. So the images I am adding to the stage are being replaced by the following collection's image on each loop iteration. What can I do to avoid this?

Here is my code...

var collXML:XML = IXml(assets.collections).xml;
var collNodes:XMLList = collXML.children();
for each (var collInfo:XML in collNodes)


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AS3 :: Flash - Dynamically Adding Buttons To Stage And Accessing In Different Function?

Jan 11, 2012

I am trying to add multiple different versions of the same button to the stage and to be able to access them later on by assigning them an ID. The way I assumed this would be done is to have a class for the button where an internal static variable is defined so that the ID can be found in the next function. This does not seem to be working, as the ID is constantly showing as the last number given, so in this case 6.I assume that I am doing this wrong? Here is my code so you can better understand:

package src {
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadInit Function When Dynamically Creating Movieclips In A Loop?

May 29, 2008

I using a loop to dynamically create some movieclips and then position them using the ._height and .width values.

When they are created I use a Listener and LoadInit, to check that everything has loaded. I do this because I want to be able to access the ._height properties of the movieclip in order to place them next to each other and centre them vertically.

If I place the following 3 lines outside the function:

inBead._x = currentPosition;
//gets the start position
currentPosition = currentPosition+Number(mainLoader._width);
//gets the position and adds the width of the movieclip


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding Properties And Events To MovieClips Inside A Loop Inside A Function

Dec 8, 2009

I have done this same thing in ActionScript 3, but am not familiar with ActionScript 2, which I am forced to use for this project. I am loading products into a SWF via XML and attempting to add a click event to each dynamically-created movieclip. Simply tracing the text from a node in XML will do for now. I'd like to assign a property called "desc" or "description" to each movieclip and have it trace that property's value when clicked. Here is the relevant portion of my code as it stands:

ActionScript Code:
var iXML:XML = new XML();
iXML.ignoreWhite = true;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Place A For Loop In A Recursive Function With The Function Call Within The Loop

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Adding Random MC's In An Array And Removing Them Dynamically Again

Oct 27, 2011

I have a game where i add some cartoonish ants, that when they are clicked, they need to be removed from stage. There are 4 differend kinds of ants, so im doing a Math.random for picking which one to add. (ant 1+2+3 have 50% chance to spawn and 4th 50%)

rnd_nbr = (Math.random() * 5)+1;

I have a timer doing 10 tick, and i reset the timer to make neverending. Then i have a math random and if sentences adding mc' to the stage with movement from Tweener, and event listeners for clicks. But i cant figure out how to remove them when clicked. I have done alot of failed tries right inside the click_candy_anty function. I've left them commented out.

import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
var ant_index:Array = new Array(10);//index for ants
var ant_number:int;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using Var From For Loop In Function Outside Of Loop?

Nov 2, 2009

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pauseTime = 3000;
xmlImages = new XML();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Execute Callback Functions Dynamically By Passing A Function In As An Argument To Another Function?

Apr 21, 2010

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Look at this example:

package {
public class myClass extends MovieClip {
public function myClass(callback) {


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Professional :: Adding A Loop To The Following Codes?

Oct 18, 2011

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var myTimer: Timer = new Timer(1000);
myTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, nextPic)


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Sprites In For Loop?

Dec 20, 2011

How can I add sprites in a for loop?
var my_shape:Sprite = new Sprite();
for (var i:Number =0; i<total;i++){
So after that I can access that shape like:
my_shape2.visible = false;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding A Hover Event To Each MC In A Loop?

Jun 4, 2009

My goal with this actionscript is to create a new movieclip for each top-level XML node and include in the movieclip two separate textfields, an image, extend the movieclips to two row if necessary, rotate each movieclip differently depending its parity and add a hover event based on the movieclips instance name. I have achieved each goal except for the hover bit. The reason I cant access the instance name outside of the for loop is because the instance name only lasts for duration of the loop. Here is my current code (at pastie address).I have extensively searched the interweb to try and find a solution, but nothing has worked.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Adding A Hover Event To Each MC In A Loop

Jun 4, 2009

My goal with this actionscript is to create a new movieclip for each top-level XML node and include in the movieclip two separate textfields, an image, extend the movieclips to two row if necessary, rotate each movieclip differently depending its parity and add a hover event based on the movieclip's instance name. I have achieved each goal except for the hover bit. The reason I can't access the instance name outside of the *for* loop is because the instance name only lasts for duration of the loop.[code]I have extensively searched the interweb to try and find a solution, but nothing has worked. I'm definitely not being lazy, I have just run out of options.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding Multiple Movieclips Within A For Loop?

Mar 7, 2012

Basically I have 5 movieclips I want positioned around the stage. So I figure the best way to this is with a for loop. However the way I've coded it doesn't appear to add new movieclips and seems to just move the first movieclip 5 times and it always ends up with an x of 169. Here's my code:

for (i=0; i<5; i++){
var barName:MovieClip ="butSquare","r1wBar"+i,_root.getNextHighestDepth());


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding To Dynamically Created Xml

Nov 16, 2010

I'm creating receives xml from the asp server its on.Because of this, there isn't an xml file that I can open and add to in the places I need carriage returns.To compensate for this, I've been using the split and join method.[code]Essentially I'm looking for certain nodes in the xml and adding a carriage return to the beginning of it.I had to add the extra quotes around the otherwise it doesn't work.The problem with this is, the carriage return works but it leaves the single quotes in the text.I tried adding another split join method that looks for the single quotes left and replaces them with nothing.The problem with this is, it deletes all the single quotes from the contractions.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Images Are Adding To Xml Dynamically In PHP

Mar 9, 2012

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Actionscript 3 :: Dynamically Adding Tween To N MC's

Mar 5, 2012

I'm querying the Rotten Tomatoes API for Upcoming Movies. For each movie returned, I'm creating an instance of MovieIcon (MC). I'm then adding this MC as a child of a Container MovieClip that's already on the scene. Each time, I'm incrementing the xPosition of each MovieIcon MC such that, they're positioned next to each other.My container MC has a mask applied to it, therefore any child objects that are positioned beyond the size of the mask, they're are hidden from view. How can I dynamically add a tween/easing animation between all these MovieIcon MC's so that when I hover over the Container MC, it 'scrolls' left or right, depending on the mouse motion?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Adding MovieClip Dynamically With XML?

Jan 30, 2010

Here's what I want to accomplish, I'm doing a listing of all the shows done by my band, I've written all the info into a XML file ( date, location, venue, info and a URL to get to the gig ) and I made a MovieClip with 4 field text to display the information.

So far I can read the XML file, I can addChild my MovieClip they stack neatly in a column to the problem is, after that, I don't know how to refer to them on the stage to get the url link that I've written in my XML is my AS.

//--- load the gig info ---
var xmlgig:XML;
var showlist:XMLList;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Set Of Grid Lines To Movieclip Using For Loop

Jun 7, 2009

I am dynamically adding a set of grid lines to a movieclip using a for loop. And I was wondering how I go about removing all of them so that I can add another set of grid lines to the same movieclip.This may sound weird but what I am doing is dynamically creating a table from an array and I wanted to dynamically add gridlines in between the table entries depending on how many entries there are in the array. I got this to work fine but when you go from one table with more entries to a table with less then the grid lines from the longer table are still there.Hence I want to be able to remove all the grid line instances before creating the next table.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: For Loop - Adding MovieClip And Button Class

Aug 30, 2011

Actionscript Code:
public function Main():void {
var my1:MovieClip = new Sp();
var my2:MovieClip = new Jp();
var my3:SimpleButton = new But();
var rel;
for (var i:Number = 0; i < 3; i++) {
rel = "my" + (i + 1);

See the above script, Here I don't wanna add the MovieClip and button class separately using "addChild" like,

Actionscript Code:

So I used for loop function. But it is showing error:
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert "my1" to flash.display.DisplayObject.
at com.priyan::Main()
at mainFile_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()

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Incrementing Several Movieclip Positions When Adding To Stage Using For Loop?

Jun 23, 2009

I'm adding several similar movieclips to the stage with a 'for' loop. However, I'd like to increment the position of each movieclip when added on to the stage. I know exactly where I want each movie clip positioned as well. At the moment I just have a small 'for' loop which setups the movieclip. Like so...


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Scrollbar To Sprite Inside / Outside For Loop?

Nov 26, 2009

I'm currently having trouble on integrating a scrollbar that I downloaded from Warm Forest Flash. I built a XML gallery that is going out of the boundary of height of 466 pixels. The thumbnails that are out of the boundary are still visible. On top of that, I tried to add the scrollbar to the sprites inside and outside the for loop, but sadly it doesn't appear. For the height thing, can I set the size of the ULLoader? Or should I just use a mask or something?
import fl.containers.UILoader;
import gs.*;
import gs.easing.*;
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Images From My Library To Empty Mc In Loop

Apr 3, 2011

I am 1 step away from finishing my for loop. I have a item mc I have duplicated 8 items (indexarray.length) and what my loop currently does is display these 8 blank movieclips on the screen positioned 4 in each row. Inside this blank item mc I have a dynamic text field name_text within this item that call on names from a previously declared array. I also have a empty movieclip called image_holder with property name imageHolder. So far the below displays my 8 items with names but without the image:
function displayItems()
var xPos = 0;
var yPos = 0;

All my images are in my library in movieclips name item0 to item 7 to fit in accordingly. What do I need to add to the above code to get these images inside my image_holder mc?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Adding Objects To Stage Through An Array And For Loop?

Jul 7, 2010

I am trying to create a card game (deck of 24 cards/6 cards will be dealt to the stage at one time (3 arrays)).

I want 6 cards to be dealt to the stage when you click the "Deal" button. I think i have the loop set up properly, the first array traces, however i can't get the cards to be added to the stage. What am i doing wrong? Once i get the first set of cards to be built to the stage, i will want to remove the previous set and the second set will be dealt to the stage once the "Deal" button is clicked again.

var aArray = new Array();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Timer To MovieClip Loop In Triangle

Jan 25, 2010

I set up a loop where a movie clip moves in a triangle over and over. It works, but I want it to pause for 5 seconds at each location, so I added a Timer (my first attempt). Now, it will go through the triangle once, pausing correctly, but then the main movie clip (target_mc) stops in the original position and never moves again.

import fl.transitions.*;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
var xMove0:Tween;
var yMove0:Tween;
var xMove1:Tween;
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Adding Loaded Thumbs?

Dec 9, 2008

I'm trying to create a portfolio with ten images that I needto be loaded and added on the stage.The problem i not to load theese images or adding themdirectlyt on the stage, but I want them to be added inside a thumbthat I've created as a movieclip.I've also created a for...loop so the thumbs dynamically areadded on the stage. To access them I've given them an instance-nameusing [object].name = "[name]" and I've also created an Array tokeep track of the names.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Content Dynamically To The Stage?

Jan 7, 2009

I have an XML file with a list of photos. I have loaded the XML file into Flash (CS3 / AS 3.0) and I am iterating through the list to load the photos. The problem is only the last photo displays. I would like to
load each photo and then create a movie and "copy" the loaded content into the movie clip. Here is my code:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Text To A Symbol Dynamically?

Aug 31, 2009

I alreay have the symbol (mySymbol) in the library.I want to add some test to it dynamically (to write something on it).So when I call this symbol on the stage (create an instance in AS3), it comes modified with the test.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Adding New Columns In Datagrid?

Dec 20, 2011

I am dynamically adding columns based on values received from an array. The columns are getting generated properly.But the problem is when I try to insert values for each column, I have to specify each column name in the addItem function.So the addItem function accepts only hardcore values which match my column names --- but it does not accept dynamic column names.Since it does not accept dynamic column names, it can't populate appropriate values related to each column.scoreBoardData is the instance name of my DataGrid component

Here's the code:
import fl.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn;
var obj:Object = {"systime":1323323297534,"id":1,"dest":"123234","source":"1983","ack"


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