ActionScript 3.0 :: Events Bubbling Across Classes And Swfs?

Aug 13, 2010

I have a wrapper swf which loads the main content swf.I've been successfully hearing custom events in the wrapper swf dispatched from the main swf, but only if they're the kind like this:

// main
dispatchEvent(new Event("LOADING_CONTENT"));


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I've been developing in flash for about 5 years now and consider myself a solid intermediate level developer, but I have a gap in my knowledge of events. I don't understand when bubbling events or catching events would be beneficial. I'm guessing there is a very obvious use for them, and being mostly self taught I've probably developed 'work arounds' to solve whatever issue they fix.

I've read the documentation and programmed a few test cases, but either for the interfaces I've developed or for whatever reason I've never ended up using them.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Listen For Events Bubbling From Loaded Swf

Sep 13, 2010

A swf (my game framework) loads another swf (a game). The game is loaded into a child domain which seems to be the default domain for loaded swfs.

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Bubbling is set to true on everything, but it's not working? Is it only possible to dispatch events from the document class of the loaded swf.

swf(Framework -> listen) -> swf(game document root -> child) = no go!

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Im trying to dispatch and event from an XML class.dispatchEvent(new Event (XMLClass.INDEX_CHANGED));and catch it in the display class [code]I know that im missing something because the application works and the function runs but its not dispatching the event the event or maybe it's not catching the event in the display class, even though everything else is working and im not gettin' any errors.

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Jun 25, 2010

I have a custom event class public class FFTDrawEvent extends Event {

public static const DRAW_EVENT:String = "drawEvent";
private var _param:Array = new Array();
public function FFTDrawEvent(type:String, __param:Array, bubbles:Boolean=true, cancelable:Boolean=false) {
_param = __param;
super(type, bubbles, cancelable);


Both class (Dispatcher & Listener) are Child class of a MXML application. Also listen to the event in the parent MXML application doens't work. Listen to the event in the dispatching class itself somehow works.

I have to feeling that the EventDispatcher class is not the right one to dispatch events to a mxml application or respectivly AS classes, which extend/inherent from a MXML component class.

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1) set up event listener in a child class

2) when this event in the child class is triggered, the child class, the parent class and several other child classes respond to the event.

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//Adding Event listeners
this.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, reportKeyUp);
this.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDown);
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, EnterFrame);

And then I have functions for each of the events above. For some reason,the event listeners for key up and key down are never being triggered.

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public function SideModule() {
if (stage) {
init();// stage accessible, call init function[code]....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Overlapping Classes In Main Swf And Child Swfs

Dec 20, 2011

I have a project which has a main swf file that is compiled with a bunch of classes. The main swf also loads in other child swf objects, created in the flash IDE, that happen to reference some of the same classes.

It seems redundant to have the child swfs include the main swfs classes, especially if I update the classes which means I have to recompile all the child swfs, not just the main swf.

Im using FlashDevelop 4.0 RC3 with Flex 4.6/AIR 3.1 to code the main swf, and the child swfs are flas made in CS5.

I was thinking of using SWC's, but I'm not sure how to incorporate that into FlashDevelops workflow. I tried the SWC export plugin but that doesnt seem to work very well, it attempts to export everything in the project and doesnt seem to offer me an option to be specific...

Surely there is a way to compile flas from the IDE and allow for classes to be used for compile type checking etc, but not actually include them in the compiled swf? I know with the flex command line compiler you can generate a link-report xml from the main swf then use that xml file to exlude classes from the compile of the child swfs, but I cant see how to do something like that when exporting swfs from the flash IDE.

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Jun 25, 2010

Following is my code of base class :

public class Application extends Sprite


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Actionscript 3 :: Flex: Bubble Events From Custom Classes - Non-UI

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now i want to add one preloader to contentManager which always listen for ProgressEvent. when the progressEvent dispatched i want to preloader going to active. becouse there is another objects that are loading images or other kind of files. i think it is a good apporach to solve preloader issue. so my problem is, when collectionLoader object loading images with using queLoader. my QueueProgress event dispatches ProgressEvent evey time, but my preloader object stand at the 2 classes up level, doesn't percive this event.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Interface Elements - Pass Events Between Classes

Apr 5, 2010

There are many tutes on the web on how to make interface elements, such as drop down menus, or accordion menus. The example Menu Class includes all the event listeners and functions. It invariably ends with the CLICK event function tracing some comment so you know it works. But no information on how to implement the Menu Class. So say you have a Main Document Class that instantiates a Menu Class. How can you pass the CLICK event back to the Main Document Class to do something with it? As far as I can see, the Menu Class can build the menu but all the listeners and functions for it have to reside in the Main Document Class. Or do you have to build a custom Class that extends the Event Class?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Automate Testing And Mouse Events On Precompiled SWFs?

Sep 2, 2010

Scenario: A compiled swf. It has lots of button interactions. We want to automate the testing of these buttons by triggering events in the SWF. There is no localConnection method we can use. Is there any way to sift through a SWF and check for hasEventListener or willTrigger flags and then manually, through code, trigger events?

An actionscript way? or is there some kind of other non-Adobe application (maybe a browser plug-in) that can do this? Is there some kind of automated SWF testing app out there already? We've got 100's of SWFs that we don't have access to the code to but we need to check for bugs, and instead of having someone sit there and repeatively click buttons in the swf, we'd like to set up some kind of way where all eventListeners (or at least specific ones) are found and then triggered upon intervals.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detecting Mouse Events On Classes With Different Content Inside

Sep 2, 2009

I have a Card class. From this class, I have three possible children: Photo, Video and Info. In my main class, I want to create a few instances of these different classes without knowing what kind it is. But, no matter that, I want them all to listen to the mouse, so I may have something like this:

ActionScript Code:
var item:Card = new Photo();
item.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mouseHandler);

The thing is: the Card class is kinda like a canvas... it has certain properties common to every type of item, but there's a space where it leaves it as a canvas... a Photo instance will load a photo there, a Video instance will load a video and a Info instance will load text to a TextField. The problem is that the event listener doesn't work the way I want it to... on an Info instance, the target of the click is the TextField; on a Photo instance is the picture... I want them all to be the class itself... in other words, I want to be able to parse the target as a child of the Card class. My code for the mouseHandler method is

ActionScript Code:
private function mouseHandler(e:MouseEvent):void
if( is Photo)


That's the main idea... to be able to know what kind of object I'm clicking and access its properties... but on an Info instance, is of type TextField... to be able to access the Info object, I have to do, and that is NOT the idea.

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Professional :: Loading External Swfs Extending From Classes In The Same Shared Codebase?

Jul 25, 2011

I'm currently developing a game in flash and want to be able to divide up my .fla assets in a way that means artists can work on a game menu .fla in isolation from the game.fla and rest of the game code.If I could briefly explain how I've approached this so far, I would be extremelyMy project is setup like this:HighScoreMenu.fla -> document class HighScoreMenu extending GameMenu ->document class class loads the published HighScoreMenu.swf and manipulates the menu i.e. animates on and off screen via inherited functions in the GameMenu class.

Now this seemed to work to begin with, until my code evolved and upon going to publish my HighScoreMenu.fla flash started complaining about symbols being used in that were in Game.fla... If I'm only publishing the HighScoreMenu which extends from GameMenu then why is it even looking to compile

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse Events And Button Mode In Externally Loaded Swfs?

Mar 31, 2009

I have an external swf I created, I used the Document Class to place assetts from the library onto the stage. I have a few Movie Clips I set the buttonMode to true on and added a few MouseEvents for when they're clicked on or rolled over to load content and make a few draggable.

It works perfectly in that swf, but since most of my assets are in the library and exported on Frame 1 I can't really use an internal preloader on it. So what I did was create an external swf that all it is is a loader that I add to the stage that loads the first swf I created.

That works perfectly for getting it on the stage, but the Movie Clips no longer are recognized as buttons and the mouse events aren't working anymore.

Is there anything I can do to change this?

Here is the code I'm using to load the external swf:

var a:URLRequest = new URLRequest("timeline2.swf");
var b:Loader = new Loader();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: OOP: Multiple Classes - Add Functionality To The Buttons To Load Swfs Into Main Movie

Nov 2, 2009

I had to create a menu using array and I had to animate it. With some great expertise from people, I've accomplished that. But now I have a question about OOP, because I'm trying to add functionality to the buttons to load swfs into my main movie. Even though I strictly follow tutorials and exercises, I can't figure out how to reference a variable made in one class to another. For instance, I have,, and I assume I need to add a loader to my But I can't trace the loader in my other classes. I've been told to effectively accomplish this, it is best to use custom event dispatchers. But I'm lost on how to use them.

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Dec 15, 2011

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Event Bubbling In Flex?

Jul 3, 2010

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Oct 27, 2010

Actually I wanted to know what is bubbling event and how to make use of it. Also, what is the concept of capturing, targeting and bubbling too?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Bubbling Extra Parameters?

Aug 13, 2009

I have a simple button class. When the button is pushed I'm triggering an event on the parent level. What's the best way to pass a parameter to that upper level event?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reverse Event Bubbling?

Mar 16, 2011

I have a movie clip (cover) which covers another movie clip (stuff).I have set up Mouse Over on the Cover movie clip so that when you mouse over it, it tweens off of the Stuff movie clip.Then i have Mouse out set up on the Stuff movie clip so when you mouse out of it, the Cover clip tweens back in..

Now when I mouse over a MC that is inside the Stuff movie triggers the mouse out for the Stuff movie clip. this is undesired.I need my mouse to be active inside the Stuff movie, so mouseChildren = false doesn't work,because i then can not click on things inside the stuff movie clip.Right now i have managed to work around this by running a loop for each child inside the stuff, adding an event listener and telling the tween to stop on those events,but this won't work for children of those children without looping again.. and the children of those children's children would need looped as well... The question is.. How do I make a child movie clip not trigger the mouse out for it's parent(s)?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Event Not Bubbling To Stage?

Oct 26, 2009

I have a content clip that gets replaced by a movieClip from the library every time a button is clicked. Some of the content sections contain video. Within the video is a custom event firing that bubbles up through its parent clips all the way until it gets to the clip that was added to the stage on user click. It never goes beyond the content clip to the stage, where I need the listener. Isn't an event supposed to bubble all the way up to the stage? Why would it ever stop?The code is in 10 different places in 10 different files or else I'd post it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Event Not Bubbling To Ancestor?

Mar 1, 2011

I can't figure out why the event listener callback function isn't being fired when a child object is being clicked. Since the "SelectionPoint" object is a child of this class, shouldn't the listener get notified of the MouseEvent.CLICK event during the capture phase?

package {
import flash.display.*;


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Javascript :: Capturing Bubbling Key Event From Flash?

Oct 28, 2009

In IE, if flash has focus, and receives a keydown event, it does not appear to bubble the event up through the DOM (I can't capture the event by listening on document, however the same listener can capture key events from html siblings, so I know my listener is working).

However, some other plugins on the page (I am looking at you windows media player) still respond to key events that initiate in flash (and I need to prevent that from happening)! It seems that the key event initiated in flash takes the bubble express highway straight to the top (where the top is whatever is above document in the DOM hierarchy). I have tried terminating the events in as3, and tried different wmodes... neither approach works.

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