ActionScript 3.0 :: Get A Reference To The Main Display Object?

Oct 27, 2010

Right now I have a library that does something like this:

public class Main extends Sprite{
public function Main():void {
// the rest of your code goes here

I need the user to do that since I need a reference to the current DisplayObject since I need to access loaderInfo.sharedEvents

Is it possible to get a reference to the displayobject or to the loaderInfo of the movie currently being played (maybe it's a static var of some class?)?

I was thinking on something like. flash.system.ApplicationDomain.currentDomain is there something like.. flash.display.DisplayObject._root?

In AS2 this would be trivial but I'm afraid this may not be possible in AS3 .. and I really need to get rid of that "init" call.

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Jul 28, 2011

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var currentRotation = object.rotation;
object.rotation = 0;
var normalizedWidth = object.width;


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ActionScript Code:
photo_mc.picture.x = 0;
photo_mc.picture.y = 0;
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package rpflash.ui {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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1) Download the file from [URL]

2) Expand the zip, open the resulting folder and open the index.html document in your web browser.

3) Pick any filter link you desire from the choices on this page. Notice that the package and class filters in the header continuously display "Retrieving Data from Server..."

4) Click on the Classes link in the header at the top.
Result: The class list displays only momentarily, then completely hides.
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I have 2 packages DragDrop and UserInterface. In UserInterface I create methods for buttons and later add them in DragDrop . I make it in two different ways:
One(this one works):


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Jun 27, 2011

How can i cast a object to another type? in AS3 i tried putting (objectType) infront of the variable but it doesnt work, below i have added objects of fishes into the child, and i am getting the fishes back out when mouse down is triggered, and then calling the fishes what to do. however i cant call the method of the custom class fish because it is a displayobject.[code]...

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Feb 17, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unable To Reference Child Display Objects Of Clip Imported From Library?

Jun 17, 2009

PBar contains two SimpleButtons (pBarProgress and pBarLoaded) and a MovieClip (pBarBg).I import pBar from the library like this:private var pBar:PBar = new PBar();and add it to a container MC on the stage like this:containerMC.addChild(pBar);Up to this point, everything works great. I can see pBar and its children on the stage when I run my movie. But then I want to start referencing and manipulating pBar's child objects, but nothing I do works. Ive tried ...pBar.pBarProgress.scaleX = 0;var pBarProgress:SimpleButton = Bar.getChildByName("pBarProgress") as SimpleButton; pBarProgress.scaleX

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Aug 23, 2010

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Now I was looking at the source of this project here [URL]

To learn how to do this from AS3, main question I have how is the Main() class being called there? There is no actionscript in the frames of the FLAs so where is the call coming from to the Main class to initialize display? Is there something special about the Main() class that has it called when a swf is loaded.

I tried to duplicate it by making a simple Main which extends MovieClip and simply placing it in the root folder of the project but it isn't being auto called and it hasn't worked.

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Feb 26, 2011

I've been trying to write a class that will automatically draw shapes on the stage each time it's instantiated.

The problem is that I can't find a way to do this without having an unbroken hierarchy of classes extending Sprite all the way back to the main class.[code]...

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Jul 4, 2011

How do I Display the result of this code as text in the main flash area..?[code]...

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