ActionScript 3.0 :: Gif Animation To Multiple Bitmaps?

Nov 13, 2010

Is it possible to load a gif image and create a bitmap for each frame in the animatoin?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Animation From Array Of Bitmaps?

Jun 11, 2010

Currently, my code is able to load up bitmap images into an array. The next step I would like to accomplish is to display the first image in the array, remove it, display the next image... and so forth. Unfortunately I am having trouble getting it to work and I was hoping My current code is attached below:

function playSlideShow(e:MouseEvent):void


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Flash 8 - Pixelated Bitmaps In Tween Animation

Mar 28, 2009

I have created an image in photoshop (96dpi, same as my monitor) and imported it as a png into flash where it becomes a bitmap. Once I had imported the image I went to library and allowed smoothing on the image and set it to lossless. It performs a motion tween and simply flys from one side of my movie to the other. However, the whole way it appears pixelated. I had done this on a previous movie with the same image, just with a different animation and I had the same problem. But in this case the 'allow smoothing' worked. Not this time though.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Multiple Bitmaps?

May 6, 2010

I was wondering which method would be the most efficient (run faster)...Lets say I have multiple layering of animations, say a moving sky, then birds, then fireworks ordered respectively. Is better to have one bitmapdata (called BD) then do a copypixel of sky, then bird, then firework at every tick (I'm using a timer) and put it in one bitmap.

Or is it better to have 3 bitmaps (and put into 3 different sprites) with the animations separated, so when I update the birds I don't have to update the sky.share any knowledge on pros or cons of using multiple bitmaps vs using one bitmap in that situation. Aside for the increase of initial memory used.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Working With Multiple Bitmaps?

Jun 23, 2010

The next bitmap I have is the problem. I started with working on creating the playable avatar. He is on the same layer, but he only works if I add him AFTER the tile bitmap has been completed, AND if I call him with a listener.Call me crazy, but this seems to be when it works. The main class builds the tiles into the bitmap data, and while this is running, if the certain tile is where the main character starts, it calls the Hero class, and that class creates the new bitmap data. Doesn't work before running the loop that adds the tiles, nor after. weird right?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Redraw Multiple Bitmaps From XML Data?

Dec 27, 2009

I've been trying to get the hang of working with bitmaps.  I can redraw them using draw(), and after some trouble managed to redraw an externally loaded file using copyPixel().  What I can't do is redraw several images loading from XML.[code]...

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Actionscript 3 :: Load Multiple Bitmaps With The Same Function?

Mar 15, 2012

i got a basic problem with loading a Bitmap from a URLRequest.The problem is, that loading a Bitmap is to much code to write it every time I want to load an Image. So i thought about some function:

var bitmap1:Bitmap = bitmapForURL("test1.gif");
var bitmap2:Bitmap = bitmapForURL("test2.gif");
function bitmapForURL(url:String):Bitmap


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Flash :: Manage Multiple Sizes (dimensions) Of Bitmaps?

Jul 22, 2010

I have a custom Image class that I am using to store individual image information for a gallery application:

package mtm.test
public class Image extends Object


This is how I would implement the above:

var image:Image = new Image();
//I would be loading external bitmaps but for the example I'll just create new ones:
image[BitmapThumbnail] = new BitmapThumbnail(new BitmapData(65,65,false,0x000000));


Is there a simpler way to do this? I feel that there is a lot of repeated code within the BitmapType sub-classes.

At the least, this helps to avoid a bunch of for loops trying to find the requested size, and it seems portable to situations where more or less sizes of Bitmaps are required.

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Flash :: Resize / Scale Multiple Bitmaps(duplicate 1 Bitmat Over And Over)

Dec 2, 2010

I am trying to make a frame arround an uploaded picture by repeating 1 image over and over again. The user will have to enter the real dimentions of the picture and the image will be scaled acordingly so that the frame will look as big as it should. The problem is that when I get a bigger pickture and I scale the images something goes wrong and there is some smearing in the movie clip. When I move it to X:0 and Y:0 all is well. When I move it to the center of the screen the smearing is there. Here's the code I use:


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Flash :: Draw Multiple Bitmaps Onto A Single Sprite In Different Locations?

Feb 8, 2011

I have many base images that I need to combine to construct larger images to draw on Sprite objects. I understand that the beginBitmapFill() method of the Graphics class renders a bitmap on a Sprite's graphics object. So I figure that I need to manipulate the BitmapData object, adding the base images to produce a composite image that I can then draw on my Sprite.

My question is: Is there any clean and relatively hassle free way of doing this? Is there a way to draw Bitmaps to certain locations in a Sprites graphics context? Could you copy a Graphics object onto another at certain coordinates and build it that way?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Fullscreen - Dynamically Loaded Multiple Smooth Bitmaps

Aug 3, 2007

I have played around with the Dynamically Loading Bitmaps With Smoothing from Tinic U ro as well as somme other advices from people on the kirupa forum. The code works great. I am trying to load different Bitmaps, fullscreen, on the click of a button (or any other event). The images load, but they just stack on top of each others and thus, they don't resize to the stage properly. Here is the code with the attached FLA: ( you'll need 3 jpg named bg1.jpg, bg2.jpg, bg3.jpg, all in the same folder as the fla)


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Comparing And Matching Bitmaps Against An Array Of Saved Bitmaps

Jul 31, 2009

I'm trying to figure out the best way to compare a single bitmap against perhaps an array of saved bitmaps to see how close of a match it may be to any one of the bitmaps stored in the array. Right now I'm running a for loop that uses the method to try to compare to see how much of a variance there is but... to be honest I'm at a loss as to how to use the resulting data to do so. Does anyone know of any good method to accomplish what I am trying to do? Forget looking at my code it's a waste of time because simply, it's not working.

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Storing Multiple Animation Files?

Aug 19, 2009

I want to have a TV screen and hundreds of (small) flash animations load up in the 'TV'. I'm assuming I'm going to have to use Actionscript, so I'm looking into that right now. However, what would be the best way to organise this? Each "TV" will have a different set of "Channels". Do I create each 'channel' and save them as seperate SWF files, or is it possible to have them all in one main file. I can then flick through each 'channel', which essentially unloads the current animation and loads the next one

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[cs4] Multiple Instances Of Text With Animation

Dec 25, 2009

I am trying to create several texts with animation on mouseover (basically animated menu).

Steps followed: created text, converted to movie clip (m_text), put a stop() in first frame added animation movie clip in second frame, which is played on mouseover (added onrollover function AS2.0)

It works fine. Now I tried to create multiple instances of this m_text, tried to change the text. But it changes in all instances.

If I try to create multiple instances of text only, then I will have to repeat the procedure of adding frames, adding animation clip, add AS for mouseover etc for each of them.

All I am trying to do is create one text with animation on mouseover, copy paste it several times and change only the text for each of them.

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Professional :: Multiple Animations In One Animation?

Oct 31, 2011

I have 2 Flash animations, both tweened and working as intended, and now I'd like to make a third flash animation which will be composed of the other 2 animations playing after each other (with a few empty frames in between). How I do this? I tried just adding them to the time line and giving enough frames, but that doesn't do the trick.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sync Multiple SoundChannels And Animation?

Oct 26, 2009

I'm trying to synchronize 5 mp3 (128kbs 44hz stereo), each one in a different SoundChannel, and some animation. I've red a lot about the variable delay of the soundChannel, and how the "position" property return where the soundchannel should be, and not where it actually is. But I didn't find any real solution to these issues.

For the moment what i'm doing :

- load the 5 mp3 in their soundChannel

- start the soundChannels

- put a timer to check the first soundChannel position to change the animation

I've tryed to solve the delay between the soundchannels by resynchronizing them after a few seconds to the first soundchannel position, but it's only getting worse.

I'm using Flash CS4 / AS3 but I can easily go back to AS2 if needed. And I can embed the mp3 in the swf or using any other audio format.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making Animation Of Someone Breathing With Multiple Layers

Mar 23, 2009

I'm basically making a animation of someone breathing, with multiple layers. What I want to happen when a user clicks the animation is for it to switch to the next layer seamlessly (skin>muscles>skeleton). Each layer has the same 60 frames. For example, if the skin layer's currentframe was '37' i'd want the muscle layer to start at '38' when clicked.Below is some of the code I already have. I can trace the currentframe of the original mc, however the attached movieclip refuses to gotoAndPlay to that number?[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Importing Multiple Images To Form Animation

Nov 25, 2009

Basically I have 51 separate static images that I need to import into Flash and then use to form an animation. I don't want to simply make them into a gif unless I can manually control the animation (the images essentially represent a 'health bar' in a game, so I need to be able to control what is shown based on the amount of 'health' the player has). I have been told that there is an easy way to do this in Flash, but the person I was talking to wasn't sure how to go about it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make 2, 3 Group Of Animation Using Multiple Arrays?

May 5, 2010

I m trying to make 2, 3 group of animation using multiple arrays, A group having 10 circles and those circles r moving from X to Y (using mainFunction). while moving... i m calling subFunction for blink effect (here my problem comes). So each circle are having two different animation (moving, blinking) ,

also going to make 2, 3 group by calling "mainFunction" Experts pls help me to resolve this problem, or sugges me some other way to make this animation


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Multiple Clips For One Preloader Animation?

Jul 18, 2008

I was just wondering if its possible to load multiple external clips using one MovieClipLoader instance and object and one animation to accompany that. How could I write the code for this?

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Professional :: Rotate A Symbol On The X Axis Multiple Times For An Animation

Jun 6, 2011

I am trying to rotate a symbol on the x axis mulitple times for an animation I am doing. The problem is everytime I try to do a complete rotation, the symbol rotates fine until I hit 180 degrees, but once I go past that mark, the symbol just starts rotating backwards. Is there a certain way I have to do this in order to get a complete rotation in one direction?

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Creating An Animated Background / Flash Animation - Multiple Looped Animations

Oct 27, 2011

I'm creating an animated background/flash animation, in short I have several tweened pieces all moving/swinging around and I want them all to loop at the end of their individual loops. Each piece is on its own layer) I have been using gotoAndPlay(2); (I'm using a preloader so frame 2 is the start). The problem is (If I'm correct here) is the first layer to reach the end runs the "go to and play" resetting everything!. I want each layer to act independantly. Is there a different version of gotoAndPlay(2); that will work or am I looking at things like nested animations/importing individual fla's ect (all of which goes over my head).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple Button Navigation - Tween Animation For Each One With Delayed Timing

Jul 2, 2009

i would like to do a simple set of buttons dynamicly created by code, like simple recangles which will act to each other and have different target urls or movies to load. Also buttons should have constant spacing to each other and it should be possible to have a tween animation for each one with delayed timing, so button 3 slides in first, button 2 slides in a second later and finally button 1 slides in at last. If you click one button all of the other buttons should get deactivated and the alpha should tween down to a lower level for e.g

Something like that, sounds simple but i don?t know where to start. I guess i will need to duplicate the button give each of them different targets, tweening and activate / deactivate states, but thats all i know in theory so far.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mc.onRollOut - Shows An Animation OnRollOver And An Animation On RollOut But OnRelease The Animation Enlarge Itselfs

Jun 19, 2004

I have a movieclip that shows an animation onRollOver and an animation on RollOut but onRelease the animation enlarge itselfs but now when I'll roll out when the animation isn't open (so i didn't release) the animation plays the animation for the minimizing of the animation. Here's my code (I know its a bit amateuristic but I'm not a programmer )


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Shooting Multiple Bullets - Press The Space Bar The First Bullet Disappears And The Bullet Animation Starts Again

Nov 24, 2008

I'm trying to make my platform game character shoot a gun, my character and gun are one movieclip and the bullet is another. The bullet mc starts on a blank frame with a stop() function, when I press the space bar the bullet mc plays from frame 2 which is a motion tween of the bullet quickly moving across the page. I've set the bullet's y and x values relative to the character mc so that the bullet always comes from the gun.

My issue is that if I press the space bar a bullet will fly out of the gun (great!) but if I press the space bar again, the first bullet disappears and the bullet animation starts again. I want to be able to shoot a new bullet every time I press the space bar without effecting the bullets that have already been shot.


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IDE :: Add Bitmaps By Using AddChild()

Jan 15, 2009

I have a movie clip that I add Bitmaps by using addChild(). I was wonding how would I go about displaying the next image that I added because as of now it is stuck on the first image.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Bitmaps Won't Smooth?

Nov 18, 2009

I'm loading some external images and trying to get them to smooth, but for some reason it's not happening. i've been trying everything i can find on the internet over the past 10 hours or so, and nothing's worked.The code on my movieclip (first frame) is:

my images are very high-res, so i know it isn't a resolution issue. anyway, they look crappy when they're sized down too. also, i'm pretty sure smoothing is the issue, because i have a very similar image in the library (a detail from the same shot, and similar resolution, etc.), and it looks great when i allow smoothing in the bitmap properties panel.

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Quicker Way To Arrange Several Bitmaps

Dec 16, 2010

I want to know if there is a faster way to take several bitmaps and arrange them one after another in a single layer in a movie clip.

This is how I am doing it currently.

Stage 1: Import the bitmaps to the stage

Stage 2: Distribute the bitmaps to layers

Stage 3: Make the first bitmap a movie clip symbol and cut the other bitmaps' frames

Stage 4: Go into the symbol, create a new layer, and paste the frames.

Stage 5: Click and drag the other frames into one layer, one after the other.

I now have a single movie clip with all my bitmaps ordered one after the other in the timeline.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Blenting Two Bitmaps Together?

Oct 28, 2011

I have a Bitmap where I can draw on. After some seconds I want to let the drawing fade away and blend over to the original picture/bitmap. Can I do this with the blend mode by drawing the original bitmap on it? I tried something like this and of course it isn't right. Just copying the alpha channel if I get the documentation right.
dstBitmap = new Bitmap(dstBitmapData);
I want to put some percentage to the destination bitmap. So that after doing this some frames the original picture will be visible. As the user can interrupt this by start drawing again I want to use the BitmapData object dstBitmapData.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Add 3D Bitmaps To 2D Game

Oct 20, 2009

I wish to add some 3D bitmaps to my 2D game. Everything is currently drawn via copypixels into the only movieclip and that is rendered. Am I correct in that I need to create (for example) a sprite, add a bitmap to it, perform all my 3d transformations and then simply .draw the result into my bitmap? If so are there any simple examples of doing so, also what about camera, focal length, perspective etc. etc. Are they taken into account before the .draw?

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