ActionScript 3.0 :: HitTestObject - Test If "ball" Touches "line"

Dec 28, 2011

I have a MovieClip with the instance name ball and another one called line. I want to test if "ball" touches "line". I got a class called HitLine and the class Ball extends HitLine. So the code for the class Ball is just:


I tried this in the class HitLine but it doesnt work: Actionscript Code: // checks if ball hits lineif(this.hitTestObject(line)){doSomething();} my guess is that the "line" is wrong.. but how do I have to change this? My objects (line and ball) are already on the stage and there i gave them an instance name.
so I dont create them in the class... so my problem is: how do i use line as an object in the class...because i get an error that says: 1120: Access of undefined property line

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var NigeriaNumber:Number;
var stateName:String;
var year:String;


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Professional :: How To Use HitTestObject()

Apr 8, 2010

In my program,  the movieclips are randomly added on the stage,  If I want to check whether two movieclips from different classes is colllided.As far as all the moveclips are of the different classes which are randomly added on the stage in my program,for the use of hitTestObject(), I find that I need to have two movieclips identified so that the command will be:

maybe I may ask, before I add a mc on the stage "addChild(mc)",I will call a function to do the hitTestObject command "mc.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, hitTest)"so that I can call to be mc1, is that true or not?

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Actionscript 3 :: HitTestObject With Itself?

Jan 5, 2012

Im've created a timer that starts every 1 second. This is the code what's happening every 1 second.

var Random_Value_X:Number = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 1500);
var Random_Value_Y:Number = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 2000);
var enemy:MovieClip = new AI(stage);
enemy.x = Random_Value_X;
enemy.y = Random_Value_Y;

Ok. Then I got the class called AI where I've made it so the AI follows my player. The thing is, I need to make a hitTest that testes if an AI hitting another AI? Is there a way I can give every new AI a ID? Like the first gets called "AI1" and second AI2" and then I can make a code that says like If(AT1.hitTestObject(AT2 || AT3))

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I am trying to develop a basic game engine for a slime soccer style game where a player can move around and jump. I am still fairly new at AS3 but managed to put together this working bit of code that the game currently runs on:

var runSpeed:Number = 10;
var blueGoals:Number = 0;
var redGoals:Number = 0;


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stop();// walls or limits and their arrayvar walls:Array = new Array (wall1, wall2, wall3, wall4);for (var j:Number=0; j<walls.length; j++);
// circles in arrayvar myCircles:Array = new Array (ball_mc1, ball_mc2, ball_mc3,


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