ActionScript 3.0 :: Image Won't Reload After It's Removed?
Jun 14, 2010
I've got several images and when you scroll over each of them a window pops up with a slightly larger image of itself, and scroll off it removes itself, but when I scroll over it again it won't load the image.
function preview0(e:MouseEvent):void {
loader1 = new Loader();
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ActionScript Code:
var insert4:spin2MC = new spin2MC();
insert4.x = 490;
insert4.y = 380;
setChildIndex(insert4, 12);
This MC is communicating with other MC's on this frame. It is for example placing MC hitspider at the same x as itself on EnterFrame.
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ActionScript Code:
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var video:MCvideo;
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var mcRef;
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this.addChild(mc); = 'mc';
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import fl.containers.UILoader;
import caurina.transitions.*;
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