ActionScript 3.0 :: Know When User Exceeds Textfield?

Sep 23, 2009

i have an input textfield, this means the user writes something and the text appears on this textfield. the textfield is also multilined and uses wordwrap. It also has fixed size (or the size may vary, but no according to the text content). i want to know when the user writes text that does not appear anymore on the screen because it has exceeded the size of the text that can appear in the textfield.since it is multilined and there is a property that returns the total number of lines, i can know if the text is bigger than the text field if the number of text lines is higher than the number of lines on the screen, but then how do i retrieve this number? (i know there is a property in textfield or textformat that tells the height of a line, and i know the height of the textfield since i set it, but i guess this is the text height only, no spacing between lines, and i dont see any property for that).

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// Change color


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} else {

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import flash.text.Font;
import flash.text.TextFormat;
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[Code] .....

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IncludeInfoItems = function (bool) {
if (!bool) {
proof_txt._visible = true;
} else {
proof_txt._visible = false;

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ActionScript Code:
IncludeInfoItems = function (bool) {
if (!bool) {
if (check_amount_mc.text ==> 501) {
proof_txt._visible = true;
}} else {
proof_txt._visible = false;

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- -
- -

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- -

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<operator><name>OPerator1 </name></operator>


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove The Textfield And Replace It With A Fresh Textfield At A Later Time?

Jun 2, 2009

I'm using the following to remove a textFeild from the stage I then need to add this textField back to the stage at a later time....i tried using addChild the problem is the text that was in the text field prior to the removal is still in the textfield when i re add it......How do i remove the textfield and replace it with a fresh textfield at a later time?....using msgTa.text =""; is not an option.

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Professional :: Prevent A Textfield To Get Blurred, When Using The 3D Rotation Tool On A Textfield

Dec 12, 2010

I just recently started playing with cs5 and it's new features. I tried to rotate a textfield with the 3D rotation tool, but when you do this, the textfields gets blurry.And it seems like it's not a vector text anymore, because when you zoom in, it still is blurry.Is there a way to prevent that?

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Flash :: Textfield Embedded Font Only Adjusts According To Textfield Height?

Jun 14, 2011

i would just like to ask why is the case that when i use embedfonts = true on a textfield, the textfield's text only resizes according to the textfield's height but not the textfield's width. meaning if i make the textfield's height bigger, the text also gets bigger in terms of height, but not width, can't the embedded font maintain aspect ratio according to the textfield height?

I'm only wondering about this because this is not the case when embedfonts= false

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in as3 how do i get the text of a textfield to know when to line break according to the width of the textfield.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dispatch When Change Text In TextField Or Remove TextField?

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I have MovieClip with TextField in, how can I dispatch when change text in TextField or remove TextField or add something else.

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var s:String = sexul.text;
var p:String = femi.text;
(s == p)
sexulf.selected = true


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