ActionScript 3.0 :: Load SWF File Is MovieClip?

Feb 4, 2010

how i can load a SWF file in Area of my Environment ?i want load a exist swf file in one movieClip in other project.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Movieclip Swf File?

Sep 3, 2011

im having a problem..i,e. i need to load an external swf which is in as3...and need it to be played in my as2 swf layout. with a time slider ,play, pause ,next, previous for that swf movie clip. pls give ur mail id i can sent my original files.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Xml File To Empty Movieclip?

Mar 24, 2010

i want to load an image to empty movieclip using xml: i use this code: sample.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


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Nov 14, 2007

I'm trying to load an image found in a xml file into a movieclip but am not having much luck... I get this error (I changed the path to shorten):

Error opening URL 'file:///Cpathonmycomputer/myflashproject/undefined'

the code I'm using looks like:


var _imgme =_xml.firstChild.childNodes[_currSong].childNodes[3].firstChild.nodeValue;
imgholder.loadMovie(_imgme[_currSong], 1);

imgholder is the MC on the stage, _currSong is the current xml child being read.

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//will load "example.swf" into the current "sample_mc1" of the same swf file

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var Xpos:Number = 0;
var Ypos:Number = 0;
var swf:MovieClip;[code]...........

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IDE :: Load Mp3 From External Xml File And Make To Load Random?

Dec 24, 2009

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music = new Sound();
music.onSoundComplete = function() {


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I've got 12 MovieClips, which all have specific functions in the movie. Those MC's will appear and dissappear after a few seconds. But what I want is, that those MC's have to appear at random .If all 12 MC's have appeared, the appearance has to be stopped. So for example MovieClip number 4 has to appear just once. So 12 MC's will appear, but everytime when the movie starts, the appearance has an other sequence.What is written above I want to place in an other MC. So there is one MC which 'load' 12 MC's within it

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I'd like to load text into my Flash movie to allow a simple 'Noticeboard' inside the flash movie. I've got it working with loadVariablesNum no probs. The trouble is I load the noticeboard into another movieclip. When this happens the text doesnt load even if I declare the variables, do _root etc.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scaleform Workaround - Create File That Could Dynamically Load File?

Jan 18, 2011

Having got into flash about a year ago, I have a fairly good understanding of as3, but I have never had any reason to learn as2. For an upcoming project, we were looking to use Scaleform GFx, with the UDK. (Unreal Development Kit) Trouble is, Scaleform only supports as2. From what I've been told, as3 is supposed to be better in just about every way, so I really don't want to learn a language that?s most likely on the way out, if I have any other options.

Is there any converters out there, that can convert script from as3 to as2? Or another workaround possibility, since flash communicates with the UDK by means of just calling a function, could I create an as2 file that could dynamically load an as3 file?

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Jan 14, 2004

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Load An External .swf File Into A Precise Location On The Stage Of Existing Flash File

Nov 20, 2009

All I'm trying to do is load an external .swf file into a precise location on the stage of my existing Flash file. I've spent an hour and a half on this site search and found nothing. What do I add to my loadMovie command to place the file at specific x,y coordinates?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load The External Swf File And Unload The Parent Swf File?

Aug 17, 2011

i have a question. let say i have file1.swf , file2.swf, and file3.swf, how can i link this 3 files together,let say suppose file1.swf is the main content file, but as i load file2.swf, i want the file1.swf get replaced by file2.swf. How could i unload file1.swf at that time, so that my file2.swf will become the main content file?and again, when my current position at file2.swf, and i want it get replaced by file3.swf by clink on a button. so that the i can unload the file2.swf and let the file3.swf become the main content file.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load A .swf File Into A Flash File At A Fixed Size?

Dec 13, 2010

I would like to run a .swf file into an existing flash file, but the dimension size of the .swf file is too big. I am a beginner to flash and not sure of the steps to execute this. Would anyone be willing to walk me through the steps to import the code?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Playing Flv File And After That Load External Swf File

Apr 7, 2009

i have a button that when it is pressed plays and loads an external flv file. this part works fine but directly after the flv video is finnished i want to load in an swf file. does some one have an idea how to do this? first show flv and then load swf?
this is the code as it looks now..


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