ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Pics And Making Them Buttonable?

Oct 8, 2009

I have 12 pictures I need to load and then make accessible as buttons or - when the user presses on the picture it initializes a function.

What is the best way to do this? I went the loading a picture through URLRequest and URLLoader route but I need to load 12, place them on the stage, make them move upon NextBnt press and and then when the user selects the picture., the view goes to another screen. does that make sense?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making Array From Pics In Folder?

Jan 27, 2009

I am trying to make gallery of images located on server(local folder currently). I put pics in loader or grid. But I wouldlike to make action script which with on button click will takepics names as array from this folder and will great gallery. Thisfolder will be updated very often.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Array Of Pics

Jul 2, 2009

I am trying to develop a way to load and unload pictures and zoom in to them in a dynamically way. This is done with the idea to save space in memory for further use. I was helped by Dawsonk a while ago and we came to this code:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading XML Pics And Text?

Apr 15, 2010

I am loading XML file with images and text. I am resizing the pictures so I have to add an additional loader just to do that. By the time the images load, they are in different order than the XML file (cause it took time to load), which means it also throws my text off. Prior to loading, I place all the text of the images in an array. But when the images load, the array no longer matches the images loaded because they loaded randomly, rather than in order.

picData = new XML(;
my_images = picData.image;
image_text = picData.image.@name;


This loads all of the pictures fine, but again I can't make the picture match the text because the text array has no idea what image is being loaded first.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Pics Into External Movies

Jun 4, 2003

I have a Main Movie with four buttons {about us, services, portfolio, contact}. When you click on Portfolio the Portfolio movie is loaded into the main movie to an instance called "load". This Portfolio movie has four buttons in it the first one being "print", now when I click on this link it loads another movie with the "print slideshow" in it.

In this slideshow there are thumbnail images which when pressed opens up another movie showing a bigger image which works fine. But what I would like to do instead of having separate movies for each thumbnail is to have just the one and load in the picture and any copy into a target depending on which one is pressed. I have tried doing this with this script, but it doesn't work (I've only tried loading the pic up to now)

on (press) {
loadMovie("print/view_file.swf", _root.view);
setProperty(_root.view, _x, "445");
setProperty(_root.view, _y, "25");

That part works OK, but it is replacing the slideshow movie. I've deleted the next part of the script and it no longer replaces the slideshow, so I think that is where my problem is, but I'm still not sure why

loadMovie("print/mdc-large.jpg", _root.view.pic);
setProperty(_root.view.pic, _x, "445");
setProperty(_root.view.pic, _y, "25");
This part isn't loading the pic at all. I know I've made it a bit difficult for myself by doing it all in separate movies, but I only want to load what is necessary depending on where people are browsing.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: 'undefined' In Txt Area And Picture Slider Only Loading Some Pics

May 21, 2009

I made a website that does it alright on the internet on my PC, and I haven't heard any complaints from my client either, but a few hours ago I visited a friend and on his PC the website didn't work exactly as it should. So I wanted to ask all who reads this, to please have a look at this and tell me if you have the same problem or not.

The website is here

When you're on the opening page you have to press the 1st button under the pics (the word = the link), then a centered flash pop-up appears with in the upper banner the buttons of the 4 different pages. In the Arabic "gate" there should always be a text scroller.

The problems were the following:

- - On some of the pages the text scroller didn't appear, or the scroller appeared but where the text should have been there was the word 'undefined'

- - On the "wat" page, there should be a horizontal picture slider behind that Arabic gate. On the PC of my friend only a few pictures appeared, making the gaps between the pics that were shown gigantic and with variable sizes (normally, with all the pics shown, the spaces between the pics are all the same width)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Loaded Image Buttonable?

Oct 14, 2009

I did the following tutorial to load a bunch of images to the screen at once[url]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Imported PNG Pics From PS

Sep 24, 2011

I am new to flash CS5 and I am having a problem creating a character with multiple parts.My problem is. I created the character parts in PS: CS5 and save it individually as PNG with transparent background, but when I Imported it to Flash CS5 and applied a bone on it and test the bone. The image is messed up and as I realize that the individual png transparent image has a background.That's why the imae pic is distorted, messed up.I know it's hard to imagine so I post a pic.As what I have said. It is only an example screen cap of the problem.When I apply a bone and test that is the result.I am unable to draw in Flash cause it's different from PS which where I draw the chars, parts, and everything.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Properly Loading XML And Making For Loop

May 21, 2009

I'm loading XML, but I'm having trouble making a for loop so that I can output into text fields my xml info. I use this to load and put into the output window. Eventually I will put it into a text field. What I want really to do is for flash to output a list. This is what I want it to look like.

PHP Code:
var newsXML:XML = new XML();
newsXML.ignoreWhite = true;
var output:String = "";
newsXML.onLoad = function(success) {
if (success) {
var news:Array = newsXML.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes;
[Code] .....

If you look at this XML you will see that there are many different Tournaments. What I want is to have them all in a list. I also want to have scrolling bar.

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Professional :: Making And Loading Variable Classes

Feb 13, 2012

AS3 says you need to load variables into a class?my variables look like this... (the whole point of playing around with variables was that if I had to make a change I could access one place and change them but now I realse that I can't access or call them outside the movie clip they are in.[code] The Wholesale price. A wholesaler is usually a big shed where goods are stored.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making FLVplayback Stop Loading An FLV?

Sep 8, 2006

This problem is driving us crazy. The idea is simple. We have one instance of the FLVplayback component on stage as well as a playlist of videos. When we click a video in the playlist the FLVplayback instance starts the progressive download and plays the video.However, when we click a new item in the playlist, the FLVplayback instance won't start playing this file until it has completed loading the previous file. Stopping playback makes no difference.Is there a way to stop the FLVplayback instance from playing AND downloading so it is instantly ready to start loading and playing a new oneOf course removing the instance and attaching it again is an option, but that screws up the functionality of the player's controls and really feels like a hack that we shouldn't have to use.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Changing Pics In Movieclips?

Mar 29, 2009

I have set up an animation that displays icons on agrid. Right now everything is working ok.I have an array of 4movieclips that are randomly selected to display on the screen.Each has a timeline that brings it from alpha 0 - 100. So far, soood.Now I have to add the remaining 200 icons. Now of course Icould make 200 more movieclips and add them all to the array butthere must be a better way, right?I thought I could just have just one movieclip and switch thepic out from an external xml list. But if I import them they won'twork with the alpha transition because they aren't movieclips,right?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unload Pics From Gallery?

Nov 11, 2010

ActionScript Code:
import flash.filters.GlowFilter;
import flash.filters.DropShadowFilter;


There are 3 pics each in FASHION SPORTS and BEAUTY catergory and 10 and 5 in ENTERTAINMENT and COVERS respectively. All is ok but when i click on FASHION or other categories having less pics the pics from the earlier categories ( e.g. ENTERTAINMENT ) wont leave the stage. Also the unLoadGallery() function is giving an error message that ' This code is making flash to run slower. Would you like to stop this script?'.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Xml To Insert Pics Into Holders?

Apr 3, 2011

I want to show images in holder1_mc holder2_mc and holder3_mc holders in my fla I would like to use XML but just inserting jpgs would do.
I tried using a variation on lee brimelows xml but get "Scene 1, Layer 'Actions', Frame 1, Line 1 1152: A conflict exists with inherited definition flash.displayisplayObject.x in namespace public.If i just Use jpgs how do I get this effect :

Code: Select allvar my_loader1:Loader = new Loader();
my_loader1.load(new URLRequest("myPhoto0.jpg"));


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading External Assets - Making Them Reusable

Aug 13, 2008

I've been using a fairly un-dynamic approach in AS3 as until now when it comes to loading assets, but now I'll be trying to adapting a current project to fit other clients with different needs which means I'll have to grab the bull by the horns. I have an XML with a list of images that will be used, which is reused multiple times in each project. So I'm wondering if there's a way to load an image using the loader-class, and making it reusable? Being able to attach said asset later to a placeholder inside a movieclip I have stored in the library would be ideal.

I managed to load it into a movieclip but duplicating it from there on was a bit of a headache, using an approach similar to this would be great(but I have personally no idea of how to implement it): [URL] Here's the current code I'm using, in case it helps understanding what I'm after(it's most likely really ugly compared to what you SHOULD be doing in as3):


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CS3 : Flash Gallery To Pull Pics From Folder?

Oct 8, 2009

I downloaded a flash spread gallery [URL]which uses a xml file to designate the pics to be used. It is very cool but it is kind of a pain as I have to manually type each pic name in the xml file. Is there a way that I can modify either the xml or the fla to just pull the pics from a folder? Maybe two folders one for the pics and one for the thumbs?

I would like to just dump a bunch of pics in a folder and their thumbs in another and have it automatically just post them.Attached is the fla and the xml (and a .js file)

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Displays Pics With Discription Next And Back Button?

Jun 2, 2009

Im working with two apps trying to combine them into one. i have a xml as3 app that displays pics with discription next and back button. Then i have a dynamic horizontal scroller nav that displays thumbs and scrolls based on mouse position this too works ecept loading the thumbs. What i want happen is to combine them in one app where the nav would float under the xml pics and once you click on a thumb from the nav it pushes it in the xml loader file..

Im getting stuck at loading the thumbs in the nav...the xml file already calls all the nessary thumbs i have them pushed in its own array this array is availble on root or main timeline...i need to point the the nav loader (which has its own timeline)to pull from that array.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Slideshow Has Pics And Texts Out Of Sync

Dec 17, 2010

just starting AS and tried making a slide show for sponsors of our sports site. Basically it reads an XML file that contains the sponsors logos and blurbs loads them into MCs and slides them rotating. The XML has 14 entries that are like ...


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Call More Than 9 Pics Messes Up My Slideshow?

Mar 7, 2010

I'm dynamically calling pics in from another folder on my site for a slideshow. And it works up to pic #9. But any number over 9 and it wigs out. The naming convention I'm using is panel1, panel2, panel3, etc. Is there a trick? Do I need to use panel01, etc? If so, would that then be panel010 for #10?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Gallery Not Wanting To Load More Than 17 Pics

May 24, 2004

i have just posted an online photo gallery and its the kind that resizes to fit whatever photo you tell it to load. you can see it at anycase, my problem, is that for some reason when you try to load pics 018 - 030 they refuse to load, and i can't figure out why? URL...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Pics At Different Rate That The Master One?

Aug 28, 2006

let say that I wanna make a new SWF and I want the transitions between 3 pics or whatever pics I want .. at 20 frames ..... Im loading this into the master movie so when I loaded my transitions it run at 40 frames not at 20 as I speceified in the properities .?or maybe I was thinking in doing something like for example each 10 seconds change to next pic and so on ? can you do something like that ? maybe with set interval ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scroll Banner With Long Pics?

Oct 5, 2006

Im making a picture scroller that has no interaction whatsoever just plays on its own. I have 4 images that are 800x100 each and have combined them into one movieclip. However i have a problem! Do to the size i dont want to have a huge timeline for this thing. Im fairly new to actionscripting and i know this would be an easy fix if i could code it. It needs to be seemeless so it continuously shows these 4 pics. Here is one of the images for reference.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Building Photoviewer With Xml Loaded Pics

Jun 3, 2009

I building a photoviewer with xml loaded problem right now is that i should building the back button, but i dont know how [code]it should read, if back-button was clicked it should play frame 50, if not it should play frame 31.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Xml Photo Gallery - Display Pics Next To Each Other

Aug 28, 2009

I'm trying with the XML photo gallery presented in the [URL] tutorial. This is set up to display 1 picture at a time , but what if I want to display 2 pics next to each other, like in a table stucture with 1 row divided into 2 columns? How do I set up the XML to do something like that?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Pics With XML And Add Separate URL Address

Apr 4, 2010

In my project I need to dynamically load (with an XML file) images (icons) into a flash cs3 file with as3. Every icon needs to have it's own URL. So far I succeeded in loading the icons into the file and adding the imageLoader an external link, but I can't seem to be able to figure out how to load every image into its own loader so that I can give
it separate url references. I also want to a hover effect on the images.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Gallery Not Wanting To Load More Than 17 Pics?

May 24, 2004

i have just posted an online photo gallery and its the kind that resizes to fit whatever photo you tell it to load. you can see it at :in anycase, my problem, is that for some reason when you try to load pics 018 - 030 they refuse to load, and i can't figure out why?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change The Location That The Pics Are Called From?

Jul 18, 2004

How does one change the location that the pics are called from?

The xml path was easy for me because there is a path type that I'm familiar with -- gallery_xml.load("whateverHERE/gallery.xml");-- but I just can't see where to put the path to pics. I saw a path built into the xml file example I used -- <gallery path="whateverHERE/"> -- but that doesn't seem to effect anything. As it stands, the code below requires the pic's to be in the same folder as the .swf.

spacing = 10;
bar._visible = false;
containerMC._alpha = 0;
var pArray = new Array();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Swfs And Making Calls Back To Parent SWF?

May 9, 2009

I'm trying to understand how to make referrences from one movie clip to another where one has "loaded" the other. I'm not seeing how to relate the two.keep in mind that I've just gotten comfortable with spittin things up and loading them from external swfs, etc.Lets say that I have a main.swf with a set of 3 buttons(self managed MovieClips actually) that each dynamically load 3 swfs with individual content The first of these sub movie clips(e.g. web.swff) has a set off say 3 thumbnails.  I want to be able to have these thumbnails invoke the actions of the 3 buttons up in the main calling movie but I am not clear how to go about calling these functions when they are not in the same scope as the main move. I keep thinking that if I had these thumbnails in a clip within my main.but I still hit this same issue of making a correct reference.This is just a current example. If there is a simpler or better way to explain this kind of communication feel frer to ignore this example or tell me to just go read a tutorial somewhere

// snippet from main.flafunction click_web( e ) {  var chl_mc:MovieClip = my_lc.add_content("web.swf");}
function click_motion( e ) {  my_lc.add_content("motion.swf");}


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ActionScript 3 :: Loading Images By Making URLRequest To Local Folder?

Jul 8, 2010

I want to make an application that loads some images with a Loader by making URLRequests to a local folder. Can I build the application and include somehow this folder so when I send it from a server to a client the URLRequests operate normally on clients side? Also if this is possible, the folder may be not viewable/accessible by the client but only from the Flash application that comes with it? So for example, this piece of code that runs nicely, locally, to my machine, if i send it to a client will continue to run to its machine. Can somehow send the folder and the SWF as one object?

private function clothesOn( outfit:String ) {
var clothier:Loader = new Loader();
var item:String = "clothes/" + outfit + ".gif";
var getItem:URLRequest = new URLRequest( item );
clothier.load( getItem );
this.addChild( clothier );

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making A Loading Movie Clip While Data Are Being Loaded?

Feb 2, 2011

i want to ask if i want to make a mc loader to make the user see that the data I am getting from the database is still loading. I was using these commandsvIn.getBytesLoaded()lvIn.getBytesTotal()but I do not know where i exactly put these two commands with some formulas or what other function i am missing. Because when i put it in the function(success) part, it gives an equal value which is the total bytes loaded. I am working currently with 900+ items (will be increased after some time ) which gives around 4-5 seconds delay before all data is loaded, so i want to make a loading movie clip so that the user will know that the data is still loading.flash communicates with a php file on the server. php file communicates with mssql servermssql goes back to phpthen php to flashhere is a sample of my script (some parts where already removed to make script smaller)

lvOut = new LoadVars();
lvIn = new LoadVars();
lvIn.onLoad = function (su


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