ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Rollover Button With Dynamic Text On Top?

Mar 1, 2009

Whenever I am trying to do, the button rollover work, and put the dynamic text on top of it. The area outside the text is reacting to the rollover, but when I rollover on the text, I lost the rollover effect of the button under.The only way I have found to work around this, is to create another mc, invisible, on top and covering the button and create a script to activate the button rollover effect under... but is it the only way?

I don't have to do all this with static text, but the font react bad with rollovers or some other effects.

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Creating Reusable Rollover Button With Dynamic Text?

Mar 14, 2011

I'm trying to create reusable rollover button states with dynamic/changing text - any cleaver workaround for that?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: On Button Rollover Dynamic Text And Movieclip Appear

Sep 25, 2010

I've got an issue - When one of my buttons is rolled over, I want text and a movieclip to appear. When the button is no longer rolled over, I want the text and movieclip to disappear. The way that I was going to do this was to have anchor_mc as an anchor, and upon rollover have the movieclip play from inside the anchor (as its at the exact X & Y that its needed at) and dynamic text appear.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash On Button Rollover Dynamic Text And Movieclip Appear?

Sep 25, 2010

When one of my buttons is rolled over, I want text and a movieclip to appear. When the button is no longer rolled over, I want the text and movieclip to disappear.The way that I was going to do this was to have anchor_mc as an anchor, and upon rollover have the movieclip play from inside the anchor (as its at the exact X & Y that its needed at) and dynamic text appear.

1) Is there an alternative way of doing the below, to avoid so many listeners?

2) Can the below functions be merged into one?I've tried merging them into one using IF statements, for example:

if( == line1)
line_output.text = "This is a test made by the MonkeyTest that has previously messed up
And testing a new line";

However this does not work, and gives an error.

3) I had to get the background to display by moving to the next frame. I could not work out how to get the textbox to appear at a specific XY, or how to get the textbox to disappear after a rollover. Is there a better way to do this, or is what I'm doing acceptable? (NOTE: Textbox is a Movieclip)

AS3 code is attached below.



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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Dynamic Text Rollover?

Oct 29, 2010

I have a scrolling dynamic text box, in which i have alot of information. I am trying to create a rollover effect for just a couple of words within this.

eg. Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Link Bla Bla Bla Link Bla Bla Bla

I know how to create button rollovers but that seems a bit tedious if im going to constantly change the content and links.I have added links that work and have colored them to show users they are links but id like a simple rollOver color change to occur when the user navigates over them. I have seen this done in many flash sites and have been searching for days without any luck.

Do i need to call external CSS or an xml/txt file to do this as there is no option to add actionscripting to selected text within the box.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Images Accurately - Dynamic Button Rollover

May 4, 2006

As a test, I'm loading images (or references to images, more accurately) from an external XML file into Flash, each image representing where a thumbnail might appear in a portfolio, for example. I can get that to work fine. I have a couple of problems with the way the images appear, though. For one thing, when the 95 px X 95 px images are brought into the dynamically created 100 px X 100 px movieclips I have set for them, the JPGs stretch to fit... is this because I'm using the loadMovie method? The main difficulty I have, though, is my inability to get these individual movieclips containing JPG images to exhibit rollover and rollout behavior dynamically... without disturbing the image contained within.

Here's the code I have right now; my lame attempt at a dynamic rollover behavior is the for.. loop at the bottom, which is non-functional, by the way.
function loadXML(loaded) {
if (loaded) {
//according to "content2.xml," this would set the parser at "<projects>".
xmlNode = this.firstChild;
var thumbs:Array = new Array;
var description:Array = new Array;
[Code] .....

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IDE :: Rollover Menu Buttons - Rollover A Button That The Whole Button Image Enlarges And Moves In Front Of The Other?

Mar 26, 2010

I'm currently working on a flashsite and are trying to figure out rollover menu buttons. The site has 6 menu buttons and are placed next to each other. I want to put a rollover action on the buttons, that when you rollover a button that the whole button image enlarges and moves in front of the other.

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Text Appear On Rollover Of Button?

Mar 4, 2010

I am creating a photography website, and I wanted to have captions below my photographs appear on the rollover of an info button, and disappear when its off. How do I do that? Also, I used an image array to load the images, and there are 18 images in the gallery, when there is a new image the caption has to change....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: GotoURL - Make A Button With Rollover/roll-out Effects ?

Sep 2, 2006

I used a little script from this website to make a button with rollover/roll-out effects (http:url..). In the end of the script, it says:

this.onRelease = function(){

Now I want the button not to follow an external link, but to go to a specific frame number further in my movie.But I can't get it (not with an extra normal button,not with gotoAndPlay (52) etc.).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Make Button RollOver / RollOut To Target MovieClip

May 24, 2003

Just started using MX and learning ActionScript. How to make a button rollover/rollout target another movieclip using AS. (Before I was just putting an instance of my _mc on the OVER frame of the button. The problem is, whe I went to the AS menu, I couldn't find tellTarget anywhere. Later I found out its depreciated since v.5. What can I use in MX to substitute for this wonderful function???

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make The Rollover Of A Button To Do Not Change The Mouse To The Hand?

Mar 1, 2007

how can I make the rollover of a button to do not change the mouse to the hand, keeping the arrow?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Text Tween To A Different Color Upon Rollover?

Jun 9, 2009

I wanted to make my My text tween to a different color upon rollover.  I *think* i understand the code I should use to do this, but I'm stuck on what to call the class...  I was going to set it up like this...
var Bcolor:Tween = new Tween(b_logo, "???", Strong.easeOut, ?, ?, ?, true);
So as you can see I'm not sure what i would put in the quotes to affect color, or what values I would use?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Text Field To Be Invisible On Rollover And When Move Mouse Off It

Sep 28, 2010

Basically I need a dynamic text field to be invisible on rollover and when you move your mouse off it, it becomes visible again. I have it working (see code below) however when the cursor is over the field and the cursor moves slightly over the area (still keeping it invisible) the cursor flickers between the normal arrow pointer and the text cursor. Is there a way I can stop this? Is there a better way to do this rollover that would prevent it?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing Info In Array To Dynamic Text Field On Rollover?

Aug 20, 2007

I am trying to pass information to a many dynamic text fields when rolling over various movieclips that are generated using a loop. I have tried everything I know but can not get pahting to work prpoerly. The rollover works in that the curser changes by does not execute the lines of code within the in line function.(see red, bolded text (towards bottom) for problem). the Attached zipped swf is what it looks like as is.

//how many floors are there in the building?
var floors:Number = 25;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scrolling Dynamic Text - Change Links Color On Rollover

Dec 5, 2011

I have a scrolling dynamic text box that has a list of links in it. They all have a different link added for each line in the list but I have been asked to make them change colour on rollover. Normally I would just create a button and rollover but I can't as the text is scrolling. Is there a way of adding AS2 or even css that means I can make each link change colour on RollOver?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make All Button Component Instances Trigger RollOver Sound?

Dec 18, 2008

I am using the Button component (the one shipped with CS3) inmany places in my AS3 project. I am coding in .as files, not on thetimeline.I have skinned the Button to use the colors I like. Now Iwish to "skin" it so that all instances generate a rollOver sound,and I'll be darned if I can figure out how.I know I can listen for ROLL_OVER events in each Buttoninstance. But I have many many Buttons and it seems kludgy to addthat same code to every class I have which tracks a Button. I amhoping there is some way I can make *all* instances of Buttonrespond to rollOver the same way. I am hoping it is likesetComponentStyle or changing the skin for the Button; I can do itin one place and it works everywhere.I guess I can listen on the Stage level for bubble-ups ofROLL_OVER, trap those that come from Button instances, and handleit from there, but stagewide listeners also seem a tad kludgy

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Professional :: Make The Button Rollover State Exist On The Highest Layer?

Apr 29, 2008

I'm making an interactive map of the U.S. The layer with the outlines of the U.S. states sits on top. It has to sit on top because otherwise the outlines don't show up above the color fills for each state. I want a popup balloon to appear when you roll over each U.S. state. However, when I turn a state, say, New York, into a button, the button layer sits below the outline layer. So when I create the popup box for the button's rollover state, the popup box is *under* the US state outlines. How can I make the button rollover state exist on the highest layer?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make The Clicked Button Stay On The Rollover State In The Movie

Feb 1, 2006

i am working on a flash project i want to make the clicked button stay on the rollover state in the movie

see the fla file, i am using flash 8 pro

i was thinking to make frame by frame but i have many many buttons

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ActionScript 2.0 :: RollOver Button To Get Text From MovieClip On Stage

May 10, 2006

On my stage, I have a movieclip, in the movieclip (movieclip A), I have a dynamic text box and {another movieclip with buttons in it} (movieclip B). How do I rollover a button in movieclip B so that the dynamic text box in movieclip A will show a word. For example, I rollover the 'News' button and the text box will show the word 'news' I have tried
_root.(variable name) = "News"
But it does not work...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rollover A Button And Have It Trigger The Rollover State Of Another Button

Jun 21, 2010

I want to rollover a button and have it trigger the rollover state of another button. The buttons overlap. The one on top is transparent and smaller than the bottom button. So far I think I have the AS3 to handle the rollover of the top button, but I don't know how to trigger the other button's rollover state.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Text On Scripted Button Does Not Shows On Rollover On Release?

Jun 24, 2004

I've got this following scripts to create button through action script. However during onrollover/onrelease, the text (button name) is dissapear.Here's the code:

depth = 1;
mouse_over_colour = 0xCCCCCC;
mouse_clicked_colour = 0x666666;[code]....

View 7 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Text On Scripted Button Does Not Shows On Rollover An On Release

Jun 24, 2004

I've got this following scripts to create button through action script. However during onrollover/onrelease, the text (button name) is dissapear.

depth = 1;
mouse_over_colour = 0xCCCCCC;
mouse_clicked_colour = 0x666666;
area_width = 200;


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Duplicating Button Inside The Mc Text That Added That Animates On Mouse Rollover

Apr 17, 2009

I create a button(MC) and want to duplicate it and easily change the text inside this button... basically I have an mc that acts as a button so inside the mc I have text that I added that animates on mouse rollover. Now I duplicate this mc in the library go into the mc and want to change the text, and when I do, the text in the original button also changes. This happens because the text is a Tween so it's using the same tween from the library for the new button. Is there a quick way to avoid this? I don't see anyway other than typing in the text again in the new button and animating it again.

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IDE :: RollOver Command Error Mouse Events Are Permitted Only For Button Instances On (rollOver)

Jul 26, 2009

I'm using actionscript 1.0 and 2.0 on flash Pro 8 and keep getting an error when I test the movie. Here is the error:


I've tried to create this rollover navigation...starting over 6 times already. Is there different language / coding for 1.0 and 2.0? I don't understand what I'm doing wrong.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text In Button Nested In Dynamic Movie Clip?

Jan 23, 2010

I've made a flash movie which will load four movie clips at runtime. Actually, the number of movie clips will depend upon number of "NODE" in XML file. Keeping XML file thing aside, I've tried hardcoded values; 4. Let me describe you the structure very well:

There is a main empty movie clip, instance name "mc_scroll" which will be only item on stage. In this movie clip, another movie clip whose identifier name is "blueMovie" will be loaded dynamically. Inside this "blueMovie" MC, there is a button instance name is "blueButton" and inside this button there is a "Dynamic Text" field instance name is "btn_text".

Phewww.. so long chain... inshort:

Now, I can load 4 or any number of "blueMovie" inside "mc_scroll". But I also want to set the button text for each button inside each MC!! I'm sure you guys are getting what I want to do. But its not working. Below is the code:

for(i=0; i<4; i++)


how to assign the text dynamically which is inside a button and this button inside a MC which is created dynamically inside a main MC!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash 8 / CS3 - Make The Scroller Refresh To Allow For New Text In The Dynamic Text Area

May 29, 2007

I'm using the dynamic text scroller from [URL] found at [URL] Here's a link to my zipped files too... [URL]

1) I can't figure out how to have URL links in the text that loads.

2) How can I make the scroller refresh to allow for new text in the dynamic text area. The content changes alright, but the scroller stays in the same position and if it wasn't needed initially, the scroller disappears and doesn't return on new text.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Dynamic Text Field That Can Edit Via Text File?

Nov 9, 2003

I know this is a tutorial on this site but I'm having trouble finding it, and its been a while so I can't remember exactly how to do it. I just need to make a dynamic text field that you can edit via text file.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Line Breaks When Load Text Into A Dynamic Text Box?

May 11, 2003

Is there any way to make line breaks when you load text into a dynamic text box, other than using html? And if not, could someone give me an example of how to do it using html?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Dynamic Text Field That Can Edit Via Text File

Nov 9, 2003

I know this is a tutorial on this site but I'm having trouble finding it, and its been a while so I can't remember exactly how to do it. I just need to make a dynamic text field that you can edit via text file.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Animation/rollover Stops When Rollover Another Button?

Jul 28, 2004

The animation/rollover works well but it still abruptly stops when I rollover another button. The link below is an example on what I want to accomplish.

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