ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Movie Work / Using Empty Stage & File?

Oct 31, 2009

I've selected the check box export for Action Script in the symbols library. Here is my current code:


how to put together these two pieces of code (using copy & paste) with my existing code? I am thinking the stage should be empty. And all I should have are items in my library. Than in the folder where the SWF lives is a file saved as .AS

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menumc=menucontainer.attachMovie("menuButton","but ton_mc"+i,i); = i;[code]....

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<gallery name="life">[code]...

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on (release) {
fscommand ("exec", "manual1.bat");

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if (_root.currMovie == undefined) {
_root.currMovie = "section1";[code]....

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XML file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
[Code] .....

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Feb 23, 2011

I have a SWF file in my Dreamweaver site, that plays correctly. The problem is that the stage is white and we would like it to be transparent. Searching the archives the following advice was given:
in your html embedding code you need to set the wmode parameter to be "transparent" I'm wondering if this is the code in Dreamweaver or is this done in Flash. I'm working with CS5. Below is the code that matches the SWF file in Dreamweaver. I did change the wmode value from "opaque" to "transparent" and it didn't work.


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Make Movie Clip Play On The Over Stage As A Button?

Dec 23, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Kitupa Random - Motion Tutorial - Where To Place Timeline To Make The Movie Clips Work

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* Do the have to be named a certain Way ?
* Do they have to have some code ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Movie Clips Appear Randomly Above Stage And Play?

Jan 12, 2012

I'm trying to make a short clip = a website introduction - where feathers fall from above the stage eventually covering it completely. I've created movie clip with the animation (motion via motion tweens) - and what I'd like is for multiple instances of the Movie Clip to appear above the stage, then the Movie Clip to play, hence feathers falling randomly.I'd also like to put a time delay on the appearing of each new instance (ideally random) so that when the movie clip plays the falling feathers aren't perfectly synchronised (which they would be were all the instances to appear at the same time).I've tried playing with the scripts suggested in this thread with limited success: showthread.php3?t=259911(Also, I'd ideally like to change the tint on each movie clip (to a limited set of colours) instance to vary the colour of the feathers, but that's maybe a complication too far for the moment!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Movie Clip Same Width And Height Of Stage Using It?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Checkbox - Load A Movie Into An Empty Movie Clip?

Jun 24, 2008

What I'd like to do is have a checkbox, that when it is checked it loads a movie into an empty movie clip, and when it is unchecked, it loads a different movie into the empty movie clip.Also if possible I'd like to find a way to output to a variable whether the same checkbox is checked or not. And send the info from the variable in an email.

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Professional :: First Frame Or Empty Stage In Preview?

Jun 30, 2011

I made nine frames with different jpeg images (on three Layers, which suit to different day's timespans), then I added actionscript. It gets date from system clock, according to hour - chooses timespan (morning or evening, midday or night) and display one of three frames for this time (randomly). But, when I test the project in preview (ctrl+enter) I have still first frame or empty Stage without any images. It works properly when click on Play in context menu.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating Empty MC And Fill Stage With Box

Mar 2, 2007

I'm writing a very simple AS2 class, that only should create an empty movieClip and fill the stage with a box drawn with the lineTo property. But for some reason, Stage.height always returns a number that is exactly 100px less than the actual stage height.

class centre {
public function centre() {
trace("width: " + Stage.width);
trace("height: " + Stage.height);
[Code] .....

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Professional :: Make A Movie Clip Go Back To The Main Stage Once It Is Clicked

Mar 31, 2011

How do i make a movie clip go back to the main stage once it is clicked.. it has a roll in and out which is inside the movie clip.. i have a door and i want it so when you click the door it goes to another key frame on the main stage

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting A Movie To Load In An Empty Movie Clip?

Oct 17, 2005

trouble getting a movie to load in an empty movie clip. I am hoping I'm missing something simple.I have a button with the instance name SPS_btn on a layer I've called buttons.Below the button layer i've got a layer called movie clips that contains an emptymovie clip called mainStage_mc.I want to load a .swf into into mainStage_mc. both the buttons and their actions occur on the first frame.I have used this code but it not working.

on (release) {loadMovie (new002.swf, mainStage_mc);

I just get a blue area but the movie does not load. I can run the movie fun locally by clicking on new002.swf file.i also tried the behaviors panel, which produces this code but it also doesn't work:

on (release) {loadMovie ("new002.swf",mainStage_mc);
//load Movie Behavior
if(this.mainStage_mc == Number(this.mainStage_mc)){[code]........

for some reason it will load if i use loadMovieNum () but the registration point is in the top right corner and i don't want that.What's the best way to debug this?When i use test movie the output window dosen't show an error but something's can I test if is a path problem? A problem with the loaded movie or a problem with something else? the movie new002.swf is 393KB. I tired making a smaller 2kbmovie using the code above and it wouldn't load either.

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Flex :: Possible To Record The Stage To A Movie File?

Jan 27, 2011

I have a multiuser flex application. The application includes voice chat from a streaming server as well as various other dynamic interactions.I was wondering if it is possible to capture the Experience in the context of a particular user and write it out to a video file for offline playback / sharing / etc... Something similar to Recording a stream from a Camera object, but only the Stage is the input device... I can't think of any way to do this, so I'm putting it out there for the smart people.

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Actionscript 3 :: Make The Actual Stage Dynamic To The Content Loaded In The Flash File?

Nov 9, 2011

I was wondering if there is a way to make the actual stage dynamic to the content loaded in the flash file.

Firstly the method I am using is importing a external swf to the stage into a container called container. The main stage, lets call it index, is still on default size, and I want this to expand dynamically as content is loaded in. page1 may be 900px width, page2 may be 500px width, and as I load the content the index stage should expand the width to that of the page loaded. Some steps I have tried but did not work.

if page1 button is pressed stage.stageHeight = 900; - not working (how do I set stage size in as3)made a movieclip in page 1 spanning the page size and called it p1_stage so I can reference the data from there. trace(container.p1_stage.height); gives this error: TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties. at index_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()

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