Professional :: First Frame Or Empty Stage In Preview?

Jun 30, 2011

I made nine frames with different jpeg images (on three Layers, which suit to different day's timespans), then I added actionscript. It gets date from system clock, according to hour - chooses timespan (morning or evening, midday or night) and display one of three frames for this time (randomly). But, when I test the project in preview (ctrl+enter) I have still first frame or empty Stage without any images. It works properly when click on Play in context menu.

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hh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_MouseClickHandler);
function fl_MouseClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void{    gotoAndStop(2);}
i tried (root).gotoAndStop(2); but i got an error , #1061 ..

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class centre {
public function centre() {
trace("width: " + Stage.width);
trace("height: " + Stage.height);
[Code] .....

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May 3, 2010

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When I'm in flash should I be going to
File Publish or
File Export SWF
To be placed in a website.

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May 5, 2010

I don't really use Flash, but was just trying to put up a little video demo online.

Just dragged the video onto the canvas, published it as an .swf, but when I upload it all and visit the web page, the video clip / swf isn't displaying.

Its fine in the preview though.

The page is here :


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Jun 15, 2010

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Here is the link to the website:[URL]
I've updated AC_RunActiveContent and downloaded a trial FlashCS5 but still no luck.

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Jan 4, 2011

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Feb 16, 2011

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Professional :: Unable To Preview Sound In Timeline?

May 19, 2011

I have a sound file (.mp3) that I would like to animate to. I am attempting to preview several frames in the timeline to see how my animation is syncing up as I work on it, but no sound plays in the timeline. Doing a publish/preview every time I want to check it doesn't seem like the best option. I've tried CS4 and CS5 and it's the same result in both. I'm curious as to what I am missing, or do you animators out there do something different?

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Professional :: CS5.5 Import For Runtime Sharing And Preview

Jul 1, 2011

I'm having a strange issue with CS5.5 and the import for runtime sharing settings. Here's what I'm doing: I create two .fla's, Export.fla and Import.fla. In Export.fla, I create a shape, select it, press F8 and tick export for runtime sharing, to create a really simple exported movie clip. I click the exported symbol in the library, press Ctrl-C, switch to Import.fla and press Ctrl-V. Everything ok so far, the symbol is imported for runtime sharing.

The first problem I have at this stage is that changes I do to the exported symbol in Export.fla are not reflected in Import.fla, only in the final .swf's I can see the changes. Also, unlike in CS4 and CS5 I cannot "Update" the imported symbol in the library right-click menu, to make changes to Export.fla visible in Import.fla. The menu entry is just greyed out...

So I tried to use Authortime sharing, in the Symbol Properties for the imported symbol in Import.fla. I link the source to the symbol in Export.fla, and once I do that, everything is completely borked. The previously imported symbol is no longer imported. Whenever it is changed in Export.fla, it gets an "Export for Runtime Sharing" tick in its Properties in Import.fla, and worst, it is not shared at runtime, like I need it to. how to get the "normal" CS/4/5 behaviour in CS5.5: a runtime shared symbol, that can be updated in Import.fla (I dont care if manually or auotmatically) when I change it in Export.fla, and which also is runtime shared?

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Professional :: Plays In Preview But Not When Posted On Internet CS4?

Jul 12, 2011

I created a quiz that has several small video in AS2.  It works fine when I preview it, but when I post in on the internet it plays the first video and goes to a black screen.  I created the page and clicked to publish it.  I then exported the swf by hitting file/export/export movie then saved this and posted it to the internet.  This is how I have done it in the past, but now I get a blank screen. 

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Professional :: Preview Of Generated Graphics In Flash IDE?

Oct 7, 2011

Let's say I create an empty movieclip called "Test_mc", then I create an as3 class "Test_mc" like below and then I set the movieclip class to "Test_mc".

public class Test_mc extends MovieClip {
public function Test_mc() {

Now I can drag out instances of the Test_mc into the scene and get red circles when I test the movie. The problem however, is that I can't see the circles on the canvas inside the Flash IDE. Is there a way to get these actionscript generated grapics to show up?

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Professional :: Get Moviecontrollers In The Flash Player Preview?

Feb 7, 2012

I test my flashfiles (banner ads) several times during making by pressing Ctr+Enter. The movie then opens up in the Flash Player. It would be really useful to have play/skip/forward/backward/pause/stop (just regular moviecontrollers) buttons in the player to skip straight to the right part (not as part of the file). Is there any way to add this to flash? A plugin/extension maybe?

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