Professional :: Unable To Preview Sound In Timeline?

May 19, 2011

I have a sound file (.mp3) that I would like to animate to. I am attempting to preview several frames in the timeline to see how my animation is syncing up as I work on it, but no sound plays in the timeline. Doing a publish/preview every time I want to check it doesn't seem like the best option. I've tried CS4 and CS5 and it's the same result in both. I'm curious as to what I am missing, or do you animators out there do something different?

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Jun 28, 2011

Once you have read through the story and then go back along the timelone to previous pages all sfx that have previously been played will continuously start playing again (overlapping etc) even though SoundMixer.stopAll() gets called when ever you hit the back/next buttons. It seems to only be a problem with sound that is embedded in a movie clip that is 2 or more children deep. I have voice over that is just 1 movie clip deep and there is no issues with this. It only happens when playing through iPad/iPhone, the swf itself plays fine on my mac I have a work around of throwing all sfx in a mc on the main timeline and then referencing that but its not ideal and can see this causing more issues later down the track.
Ps. All mc's/animations are timeline based and all sounds are set to streaming.

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I'm trying out FlashCS5 in an iMac running Snow Leopard. I'm putting in the timeline an mp3 sound I imported to the library. When I test the movie I get this message: When I test the swf, I get no animation and no sound. I tried changing the settings in the Advanced AS3 Settings to Default Linkage to from "Runtime Shared Libraries" to "Merged int code". The message goes away but the test still fails.

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Nov 19, 2007

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Jan 30, 2010

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Professional :: Video Sound Won't Stop When Changing Frames On Timeline

Nov 19, 2010

I've been making the transition from AS2 to AS3 for the last week and am making progress. But I'm having a problem that hopefully someone can help me with. I'm using Flash CS5. I have a fairly simple Flash website I'm working on. I have sections on the timeline like Home, About, Photos, Media ... all set up using labels for each of those sections. Everything is working fine but when I go to my Media section where I have a video placed (using the flv component) I'm having a problem as follows:

The video auto plays fine when I go to the Media section but when I attempt to leave the section and go to another the sound of the video doesn't stop. It continues to play when I go to another section and if I go back to the section it starts again. The video is not there when I go to another section which is the part that's confusing me. In AS2 when I did this the video and the sound both stopped because you went to another section on the timeline. Why is the sound of the video not stopping in AS3?

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Professional :: Modify Frames In A Voiceover (audio/sound) Timeline?

Feb 11, 2011

I'm trying to modify many .fla files (in CS3) that have a voiceover layer on them. Because I'm adding or deleting other items on the stage, I need to adjust the audio fo synch with the modified flash file. I have tried deleting frames and this happens - I select the unwanted frames, such as frames 200 to 300 of a 500 frame file. Then, the audio from frames 300 to 500 (at the end of the file) gets deleted instead.

I need to create gaps (like 200 frames of no sound) in the audio (.wav) file so I tried adding blank frames. When I click on "insert frames" in the middle of the timeline, Flash adds the new frames to the end of the sound timeline.

I also tried adding a keyframe at the beginnig of the range and Flash deleted all the frames after the keyframe.

It looks like any modification to the sound/audio layer only affects the end of the timeline. How do I modify sound parts in the middle of the timeline? I know this can be done but how?
Details: The audio layer (.wav) runs the whole length of the Flash file. The .wav file is a sound file in the Library;  22kHz Mono 16-bit 27.4s 12.1kb. The files were created in CS3. These files work fine.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unable To Record The Sound?

Feb 23, 2011

I have been recording flv using FMS. Till now pretty good. Both cam feed and mic feed are being recorded, but I am aslo playing a song in the same swf, but anyhow it is being discarded.

Everytime while recording I hear the music playing, but flv only records the cam feed and mic feed, the song is not at all recorded.

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May 29, 2010

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Jun 15, 2010

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Mar 2, 2011

Using Flash cs5I have a simple swfnothing on the stage except a video (flv) playback component.I dont want it to autostart which i see the paremeter for and have set that to uncheckedBut I would like pick a place in the video to be the thumbnail image for the video that people see instead of just a black box. I dont see how to do that.Is there any way to have them see a thumbnail image in the video player instead of a black box when i dont want the video to autoplay?

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Professional :: Button Won't Stop Flashing In SWF Preview?

Jun 26, 2009

I'm in the process of switching from AS 2.0 to AS 3.0, so apologies if this is really obvious.. I am modifying/updating an old template for a client and am inserting customized navigation buttons. One is a play/pause button and I was able to swap the old buttons for the new in the library and show them on the stage with no problems. When I export to swf to preview the movie, the new button just flashes repeatedly between the different "play" and "pause" states (up, over, etc).

I checked to make sure I didn't change any names of the buttons or movie clips.  I tried inserting stop(); but it doesn't work...probably because I'm not putting it in the right spot.  When I select the button, it has "up, over, down, hit" in the Timeline and says the selection can't have any actions applied to it.

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Professional :: Flash Movie Just Having White Box On Preview

May 3, 2010

Working in Flash CS4. When I publish my flash movie it opens fine on my computer but when I copy the folder with all the contents to another computer the skin show up fine but I get a white box where the movie should be. The same goes if we try to place it on a website.

When I'm in flash should I be going to
File Publish or
File Export SWF
To be placed in a website.

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Professional :: .swf Displaying In Preview, But Not On Actual Webpage

May 5, 2010

I don't really use Flash, but was just trying to put up a little video demo online.

Just dragged the video onto the canvas, published it as an .swf, but when I upload it all and visit the web page, the video clip / swf isn't displaying.

Its fine in the preview though.

The page is here :


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Professional :: Preview An Animation In A Secondary Browser?

Jun 15, 2010

Does anyone know of a way to get Flash CS5 for Windows to preview an animation in a secondary browser?
Dreamweaver CS5 lets you specify a browser as a secondary browser -- pressing Ctrl+F12 launches it. In Flash, however, F12 and Ctrl+F12 both launch the primary browser...

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Professional :: Flash Working In Preview But Not In Any Browsers?

Jun 22, 2010

I've created a Flash animation and inserted the SWF file (created in Flash 8) into my Dreamweaver CS2 file. It all works fine in preview (both in Flash and Dreamweaver). But on any of the browsers the public file doesn't show the flash animation.
I have a transparent layer in Dreamweaver over the SWF file so that I could put hotspots which are working.
Here is the link to the website:[URL]
I've updated AC_RunActiveContent and downloaded a trial FlashCS5 but still no luck.

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Professional :: Live Preview Movie Clips?

Jan 4, 2011

I have a project with a bunch of movie clips. Each movie clip has it's own animation. The problem is I can't see the movie clips on the stage, I have to test the movie. Live preview is checked, but greyed out. Is there anyway to live preview working on main stage?

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Professional :: Flash CS5 Publish Preview Not Working

Feb 16, 2011

I am working on Flash CS5 Professional. I have created a simple fla file but not able to Publish->preview the swf file in Google Chrome. When I click on Publish Preview it opens a new browser window but nothing happens.

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Professional :: CS5.5 Import For Runtime Sharing And Preview

Jul 1, 2011

I'm having a strange issue with CS5.5 and the import for runtime sharing settings. Here's what I'm doing: I create two .fla's, Export.fla and Import.fla. In Export.fla, I create a shape, select it, press F8 and tick export for runtime sharing, to create a really simple exported movie clip. I click the exported symbol in the library, press Ctrl-C, switch to Import.fla and press Ctrl-V. Everything ok so far, the symbol is imported for runtime sharing.

The first problem I have at this stage is that changes I do to the exported symbol in Export.fla are not reflected in Import.fla, only in the final .swf's I can see the changes. Also, unlike in CS4 and CS5 I cannot "Update" the imported symbol in the library right-click menu, to make changes to Export.fla visible in Import.fla. The menu entry is just greyed out...

So I tried to use Authortime sharing, in the Symbol Properties for the imported symbol in Import.fla. I link the source to the symbol in Export.fla, and once I do that, everything is completely borked. The previously imported symbol is no longer imported. Whenever it is changed in Export.fla, it gets an "Export for Runtime Sharing" tick in its Properties in Import.fla, and worst, it is not shared at runtime, like I need it to. how to get the "normal" CS/4/5 behaviour in CS5.5: a runtime shared symbol, that can be updated in Import.fla (I dont care if manually or auotmatically) when I change it in Export.fla, and which also is runtime shared?

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Professional :: Plays In Preview But Not When Posted On Internet CS4?

Jul 12, 2011

I created a quiz that has several small video in AS2.  It works fine when I preview it, but when I post in on the internet it plays the first video and goes to a black screen.  I created the page and clicked to publish it.  I then exported the swf by hitting file/export/export movie then saved this and posted it to the internet.  This is how I have done it in the past, but now I get a blank screen. 

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Professional :: Preview Of Generated Graphics In Flash IDE?

Oct 7, 2011

Let's say I create an empty movieclip called "Test_mc", then I create an as3 class "Test_mc" like below and then I set the movieclip class to "Test_mc".

public class Test_mc extends MovieClip {
public function Test_mc() {

Now I can drag out instances of the Test_mc into the scene and get red circles when I test the movie. The problem however, is that I can't see the circles on the canvas inside the Flash IDE. Is there a way to get these actionscript generated grapics to show up?

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