Professional :: Unable To Get Sound With Flash CS5.5 IOS Packager?

Jun 28, 2011

Once you have read through the story and then go back along the timelone to previous pages all sfx that have previously been played will continuously start playing again (overlapping etc) even though SoundMixer.stopAll() gets called when ever you hit the back/next buttons. It seems to only be a problem with sound that is embedded in a movie clip that is 2 or more children deep. I have voice over that is just 1 movie clip deep and there is no issues with this. It only happens when playing through iPad/iPhone, the swf itself plays fine on my mac I have a work around of throwing all sfx in a mc on the main timeline and then referencing that but its not ideal and can see this causing more issues later down the track.
Ps. All mc's/animations are timeline based and all sounds are set to streaming.

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Can I play H.264 Video from Flash content on iOS?

Yes. You can play H.264 video from Flash content by launching the content in the native iOS video player. You cannot play back H.264 content directly within the application.

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please try saving to a different filename or location.
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Intel Core 2 Duo E7200

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Flash.exe - Entry Point Not Found

The procedure entry point ?ik_treelsActive@CFlashIK@@QAE_NJ@Z could not be located in the dynamic link library FlashIK.dll.So then I tried to install the updates via the website and the AdobePatchInstaller.exe and I get this:

Some updates failed to install.

Update is not applicable.
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result : stage is empty

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var buttonListener = new Object(); = function() {
var val;[code].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unable To Change Sound Volume On Roll Over Buttons

Dec 17, 2010

I have a file with 12 roll over buttons that make a sound on roll over, but I'm unable to change the volume to lets say .5.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: SharedObject, Unable To Start Sound Back After Refresh

Nov 24, 2009

I have a toggle to mute and unmute sound in this movie. If sound is on and refresh with SharedObject sound plays again. Also I can toggle between the sound before refresh. The issue: when selecting mute then refresh, the movie plays back muted but the ability to un-mute is no longer available (at least not before another refresh).

Problem: toggle to mute then refresh of browser. Mute is fine but no ability to toggle back to sound.

var my_snd_obj:Sound = new Sound();


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Iphone :: Flash Packager For IPhone : Use Core-Data Or Other Database?

Dec 19, 2010

I'm wondering if the flash packager for iPhone allows you to somehow save data in some kind of database maybe using Core Data or any other form? If it just allows you to export some kind of actionscript based game but doesn't allow for saving data that'd be kinda weak I'd assume so they must have a way (?).

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Professional :: Unable To Edit Flash File - Can't Enter Inside Buttons/movie Clips?

Apr 9, 2012

I am in the middle of creating a website using Flash CS5. I opened up my .Fla file one day to continue my work but I am no unable to access buttons and movie clips. When creating movie clips or buttons I am unable to get inside them, when I hover my mouse over them there is a white hand icon which never used to be there it was always just a normal mouse icon. I double click to enter inside the buttons/movie clips but nothing happens. This happens to existing movie clips and buttons on the page and even when I create new ones. I really don't wanna have to start this website again.

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Professional :: Loading With Sound Only Played Once But Keeping Hover Over Menu Item Sound Intack?

May 21, 2010

I have a flash header that was never completed because the guy I hired took people's money and ran. So now I even wonder if what he said could work with my flash header is true or not. But, usually there is always a way to make it work.I have a flash header that does two important things: 1) Upon entering the site, it loads and plays an audio track 2) Makes an animal noise when you hover over each animal menu item. (not sure if I'm able to give a link to it or not on here. If I able to and someone would like to see it let me know)I want to know if my flash header can support the following addionalunctionality/changes:1) Currently, it loads everytime a page is selected.  I only want it to load the one time of entering the site because the audio gets annoying.  Set a cookie maybe?2) But, I do not want to turn the audio off completely because I still want the hover over each menu item sound.

3) Have a link on it to allow them to select to turn on / off the sound completely. It currently has that, but only for the current page. Once you select another page, the audio is back to on.4) Lastlly, is there a way for it to detect that someone doesn't support flash and to display an html version of it? And can flash create a html version from my fla file?I don't know much about flash (but am learning) so I'm not sure if I'll be able to do this myself. However, I want to find out if my flash header will even work this way before I invest the time learning it just for these changes. I know it will be pretty deep with script code, but I'm hoping I could find base code already available for these features.

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Professional :: Sound Free Sound Effects Links?

Jul 29, 2011

Ive stumbled upon a few sites that have free sound FX's but the ones I want which I wuld think are the easiest to get I cant find.I want a sound for when someone clicks the right thing, like a under a sec tiriring or something like when you kill a guy in Leauge of Legends or something like that and also one for when you click the wrong thing like an windows warning ut a little different, yet all the sites and SFX I come across are for everything but those.

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Actionscript 3 :: Packager For IPhone App Download Content?

Feb 4, 2011

I am in the stages of designing a magazine concept for a client, taking the printed version and adding animated and interactive content, it seems Flash would be the obvious choice, and something which I am reasonably skilled with.

If I build the Magazine app with Flash, will the app be able to download additional issues? if so please point to any resources on the subject if possible.

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