ActionScript 3.0 :: Movieclip On The Stage(lets Call That Selection Movieclip)

Sep 1, 2009

I have a movieclip on the stage(lets call that selection movieclip) that once a button is clicked is going to open another movieclip(call this slideshow) I am trying to remove the selection movieclip when you launch the slideshow movieclip.

ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.
at flash.display:isplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
at mc_work/clickHandler3()


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package com.bullets {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class MoveBullet extends MovieClip {


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import flash.display.*;
import*;[ code].....

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in main stage:

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// show a hover color
var col = new Color(this.background);

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TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::Loader@2b1aa061


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for(i = 1; i <= 3; i++){
_root['test'+i]._x = 100;


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var textAR:Array = ["nome_txt", "contacto_txt", "email_txt", "morada_txt", "pais_txt"]
var textCounter:Number = 0


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Flash :: Access Dynamically Loaded Movieclip (stage > Scrollpane > Myloader > Movieclip)?

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trace("-->: "+scrollPane.source.textSnapshot.getText(0, 1000));
trace("-->: "+myLoader.content.textSnapshot.getText(0, 1000));
trace("-->: "+mc.textSnapshot.getText(0, 1000));


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May 4, 2011

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_root.MCHappy.visible = false;
_root.MCSad.visible = false;
_root.MCNormal.visible = true;

I cant get this working with AS3. How is the correct way to do that inside a MovieClip with AS3?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Attach The MovieClip In Each Label To Assure A The Dynm-movieClip Script Is On Stage For The Ctrl F5?

Jan 18, 2009

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May 18, 2010

On the stage I have a movieclip called mc_back. I also have a movieclip on the stage called mc_content. Now, inside mc_content I have a bunch of code and some of it adds, or should add, an EventListener to mc_back as well as a a function that works when mc_back is pressed.

So basically, all code is written inside mc_content and some of it needs to interact with mc_back.

how to target mc_back from inside mc_content. Using stage.mc_back or root.mc_back doesn't work and Google should be my friend, but in this particular problem, it's acting more like my enemy.

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Apr 23, 2010

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**the other classes I used to run the custom classes below, I have it added this MC to stage

var blocker:stageBlocker=new stageBlocker();

Below is the dynamic MC. Should I not add it to its own "stage"?

public class stageBlocker extends MovieClip {
private var blocker:MovieClip= new MovieClip();
public function stageBlocker():void {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cast String As MovieClip When MovieClip Is On Stage?

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I am trying to cast a String (from an array of strings generated by a for loop) which is referencing a MovieClip already on the stage.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting Selection Of Movieclip Using JPEGEncoder Or Bitmap/Data?

Nov 23, 2009

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Flash :: Movieclip.width Returns Higher Value Than Movieclip Stage On Width?

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I have a Movieclip on stage with nested movieclips inside. All referenced at 0,0. None of the child movieclips load any dynamic content, animate or have Masked Layers. It does have an input textfield in one of the child MCs. The parent MC shows 280 px width, while it returns 313 px with a .width trace. There is no code that alters the .width value of the parent MC at run-time. And the ParentMC on stage is not scaled (it is at 100% width/height)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Movieclip Move Horizontally From The Start Of The Stage To 3/4 Of The Stage?

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i saw a thread while ago .. that always position a movieclip in the middle of the stage even if the stage or window resize any1 can point me to it

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Access Variable On Stage From Within Movieclip Thats Placed On Stage

Aug 18, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Call A Function In A Movieclip

May 1, 2009

i've got a function in a movieclip on the main timeline that i need to call when a button in another movieclip is clicked. is there a way to do this in as3?

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Can An .as File Call A Movieclip Instance

Aug 14, 2010

I have want to tell a movie instance to play from a class:

`package com
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class Global extends MovieClip


pic1m is the class, but I get 1120 undefined property error.If I just put; in my main timeline action layer it works fine, but I need the function playMask to be global in AS3...

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MovieClip To Call For HTML File?

Nov 18, 2010

I have a m.c. calling for a swf file as such:
Actionscript Code:
mcl.loadClip("splash.swf", emptyMC1);
How do I get it to call for a html file instead??

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Call A Movieclip Easier?

Sep 7, 2010

I have a button inside a movieclip, inside a movieclip, inside a movieclip, etc..So when I click the button, i want it to call another movieclip. The movieclip is inside the same movieclip as the button. So instead of doing _root.MovieClip.Movieclip,.. etc.. how can I do it?

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