ActionScript 3.0 :: Platform Game 0 Can't Get Enemies To Face Hero

Nov 24, 2010

I'm making a platform game. The hero can move around, but the enemies are stationary. My problem is that I want the enemies to face the hero. The first enemy behaves correctly, but the subsequent enemies only behave correctly if I kill all the preceding enemies. I have added the hero and the enemies as Objects and put the enemies into an array called enemies. Both the hero and enemy objects have a direction property and an mc property that refers to their movie clips. This for loop gets called every frame.

for(var i:int = 0; i < enemies.length; i++)
{//face hero
if( < enemies[i].mc.x) enemies[i].direction = -1;
else if( > enemies[i].mc.x) enemies[i].direction = 1;
enemies[i].mc.scaleX = enemies[i].direction;}

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Actionscript Code:
onClipEvent (load) {var ground:MovieClip = _root.ground;var grav:Number = 0;var gravity:Number = 2;var speed:Number = 7;var maxJump:Number = -12;var touchingGround:Boolean = false;}onClipEvent (enterFrame) {_y += grav;grav +=


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onClipEvent (load) {
var ground:MovieClip = _root.ground;
var grav:Number = 0;
var gravity:Number = 2;[code].....

1. I can't seem to figure out how to set the "hero" movieclip to the frame named "nothing" when none of the keys that control the hero are pressed. (so the hero is doing nothing). When the hero stands still, it will still appear like he is walking or jumping (whatever has been done last)How do i tell Flash that something must happen when none of a certain group of keys are pressed?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Game Project - Placing Unique Instances Of Enemies On Screen

Mar 23, 2010

I've been working on a uni project. Basically, enemies are placed on the screen using a timer variable and using the attachMovie to put them on the screen. This is an example of the code I'm using:

Actionscript Code:
var enemies;var timer;
function onLoad(){
enemies = [];
timer = 0;}
function onEnterFrame(){timer++;
if (timer == 10) {
Timer = 0;
var enemy = _root.attachMovie("mc_1", "mc_1",

This works and places them on the screen, (and into the array) but by putting them into the array, I thought that each one would be a unique instance of the movieclip which doesn't always seem to be the case. If I shoot one of the enemies, sometimes another enemy will explode (or both of them) and other times I will knock into one enemy and another one will be the one who get's knocked.

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Actionscript Code:
for(var i in _root.player.enemies){
if (some arguments..)
_root.player.enemies[i].health -= 10;
The explosion code also uses a similar for loop. Should I look at another method to place unique instances of the enemies on the screen?

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else if (lvlArray[i] == 'ROCKYHILLS') {
var newRockyHills:backRocky = new backRocky;
newRockyHills.x = _root.stage.width/2;


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ActionScript 3 :: Platform Game - EFrame Continues To Run

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addEventListener(Event.ADDED, beginClass);
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, eFrame);

The beginClass function is fine, and only runs once, but eFrame is what checks if the player has hit the goal, so it is constantly running. The problem is, once the player hits the goal, eFrame continues to run, while in a menu describing the next scene to the player. My eFrame function is below.

private function eFrame(event:Event):void{
var lastScore:int = _root.mainScore;
_root.mainScore = lastScore;
while (_root.lvlHolder.numChildren > 0) {
[Code] .....

Frames 2, 3, 4, are frames with just text and a button that display a message to the player, and then the player hits continue. My problem is that eFrame is still trying to be run, but the class has not been instantiated, and the method is causing extreme amounts of lag once the player continues.

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Feb 13, 2010

I am creating a platform game and am getting the following error:#1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object referenceThis error happens when I remove all children from the stage on line 154 of the class. Im guessing that maybe it is still listening for event in the other classes but I'm unsure how to remove these from within the document class.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Platform Game Fall To Ground Function?

Feb 16, 2010

I have gotten to a point with my platform game where I am completely stuck. I have the player movement working fine but the only thing is, it doesn't fall off the blocks.

I have a Floor class which references the Character class and tells it to stop jumping when it is on a block through a hitTestObject. I have tried to research how other games have added functions but can't seem to find one which will work in mine.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Platform Game - Turning Off Variable In MovieClip

Feb 14, 2011

I am working on a platform game and I am having a problem with the script. I have a mc with my character in it named "mcMain", I placed all the script into it. Inside the movie clip I have 20 frames, the first 5 are standing, walking, jumping, crouching, and crawling. Frames 6-20 are an attacking animation. The problem is in frame 20 I want him to go back to frame one and turn off a variable (called "ram") in the movie clip.

The problem is with the variable ram (which is established in the onClipEvent(load) section of the script). I have it turn on when the character attacks and I want it to turn off after the animation is complete. The problem is it is not turning off. I have it targeted but it does nothing. I have tired both a direct and relevant target along with a _parent.ram = false;

Here is the script on the movie clip.
Actionscript Code:
//Establish VariablesonClipEvent (load) {
var speed:Number = 0;var walk:Number = 6;
var run:Number = 12;var grav:Number = 0;
var falling:Number = 0;
var jumped:Boolean = false;var jumpHeight:Number = 23;
[Code] .....

And here is the script inside the movie clip on frame 20
Actionscript Code:
_root.mcMain.ram = false;gotoAndStop(1);

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Nov 17, 2008

I'm making a platform game in AS3. I've sorted the left,right and jumping movement of my character - apart from one jumpingproblem:When the up arrow key is down it sets the jump var to true.ENTER_FRAME function detects when jump = true and it decreases thecharacters y position by the var velocity while at the same timedecreasing velocity by 1.5px. So my character jumps up to a certainheight then comes down - There is a hit test to stop heump/fall. BUT when the character falls off a platform he can still jumpwhen the up arrow is pressed. I've been racking my brains but I canstop the character from jumping if its falling.

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Java :: Platform For Web-based Multi-player Game?

Sep 28, 2010

I'm developing a web-based fantasy football game. Most of the game is a straight-forward web application built on top of Linux/Apache/Php/MySQL.

I'm trying to figure out how to implement the draft application. The draft date and time will be scheduled in advance by each league's owner. Up to 32 users may be logged on for a given league's draft, and there is no limit to how many drafts may be happening concurrently. The users will take turns selecting players, and each user's turn will have a time limit. I'd like for all the users to be able to see whose turn it is, how much time that user has left to select a player, who they select, and which players are still available. If there are users in the league who are not logged in during the draft I'd like to be able to detect that and automatically assign players to them rather than waiting for the time to run out on their turn. Ideally I'd also like to have a chat window so the users could chat with one another during the draft.

My background is in desktop application development, so if necessary I could write server code in C#/.NET or Java. As far as I can see these are the options: PHP/AJAX - It seems like it would be possible to have all the state for the draft in the database and have the operations for the draft run in PHP triggered by requests from the clients? I guess in this case the draft doesn't start until at least one user logs in, and it seems like it would be a lot of polling requests to the server if I want everyone notified quickly when a user makes a selection.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Platform Game Im A Newb In Flash?

Jan 25, 2003

make a platform game im a newb in flash

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A Side Scroller Platform Game?

May 24, 2008

I've been searching online now to find a tutorial on how to create a game like thisI don't have a lot of experience with action script I've only used flash for animations. I found 1 tutorial that was useful but it only gave code and text with out a .fla or images. If you could tell me what I need to do to accomplish this and where to put code ect

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Item Not Affected By Gravity In Platform Game

Jan 21, 2010

I'm just starting out in actionscript 3.0, and I'm trying to create a basic platform game. Since I don't really have time to code it from A to Z, I'm using an 'engine' I found here. I've made a few modifications (mostly deleting stuff I don't need, such as the enemies and the coins). Now I'd like to create a crate that the player character can pick-up, throw, put down and jump on. I've created a new class ( for it, based on the player class. When I run the game, the crate is displayed, but it just floats there. I can't figure how to make it interact with gravity (i.e. fall to the ground).

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IDE :: Make A Platform Game - Create Multiple Levels?

Mar 27, 2010

trying to make a platform game using a tutorial on, but I dont know how to create multiple levels. How could I create a door that when touched by the hero is sent to the next level? The tutorial is here:


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Professional :: Where To Start Simple Platform Game With Jumping Object

May 28, 2010

What resources should I look at to learn how to create a very simple platform game, with a character who can simply jump on platforms and avoid enemies to reach the end of the level? I have made games like this with other languages but never flash.

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