ActionScript 2.0 :: Platform Character - Set The "hero" Movieclip To The Frame Named "nothing" ?

Jul 22, 2010

I am making a platformer and i got two problems with the hero.The hero is controlled with the following script.

onClipEvent (load) {
var ground:MovieClip = _root.ground;
var grav:Number = 0;
var gravity:Number = 2;[code].....

1. I can't seem to figure out how to set the "hero" movieclip to the frame named "nothing" when none of the keys that control the hero are pressed. (so the hero is doing nothing). When the hero stands still, it will still appear like he is walking or jumping (whatever has been done last)How do i tell Flash that something must happen when none of a certain group of keys are pressed?

2.When you jump, the "jump" frame of the hero is shown. But as soon as you move right or left while jumping, the "right" or "left" walk frames are shown. How do i tell flash to not show the "right" or "left" frames after pressing the jump key until the hero lands back on the ground? The instance of the ground is "ground".

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[Code] ....

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on (release) {"Main", "MainStart");
unloadMovieNum (2);

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Actionscript Code:
//Establish VariablesonClipEvent (load) {
var speed:Number = 0;var walk:Number = 6;
var run:Number = 12;var grav:Number = 0;
var falling:Number = 0;
var jumped:Boolean = false;var jumpHeight:Number = 23;
[Code] .....

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Actionscript Code:
_root.mcMain.ram = false;gotoAndStop(1);

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RIGHTNOW, Im doing my game development but I have problem based on my game control.this is my question..
I have two frames. the first frame is on running movement of the character and the second frame is on standing position.This two frames has only one kind of character,but I seperated the two movement in two frames witch are running and standing problem is how can I do the mouseEvent,if onclick the character will continue on running and if on release the character will do is to standing position.

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In my main timeline I have a variable "tipos = 5" for example.I want to call a movieclip named movie2 using the "addChild". The movie loads without a problem.My problem is that in my "movie2" I have to access my variable "tipos ", but I can't access it...The code "trace(tipos)" on my "movie2" returns an error.

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PHP Code:

fish.onLoad = function() {
fish.onEnterFrame = function() {


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Dec 29, 2010

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right now since i am only on the making a dungeon part i can refer to anything using this or _root. Case: my dungeon scene consists of walls and paths. right now i can do something like if(_root["path" + yPos + xPos]) _root["path" + yPos + xPos].removeMovieClip;

i can also call the same code using this instead of _root and it works. when i add a main new main frame and move the dungeon scene from frame 1 to frame 10, will i still be able to inter use _root and this and have the same effect, or once i move the dungeon scene from frame 1 to frame 10 i will no longer be able to use _root. also i only have 1 layer.

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Jan 3, 2012

I have two character to choose from, so I created two movieClip to contain the character max and luna. When I choose the desired one, it's added to a hero MovieClip. It works, the hero acts as a container and it is referred for the movements by the keyboard event. Now I want to target hero.character.gotoAndPlay for the animation in the timeline of the character movieClip in the Main class, but I can't do that. I tried to trace the instance but it won't do the trick it throw the same error :
TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties. at Main/fl_MoveInDirectionOfKey()


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