ActionScript 3.0 :: Put A Text Area Component On Stage And Set The Vertical Scrolling To Auto
Oct 16, 2009
I put a text area component on stage and set the vertical scrolling to Auto, so now when ever I have to much text the scroll bar pops up, but the problem is that I can't get the scroll bar to always be on the bottom, so when ever I add more text I always have to use my mouse and drag the scroll bar to view the latest info, is there a way that I can see the latest update without having to manually scroll down?
In my air app I have a list(vertical) on the left side, like a sidebar. It`s working fine! The things is I want to put some animation in this list, which all the times when I select one item all the list moves, and this item goes to the center of the list!Someone have same example or URL, or something?
But this is only for 1 movieclip. And I need the entire stage and everything of whats in it (except for the layer with the background image) to be moved this way. But how?Also want the scroll to be restricted to a max y-position of 860px even if the entire stage goes as far as a height of 1508px.
I'm having trouble figuring out how I should go about making an auto scroll functionality for a text area in Flex.
What I have is a text area that loads text from an XML file at startup, and displays it in a text area. There is also an audio track that is plays along with the text. As the words from the audio file is read out, the corresponding word in the text area is highlighted red. What I want to happen is that if the highlighted word is below the visible range of the text area I want to scroll the scroll bar to adjust accordingly to the selection.
I want to make auto width text area. Using xml to pull the data, I would like to expand as data comes in. menu_item_group["menu_item" + i].item_label = nodes i].attributes.item_label; For example: enlarged according to the context menus in this example, the background [URL]
I am wondering how to make a movie clip that contains automatic vertical scrolling dynamic text(from an external .txt file) I dont want to press buttons to scroll text, I need it to be constantly scrolling, then loop once the text has been read from the external txt file.
I also require each line of the dynamic text to be clickable links that will take each line of text to a specific link. Ive uploaded a zip file containing fla and swf i found which shows vertical scrolling text. However if i move any of the graphics and text field clips around the stage the text cannot be seen anymore. why is this? can you put all of the items on the main stage in a movie clip so i can resize and move the scroller around the stage?? I tried this but again the text disapeared when i exported the movie? Is this due to the x + y co ordinates in the scripting?
How can you adjust the size of this scroller without this happening? Can the scrolling text be taken from an external file and each line of text be a seperate hyperlink? Follow this link (copy and paste it into your browser window, DONT click on it): [URL]..
I'm currently trying to add an autoscrolling text box. The text that will display in the box will be variable. I want this text to then scroll left and right to display all the characters.I have added a scrollbar from the components, but i want the text to scroll by itself rather than have to drag the scrollbar manually if the text string is too long. How do i create the variable text entry?How do i make that variable text scroll?What im working on is a very simple game. After the into screen i want a box to ask for the names of two teams. The player types in the variables. The text entered is then displayed in the respective text boxes, IF the text is too long to all fit in the box i want it to autoscroll, if it fits then no scrolling is necessary.
I'm creating a Flash game...blackjack, actually. It uses a back-end made from Java.Anyway, there's a basic chat in the game, where new messages are added to the bottom...pretty much your standard chat window.This is how I do it now:txtArea.verticalScrollPosition = txtArea.maxVerticalScrollPosition;However, that does not always work. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't (oddly enough). I'm looking for a permanent solution. txtArea is the component TextArea (d'uh), and I'm using ActionScript 2.0.
I just got the trial of Flash Cs5 and haven't used Flash since MX back in 04-06. Having an issue with buttons now in context of a scrolling text area. My code is set up as such:
Where up is the button to scroll upwards and down is...(you guessed it). Maintext is the movieclip in which my text is which each frame being the text "scrolled" further. My issue IS: This was working just fine UNTIL I added "Over", "Down", and "Hit" frames into my buttons (whereas previously they were just single frame arrows), and then when previewing my flash the cursor doesn't even recognize the buttons as such, and nothing happens if you click on either... If I got back and delete the over, down, and hit frames, BOOM, problem goes away. This seems very strange to me, I never had a problem like this in MX.
I have created a vertical menu that scrolls through menu items in a movie clip.There is a big white gap when the movie clip runs out, and it snaps back to the beginning.I would like it to scroll seamlessly, having the end join up with the beginning again without any space.I would like it to scroll to one end of the list and STOP, and scroll back the other way and STOP - without any white space.URL...
I am trying to display an HTML formated file in the text Area.It should be straightforward task using the following code:
//----------load text file------------------ var loader1:URLLoader =new URLLoader();loader1.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,displayText);[code].....
This uses a text area component dragged to stage and named myCV_TA. No text is displayed with that code.It does work when an ordinary text is used and myCV_TA.html/text is changed to myCV_TA.text.Tried many things and decided to live with the simple text file and apply some formating to it://----create textformat object
var mytextformat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();mytextformat.font = "verdana";mytextformat.size = 16;mytextformat.color = 0x006600;[code]....
This code does not apply any formating, the simple text file is displayed but without any formating .
- I have two textArea components on the stage - I need to figure out what textArea component is in focus when clicking on it
How do i make it so that it can figure out the instance name of the text area component in focus so i can preforme some code? I tried the following code but it doesn't seem to work.
Look at e.g. [URL]. When the site loads, the section in the middle contains a scrollbar that scrolls the text with easing. However, the scrollbar itself appears to be the scrollbar component from Flash itself. Is this something that is maybe readily available in MX 2004? Or should this be scripted manually?
how to speed up the workspace when there happens to be a large amount of text on the stage? I have tried everything I can think of (even choosing outlines only for the layer). It seems to slow down my system even if the layer is not visible. Now doing anything is a chore. I have a pretty fast system, and it's pretty bad that after all these flash iterations I still can't have text on the stage and continue work.
I'm trying to create a vertical auto scroll. The idea is to move up or down the image gallery when the user passes the mouse over a mask movie clip. Problem is I'm not sure how to determine the right coordenates form this movie clip. Let me explain, I can imaginary divide this movie clip in half. Top half let me move the gallery to the bottom and bottom half let me move the gallery to the top. It will be great if some easing could be added in the process.
I am making use of a custom cursor on itemRenderers in a List component. The custom cursor works just fine except when I mouse over the Text component which is a child of the itemRenderer at which point I get two cursors, the custom and an iBar one on top of the other.Here's the code:
Code: var nav1pos:Number = 37.5; function scrollingUp(evt:MouseEvent):void { if (nav1pos < 37.5){
Now at the moment all it does it shunt up/down once and then stops, but what i want it some constitant scrolling until the user removes there mouse from the scrollUp or scrollDown box.
I have about 27 photos. They are all 250x188. I would like the work space to be 250x564 so that 3 photos display first and they keep scrolling from the bottom to the top continuously through all the photos and repeat. Could someone recommend the best way to do this in Flash CS4. I am totally new to this.
I am using mx:Tree (in Flex 4), and assigned a customised MXTreeItemRenderer for every items. As the TreeItemRenderer contains a list with tileLayout, which means the height of every row is variable. So I have to set the tree's "variableRowHeight to true. When I was testing the tree, everything went well. But when I was using the vertical scroller, I met some problems:
The scroll bar did not move to the position I want. When I was scrolling the content, the scroll bar sometimes scrolled to a unwanted position (e.g. the head of the tree). When there are more rows, the problem is more obvious.When I was scrolling the tree, the images were flicking all the time.
just graduated from college in graphic design and I am trying to make a flash portfolio page to showcase my work. I have everything done so far except that I am having problems with this one bit of actionscript....I have been at it for weeks, looking at diff. tutorials, but I just can't seem to get it.I have a movieclip ("strip") and I want to it scroll up and down depending on where the mouse it, I also want it to duplicate so that it never stops scrolling...just keeps on looping. I am working this off of another tutorial that I found, but I am having trouble getting it acclimated to my flash.
i've been trying to centre an external swf into a blank movieclip on the stage and having problems with it. the swf contains a text box with scrolling text in it and that's where the problem's like flash sees the entire amount of text within the text box (ie if the scrolling box is 200px high but the amount of text within it is 500px high, it treats the swf as being 500px high). you can see an example at loads fine, and you can click on 'buy' which is also fine, as soon as you resize the window though, the mc 'jumps' up. i'm using a flash file purchased from flashden (no response when i asked for help from the author). also tried a simple version initially though and had the same problem (tried with external text file too and no joy). does anyone know if this is or is not possible?the source flas are at: URL...
I am trying to create Vertical scrolling images. I found a tutorial using AS 3.0, used that, but made a couple of alterations - like I did not want the images centered on the stage and I added more images than what the tutorial showed. As a result I have several errors in the Actionscript.
I'm trying to create a Vertical scrolling xml menu. This menu is based on [URL] "Creating 3D Carousels tutorial"
This is my code Select all var Items:Number; var xml:XML = new XML (); xml.onLoad = function () { _root.createEmptyMovieClip ("mc_Control", this.getNextHighestDepth ()); mc_Control._x = 0; mc_Control._y = 0; [Code] ......
My problem is when I add a new item in the xml file, I can't see it in the .swf file. My xml file have 37 items. I only see 24 buttons! in the .swf file and I' m stuck at this point my buttons have 26 px (_height).