ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove Specific Object From Array If Clicked?

Nov 26, 2009

i think the title explains how to do it, but i am making it so that there are a ton of movieclips in arrays, and i want the specific one clicked to be removed... here is my code, it isnt working...

ActionScript Code:
function removeBox(){


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function addNumButtonsToStage():void{


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Flex :: Remove An Eventlistener On (in This Specific Case) A HorizontalList

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Mar 10, 2010

When I click on the button, it should bring me to a specific location which is inside the MovieClip, and that works. However, from inside that MC, I want to click on the same button, it should bring me on the main time line. How to do that? I am making of a variable (boolean) here. Is there something wrong in my code? (see path.fla)

(b) How do I remove a movie clip? (see path2.fla) When I clik on the square_btn, it brings me to a location inside that movie clip where there is an oval button. When I reach that oval button, I want the square_btn to me temporarily removed on that page.

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Flash :: Clicked Object Is The Right Object?

Feb 21, 2012

I'm making a point-and-click game in Flash and the goal of the game is to click on the right objects in a room. Say, if the main character says 'find my chair', and the player clicks on the chair, it's the good object and an audio file plays. If the player clicks on a spoon, it's the wrong object and an audio file plays. My question is: how can I do that in Flash (in ActionScript, right)? I've made a different layer for each object.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove Object By Destroy Object From Document Class?

Sep 16, 2010

I have created an enemy object from document class. if my enemy score becomes zero, the enemy must get removed.Is there any way to remove that object by destroy the object from document class?.

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