ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove The Yellow Border Around The Sprite Container?
Oct 28, 2010
q) One problem I still have. How do I remove this awful yellow border around the sprite container in AS3
private function checkNumber(e:Event=null):void{
trace("Globalvars.vars.noLoaded" + Globalvars.vars.noLoaded);
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container.addChild(img);//added in a loop
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for(var i:int=0;i<container.numChildren;i++)
var currImg:Sprite = container.getChildAt(i) as Sprite;[code].....
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//to hide the floor outside edges
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function callThumbs():void {
for (var i:Number = 0; i < my_total; i++) {
var thumb_url = my_images[i].@THUMB;
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May 12, 2011
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protected function bcContact_mouseOverHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
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And It seems to work but this is creating a new rect. Which I do not want.
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So how can I change the color of a sprite without changing the border color?
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Oct 22, 2010
I'm trying to make a little program. It works right now by drawing the top shape to the dark gray area, where it then copies itself and changes color. The new shape can be re-dragged as well. What I want to do now is add a dynamic border when I click on the new object, I want the box to adjust to an appropriate size. And on mouse release I want the selection border to disappear on the new shape. I want the selection border to be dashed much like you find in many of Adobe's programs, if at all possible.
Attached is my .fla file
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skin: ClassReference(null);
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Mar 22, 2008
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I have a TextArea component instantiated and added to the display list programmatically via ActionScript 3 code (not AS2, which is all I could find reference to on the net about this).
How to disable the border so it doesn't show around the TextArea component? I've tried a bunch of things, like for example:
myTextArea.setStyle("border", "false");
myTextArea.setStyle("borderStyle", "none");
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Jun 25, 2009
With the Flex 3 SDK you simply needed to set the borderThickness style to 0, or set borderStyle to none. With the Flex 4 SDK ad the Spark theme, this has no effect.
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Aug 10, 2010
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Nov 3, 2008
I am stuck in a strange problem, can anyone suggest what I amdoing wrong here: the TextArea component didn't show in thedisplay:
var text:TextArea = new TextArea();
text.height = 500;
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Apr 4, 2007
Am I missing something or it is just flash? Well I have a PlayerVideo which extends Sprite and have 3 children:1. flash.display.Sprite as PlayPause button3. flash.display.Sprite as MuteUnmute buttonThe thing is that when I have video attached to PlayerVideo, button mouse events are not working, when not Sprite buttons are working okHave anybody ever had something similar ? Mybee some workaround?I have tried wrap with MovieClips and Sprites, but it is the same effect,
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Apr 2, 2012
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fillAlphas: 1, 1, 1, 1;
fillColors: #FCB913, #FC8613, #D4652D, #B34A2A;
themeColor: #FABA0A;
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Apr 5, 2011
I have decided to embed FLV movie files into my HTML page that I have rendered from After Effects.
I have noticed that there is a black 1px bottom border on my FLV movie on my webpage. The FLV fits perfect on the space I have left on my webpage and border is 0 everywhere. I have checked the After Effects original file and there is no accidental space or background errors that might be causing to remove the black bottom border?
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Aug 15, 2010
how to remove the border of a togglebuttonbar button, with keeping the theme color??
i want to put the style in css file
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Jan 14, 2010
I am trying to get an image object from one sprite container and adding it to another sprite container. But when I use GetChildAt for this, it will remove the object from the parent sprite and place it inside the other.
Code: sprContainer1.addChildAt(sprContainer2.getChildAt( 1),0);
Problem is when I run this code sprContainer2.numChildren is getting reduced by 1, which seems that this code removes a child from sprcontainer2.
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Feb 27, 2011
I know this might seem like such an easy issue and I can't understand why I cant figure it out but none the less I can't and I've just about given up. Here's the issue:
I have a sprite container which is supposed to hold a bunch of thumbnails to videos. I am able to populate the container with all the videos and the whole works but obviously if I add a bunch of videos its going to exceed the size of the flash document so I need to add a UIScrollBar (which I did) now the scrollbars target is set to the container but isnt allowing me to scroll and if im correct this is because the container doesnt have a set height. So Im trying to set the height of this container but the second I try setting the height or even width all my thumbnails I used to be able to see are gone! It's as if the size is being set to 0 when its not I've even tried to set it to a specified size just to test and nothing.
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Jul 21, 2011
I have stuck a bitmap into a display object container (Sprite). On a given mouse event (i.e. mouse click), I would like to display the x and y coordinates of the bitmap. However, I've realized upon clicking on the bitmap, the event is only recognizing the higher level Sprite container. I suspect this could be attributed to the simple fact that bitmaps are not InteractiveObjects.If it's I have attached the code. I am loading a master image and cloning it to produce a thumbnail image (bitmap). Mouse events with the container holding the master image recognize the image itself while the container holding the thumbnail only recognizes the Sprite container.
var ldr1:Loader=new Loader();
var url1:URLRequest=new URLRequest("PhotoGallery0/picture0.jpg");
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