ActionScript 3.0 :: Render The Xml Data On Textfield?

Mar 7, 2012

i want to render the xml data on my textfield. but it does not support  all the html text given by the " upcoming xml from server".so how to do that , because i want to display the same format of text as it showing on the server side using those Html tag.So waht approach i should follow to do this

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cannot Get XML Data Into TextField

Feb 1, 2011

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My AS3:
//Load XML
var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var xmlData:XML = new XML();
xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, LoadXML);
xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("myXml.xml"));
[Code] .....

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gonb.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, klikkol);


After run, and clicking the button, I've get an error message: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

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Data Integration :: Line Break In Dynamic Textfield?

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<image no="1">


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<body><img align="left" src="icon.swf"
width="15"><mess>You have 4 new
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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Font Size In TextField (XML Data)?

Nov 3, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Accessing TextField - Unable To Enter Data

May 28, 2010

I've created several textFields, writing:
ActionScript Code:
That's O.K. But I can't put a text in them... when I write
ActionScript Code:
["texto"+i].text = 15;
It simply doesn't work!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Drag Data And Load Into Dynamic TextField

Mar 4, 2009

I am using a mehot to drag data from a database (via php) and then insert it into the dynamic text field. This works fine locally, however when I put it onto mysite, none of the text loads.

PHP data looks like this
$result = mysql_query("SELECT title FROM jos_content WHERE id=46");
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
echo $row['title'];

Actionscript for text looks like this
var my_xml = new XML ();
my_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
my_xml.load ("[URL]");
my_xml.onLoad = function (success){
if (success)
titlenewsone_txt.htmlText = this;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Sending The Data Of Dynamically Created Input Textfield To PHP

Jun 10, 2010

We have a for loop creating text fields from arrays.

We have four arrays.

First three arrays create dynamic textfields getting their data values from a xml file.

The last array creates empty input textfields where the user enters the data.

What I'm trying to do is to send the values of these textfields to a PHP file.

The problem here is that I'm not being able to get the updated data of dynamically created input fields,which is the data that the user(visitor) enters.

P.S. : I'm using flash CS4 with action script 2.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Textfield And Capture The Array's Data Properly

Feb 26, 2009

I have created an array, and everything seems to be going okay, although I am unable to capture the array's data properly. The Trace function returns something like this :


I need to put ALL that information into a dynamic text? what I am getting now is only the last entry.( Example myItemList[2], but no myItemList[1] or myItemList[0] ) here is the code:


Another option would be to take all this info and put it into 1 variable or something, but I'm not sure how to do that either.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Textfield - Unable To Type Data In FullScreen Mode

Nov 3, 2010

I have some problems using dynamic textfields, spent hours to get it fixed but nothing works. Here's the problem. I've created dynamic textfields where visitors can enter their data, like name, address, comment and so on. My website appears on fullscreen when the web address' typed in. When it's in this fullscreenmode, I'm not able to type in any data in this textfield. When I leave the fullscreenmode I am able to type in my data. Also I've created a dynamic textfield, which loads this sent data from an external database. Now I want to add a scrollbar to this textfield, so all the messages that doesn't fit in the field will be visible. I've tried to create my own, without success, even the simple one in the componentspanel doesn't work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Can Call A Function When Say A Dynamic Textfield's Data Is Changed

Sep 3, 2003

I am making a Scrollbar component and I want a script to call a calculation function for resizing the scrollbar when a new data is loaded.I was experimenting with but it's use is beyond me. I don't understand if its the thing I need.Can call a function when say a dynamic textfield's data is changed?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Send Data From Dynamic Text Field On Stage To Dynamic Textfield In Mc?

Sep 28, 2010

I have 2 input textfields on the stage and 1 dynamic textfield.

-input1 is for quantity

-input2 is for page count

When a user enters a number into the page count it makes a calculation and places the outcome into the dynamic textfield. This textfield is for the individual price.All of this so far works. What I want to do now is create another dynamic textfield for the total. So the individual price is multiplied by the quantity and this result is put in the new dynamic text field. I have the code for that working but here is where it gets tricky (for me anyway).The total price is to start off invisible. When I roll over the individual price the total price is to appear (For a test lets just say when I roll over an area the total price appears).To stop cursor flickering this should be done inside a movieclip. So... I have create a movieclip and placed a dynamic textfield inside it. They all have instance names BUT how do I reference it in script?I need to tell the resulting calculation to be placed inside the textfield which is inside the movieclip. If it isn't inside a movie clip I can do it. But how to I reference it when inside one?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Data From The Text Boxes (e.g. TextField.text) For Use In The Functions Called By The EventListeners Attached The Buttons?

Nov 1, 2008

The code I'm building creates two MovieClips on the stage, in one it instantiates several text boxes and in the other some buttons.

What I can't do is access data from the text boxes (e.g. textField.text) for use in the functions called by the eventListeners attached the buttons. I had the system all working nicely before I placed the text boxes and the buttons on separate movie clips.but this structure makes it much tidier to refresh the text I'm using.The button functions are fine with variables created prior to the building of the text boxes.

Am I failing to address the text boxes correctly (because they're on another movie clip) or is there a stage / movie clip property I need to set so they can see each other ... or is this something else altogether?Could it be that the buttons are created before the text boxes?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Render The Site

Sep 9, 2009

I got a client that saw this site and NOW wants something like this. I am not certain if this is AS2 or AS3. My vote is for AS3.on how to render this?

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Professional :: Render A Project To FLV?

Feb 3, 2009

I'm new to Flash authoring, and something seems puzzling. I see that it is possible in Flash to render an animation (project) to AVI or MOV video formats, and it seems to work fine (although you can't choose your AVI codec,

which seems like a trivial feature to put in. Is there a way to render a Flash animation to FLV? I am working on a project that will play FLV video files inside an FLV player object (SWF object). I would like to create FLVs from inside Flash, using the nifty animation tools and whatnot, and have them play in the same manner as the other FLV videos created by other tools (e.g., FinalCut Pro edited video). I realize the FLV is video

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Render Text As HTML?

Jun 8, 2009

Has anyone else had trouble with the Render Text As HTML function in CS4? I want to use two different fonts in the one textfield. Looks fine in Flash but when I export the swf, only the first font is used.

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IE7 Does Not Render A Movie Correctly?

Dec 1, 2009

I have a Flash movie embedded as shown below. In Firefox, the movie renders beautifully  In IE7, the movie is scaled down, pixelated, and looks bad.There is no HTML aside from what you see here - no CSS or anything.

<html><body><object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="600" height="500"  codebase=""> <param


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Re-render A MovieClip?

Jun 3, 2010

I create a backGround MovieClip object and assign to it a MovieClip from my library.I use addChild to add it to the display list.This is the background for my movie.At some point later on, I want to change that background.If I simply assign a different MovieClip to backGround, nothing changes when I run the movie.I thought there was some method I could invoke that would re-render the backGround MovieClip, but I can't find anything.

I can simply add it again, but that seems like a waste of memory.I've done a removeChild, updated backGround, then addChild'ed it again, but that seems a little klunky.Isn't there some way to update backGround in place without having to remove it and re-add it?

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Render A Printable Image From A SWF?

Nov 18, 2009

I'm working on a project at the moment where the client uses an off-the-shelf Flash library to display data against a map. It's a SWF that we feed some XML data and it renders it in various ways, such as a map of the UK with each county represented with a different colour depending on the data we feed it.

As it's an off the shelf, we only have the SWF, no means to edit the Flash file.

We need to make the reports universally printable from the browser. The idea was to have a container SWF that used the BitmapData methods on it to effectively do a screengrab of what the map ("child") SWF is showing and render it in the page as the image generated for printing(i.e only showing the image in the print stylesheet).

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