ActionScript 3.0 :: Superclass / Subclass Movieclip Linkage

Oct 6, 2010

I have a Hero class that extends a Unit class that extends a SelectableObject class.[code]I have a movieclip in the library that links to the Hero. Inside the movieclip is another movieclip with the instance name "selector".In the Hero I can use selector.gotoAndStop (n) because the movieclip is linked to that class, but I can't do that for the SelectableObject because it's not linked to that.Is there a way to make selector.gotoAndStop (n) work for the SelectableObject? I can't even do var something:* = this.selector because the movieclip isn't linked to it.Or should I just remove the instance name for the selector in the movieclip so I can declare var selector:* = this.getChildAt (1) in the SelectableObject (the selector being the second child)?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Set Superclass Variables From Within A Subclass?

May 8, 2007

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Actionscript 3 :: Call A Superclass Method From A Subclass?

Aug 15, 2010

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Here is the MAIN class (the superclass)

import flash.display.*;


The code doesn't compile, I get "Call to a possibly undefined method DRAWTEXT through a reference with a static type class".

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Jan 3, 2011

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The problem: I have a superclass from which everything derives. In the superclass I initiate and place an Object on stage.

1. var myObject:typeA = new typeA();

2. stage.addChild(myObject);

As you can see this object follows the class 'typeA' which, ocf, has its own actionscript file. Inside of this file I have declared a global variable of type string.

What I want to do is change the varbiable on the new object from the superclass. Therefor I tried as following:

1. myObject.myVariable = 'someSortOfString';

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PHP Code:
package {import flash.display.MovieClip;public class Main extends MovieClip {public va demoString:Strin = "TEST";public static var newClass:SubClass;public function


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public var allowsEnemyMovement:Boolean = true;
public var information:String = "";
public var buildingName:String ="";


Now here's the odd part. Only SOME of the variables defined in the superclass do this. the variable information, buildingName and health all will take the default value from the super class. But the variable defenseValue will take its value from Factory's constructor. What am I doing wrong here? I would like to keep default values in the superclass so that I don't end up with null pointer errors later just in case.

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Nov 26, 2008

It's early days in my AS3 learning, and I'm looking for a little clarification regarding a variable typed to a superclass (in this case var mySpinner:MovieClip) which contains a reference to an new instance of a subclass (in this case Spinner.) I am trying to get my head around why my code compiles and runs and I am able to call the method rotater() on mySpinner even though mySpinner is typed as MovieClip, and the MovieClip class does not contain the method rotater().

On page 163 of the official Adobe Programming ActionScript 3.0 documentation it says the following, which I believe is related to my situation, but I am still in need of clarification:
"Because each class defines a data type, the use of inheritance creates a special relationship between a base class and a class that extends it. A subclass is guaranteed to possess all the properties of its base class, which means that an instance of a subclass can always be substituted for an instance of the base class."

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ActionScript Code:
1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type>[code]....

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Feb 1, 2011

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public class A extends UIComponent{
override protected function keyDownHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void{


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private var classB:B = new B();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Linkage To Movieclip?

Jan 6, 2009

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Professional :: Linkage : Cannot Find The Linkage Instance?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing A MovieClip On The Stage From A Subclass?

Jul 11, 2010

In my flash document, I have a movieclip drawn on the flash stage (put there myself, not dynamically). I want to use this as a holder for an external .swf. I am using a sub-class to run the loading script. I pass the stage reference to it as the variable "theStage". It has no trouble loading things directly to the stage, but it can't find my movieclip for some reason. I have exported the movieclip for actionscript in the symbol properties panel and have given it an instance name.I've tried theStage.myMovieClip.addChild(mySwf); and suchlike, but always get this error message in output:ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property myMovieClip not found on flash.display.Stage and there is no default MethodInfo-206()Some more information: It works from the main class without any trouble.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movieclip Appears In Document, But Not As SubClass?

Dec 30, 2008

I'm building a portfolio site for myself. When I load the Thumbnails class directly into the FLA, it works flawlessly. But when I load it into another class as an instance or through extends, nothing shows up. could post the code but there's a lot of it. There must be a very common explanation for this sort of no-show problem, right?this.addChild(thumb);for every dynamic instance loaded and it pulls a trace, but doesn't appear.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movieclip Appears In Document But Not As SubClass?

May 10, 2010

I'm building a portfolio site for myself. When I load the Thumbnails class directly into the FLA, it works flawlessly. But when I load it into another class as an instance or through extends, nothing shows up.[code]What's the difference, or what could I be forgetting to type?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movieclip Linkage To Class?

May 10, 2005

How do I reference a library movieclip in a class?I couldn't get it to work entering the name of the class in the linkage properties (as2 class name text field). The variable was undefined.

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Actionscript :: Use A Custom MovieClip Subclass As Base Class?

Oct 13, 2011

I'm working on a iPad game in Flash Pro CS5.5 and it was compiling correctly. Now I have marked a lot of MovieClip classes for Export for Actionscript so they use a custom MovieClip subclass as base class.
When publishing the movie I get a SWF without any actionscript in it (publishing takes also a lot less time then before). Now I have a suspicion this is because there seems to be a limit on the number of Export for Actionscript you can have?
The problem is that for iPad I can not split my .fla to create multiple swfs; since swfs that you load via the main document can not have any ActionScript in it (I tried already to put all the sounds in a seperate SWF with export for actionscript turned on, that didn't work).

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Flash :: Scrolling Through Children Of A MovieClip Subclass In Haxe

Mar 14, 2012

In haxe I have a DropDownMenu class that extends MovieClip:

class DropDownMenu extends MovieClip { ...

TextFields are added to DropDownMenus (about 50 TextFields total):

// in a loop in DropDownMenu new method

When a DropDownMenu is displayed the items further down are hidden as the menu goes off the bottom of the flash player. How can I make these DropDownMenus scroll?

I've considered doing something on the rollout mouse event. However I imagine MovieClip provides some mechanism for scrolling its contents.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MovieClip SubClass: Getters, Setters And MouseEvents?

Jul 19, 2006

I am plain stumped. I am working in F8/as2.0.I have a class that extends the MovieClip class. I have a blank_mc in the library that is linked to the class. Here is the constructor:

ActionScript Code:
public function MyMC (target_mc:MovieClip){
var _mc:MovieClip = this;
_mc = target_mc.attachMovie (.....);

That works all fine and dandy. Where I am having issues is basically I have properties x, y that DON't overwrite the _mc's _x & _y props. Instead, the use getter & setters that take values and then calculate the needed number to set the actuall _mc._x, _y props. This doesn't seem to work at all and i don't know why. Here is the code:


So I got this to work by NOT extending the MC. Instead I have a variable ref to a _mc prop in the class.However I am unable to set event functions to it even if I make some ref to the _mc prop. Is there a good way of approaching this by say a decorator pattern?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 Linkage - Load To A Movieclip

Jul 6, 2009

i have a swf in my library that i want to load to a movieclip... I gave to that same swf the linkage name of: 1


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Multiple Instances Of A Movieclip Via It's Linkage?

Mar 14, 2011

how to add multiple instances of a movieclip via it's linkage...

this is the script that adds a single instance to the stage.

code: package
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Nested MovieClip - Classes And Linkage

Dec 7, 2007

In my project I have to classes that inherit the MovieClip class. Then I create a movie clip and in the library I click on linkage and I set on AS2 class field the name of the first class. Inside this movie a create another movie clip and I set his AS2 class to the second class. The problem is, when I run the file the properties of the nested movie clip are not available for the parent. What a mean is that in the constructor of the first class I cannot acces the methods of the nested movie clip. Somehow I need the nested movie clip to be initialized first and then the parent.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error 1152 > Subclass > MovieClip Has Text Field

Jun 25, 2010

I have a movie clip "Obstacle" for a simple game. I have a class for it ( that creates it, and moves it. In this Obstacle there is a text field - i use it for testing right now.
I want to make another Obstacle (HayBale) - with a subclass ( I have it mostly working. ACCEPT that text field.
It pitches this error:
1152: A conflict exists with inherited definition in namespace public.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Init Call Wont Work On MovieClip Subclass

Jan 19, 2009

Can anybody tell me why my lb.init(x, y, h, w); call doesnt call! I get no errors yet my output panel only shows.[code]could it be an issue with the cast on lb?this class is for button which i am creating via the createLightButton()Method in another class the button is created init() in not called +NO ERRORS.Ive used an example for Moocks Essential ActionScript ch13 Avatar class to create this class and I can see no reason for it not to work.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Class 'myclass' Must Subclass Flash.display.Movieclip

Nov 27, 2009

I designed and added in the library MyMovieClip,then i defined a class MyClass, and set up MyClass as BaseClass of the MyMovieClip.Until here All works fine.Then i started writing MyClass. Pointing the attention on a private varible theMC:MovieClip.i wrote the setting function to link this private variable to a Mclip instance in the stage.[code]The class MyClass must subclass flash.Display.MovieClip since it is linked to a library symbol of that type.

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