ActionScript 3.0 :: Swf Gallery Not Appearing In Browser?
Aug 12, 2010
I am working on developing a portfolio site. My page that has a swf does not show up in the browser. I can navigate to the swf file, where it shows up and works fine Originally, the .js file was in a folder that was miss-named, but I got that fixed. Over on the Dreamweaver Forums, it was suggested that it's probably an Action Script coding error
Here is my Action Script:
import fl.controls.ProgressBar;import fl.transitions.Tween;import fl.transitions.easing.*;import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;var columns:Number;var
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Dec 30, 2009
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Jun 13, 2010
I have made this Pictures Gallery script for my website, but I'm searching the reason of the 1109 error.
NB: bordureImage=border of the picture
imageCourante=current image
The error:
TypeError: Error #1009: Il est impossible d'accder la properit ou - la methode d'une reference d'objet nul.
at index_fla::MainTimeline/clic()
Also, there is a fourth blank picture appearing after the third but normally it should return directly on the first one, because there is only 3 pictures. There 1009 error appears when we click on the last picture (the third one) already on the stage to return to the first.
pic1 - clic - ok - pic2
pic2 - clic - ok - pic3
pic3 - clic - error - blank pic
blankpic - clic - ok - pic1
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May 9, 2010
I have a website which I am setting up. However, I want the first page (Home) not to have any sub menu. When I change the value of true to false all the other pages where I want the drop down to appear also disappear.I want other pages to have sub menu but not the home page. I have tried to change the xml path etc, but nothing seems to wor am new to xml and finding this very challenging.I have uploaded the config.xml and the layout xml's. I have also placed the index.htm and js script therelso me understand from where it is reading the config.xml.UPDATE:I checked the SWF and yes the it is pointing to the config file. What I still dont understand is that how can i remove the sub-menu from home while keeping it for other pages.
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Apr 12, 2006
a couple issues I'd like to work out. I have taken the XML photgallery tutorial a step further by making it full browser (with images centered in the browser window). To make this possible, I've sunk the "picture" mc one level deeper into a "container" mc that is centered via actionscript.
So the code changed from: picture to _root.container.picture
Problem is, the registration point for the loaded images is top left. Since some of the images are different sizes, I'd like the registration point to be dead center. How would I do this? Actionscript follows (it's a lot, my apologies).
Side note: Why is the fade-in script so poorly written? Is there a way to make the fades smooth? It works ok when on local drive, but I'm assuming that the delay introduced by an image being accessed on the server makes some of the fades very sudden and ineffective. Any idea how to force the alpha fade to wait until the image has fully loaded?
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Apr 22, 2010
problem regarding xml flash gallery and as 2.0. I have created a xml photo gallery from Kirupa ([URL]) I want to create a gallery where the images from the .xml fill the entire screen and scales proportionally. To achieve this I have followed this tutorial: [URL] As long as I can center the content of the mc center to stage this works fine, but when I create an empty movie clip and try to load external content from the xml file to the mc (instance name = picture) the images does not behave as espexted. It looks as if the TL corner of the jpg images are aligned TL in relation to the MC. Also the image rotates 90degrees clockwise. A final problem is that this test:
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Jul 23, 2009
I am using an XML Gallery on my website and I would like to make it full screen (take up the entire browser) -- instead of its current size. I have played around with the code for hours and pulled most of my hair out and STILL I have no luck on making it fullscreen... I get the positions changed but I can't manage to enlarge it to the whole browser.
Here is my code used to align the holder on the stage and the gallery components (bttnPrev and bttnNext are on the left and right of the image to control movement to other images):
alignPic = function () {
holder._x = (stageW-holder._width)/2;
holder._y = (stageH-holder._height-menu_mc._height)/2; = holder._x;
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Aug 9, 2009
I've spent the past few days having a look for this and no luck so far. Basically I have got a multi-page XML gallery with thumbnails. At the moment the images in the gallery stay their original size. I want to make it so that a) the image takes up the entire page of the browser/stage, and b) the image resizes as the browser does, which I suppose might be in the publish settings.
So my question is how can I size this image so it takes up the entire stage? I've tried fiddling around with Stage.width and Stage.height but no luck so far.
Something like this: [URL]is what I mean.
Attached is my .fla, the actionscript code is all within a key frame inside gallery_mc.
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Dec 12, 2010
When I open up the html in a browser, the image spills off the screen. But if I adjust the broswer by dragging a corner of the window, the scaling starts working and everything fits great. Everytime I load the page or reload it though, it goes back to the default of spilling off the screen. So, it mostly works... unless you don't adjust the broswer manually.Here's the html code:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
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May 5, 2010
I am creating a website where the entire background is tiled and it also contains a photo gallery. Now, the photo gallery has to only appear within a limited height but the width could be similar to the browser window. (The website will be a full browser website with a capability of going fullscreen.). I tried a lot of things but the stage calculation requires to be a little different than the general stage properties.
In general, the height and width of the image is directly proportional to those of the stage. But what I am looking at is for the image to be rescaled proportionally to the width of the stage but the height nneds to be about 20-30% less than the height of the actual stage. Basically the background will be visible in that 20-30% of empty space. (And of course other elements)
My scaling of the image code looks like following,
function scalePic():void {
if ((stageHeight / stage.stageWidth) < imHeight) {
im.width = stage.stageWidth;
im.height = imHeight * im.width;
[Code] .....
And it also centers the image on the stage based on the new stage size.
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Feb 23, 2007
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Jun 3, 2009
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import fl.controls.UIScrollBar;
var myTxt:TextField = new TextField();
myTxt.border = false;
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Jan 24, 2011
I've got a swf file that is supposed to play back a flv within a player. When I test it locally, it works fine, but when I upoaded all of the files (swf, flv, and SteelExternalPlaySeekMute) to the server, when I call the main swf on the page, it doesn't show the controls. If I just call up the swf in a new browser, though, it works fine.
I think the problem may lie in the fact that the html file that loads the swf is not in the same filepath in the server as the swf file. Could it be that the swf is looking for the controls swf in the html's directory, rather than the directory its in? (Though, that doesn't make sense, because it appears to load the flv without an issue, and they are in the same directory)
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Oct 20, 2009
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and pubilsh .swf file. that .swf file did not have page number,any label, only has display images
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This has occurred before but I cant for the life of me remember the cause or solution.
The files are in the public folder on the server.
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Feb 18, 2012
Would anyone have an idea why some images (being pulled into a FLA file via a UI loader) would show up in my SWF file (on my harddrive) BUT, will not show up when I upload the SWF/Images to the ftp/web??
It works perfectly fine on my local harddrive. The UI loader has the correct AS coded, and it successfully brings in the images when I look at the SWF file on my computer. However, when I upload the SWF file to the web, it will not show the images being brought in by the UI loader?
I made double sure that the images were actually uploaded to the website, and they were. I even took the WHOLE site down, and reuploaded it, again, making sure the images I am referring to are up on the web. It all looks correct to me.
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May 6, 2009
I have created a Flash object which uses an xml to read the image path and few other attributes. I could successfully generate the swf and publish (html) the object.
When I view menu.html, independently in a browser it works fine. However, when I embed this, generated html (menu.html), in the home page of another website(homepage.html), it breaks. The images are not displayed.
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Jun 29, 2009
I am unable to view the Actions Panel window in a document I've already done a lot of work in. It worked previously - I created an Actions Layer and was able to add action script, however, when I try to open it back up to edit the action script I wrote, neither the F9 shortcut nor the Windows>Actions pulls up the Actions Panel. In fact, when I try either method, nothing happens.
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Mar 21, 2010
Almost finished constructing a web site (my first) now suddenly, in all the files, none of the objects are appearing on the stage only their registration points(the white circles right?). If I isolate the object it appears.
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Feb 1, 2011
I created a simple flash music player to put on a website. It is viewable in Safari, FireFox and Chrome on my Mac. Unfortunately, when I try viewing it in two browsers on a PC (Chrome and FireFox), it doesn't appear at all. The PC computer does have the most updated version of flash as well. Also, when I try to view the html document created from Flash on the PC computer, my flash player does not show up either.
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May 24, 2011
My CDATA not appearing. My xml file[code]...
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Aug 30, 2011
So I'm working on a very simple animation with some large text areas and have noticed something rather irritating. I'm hoping that someone can tell me why this is happening, and also hopefully a way around it.
When I view the .swf, I'm noticing that text that fits perfectly in the text areas in the .fla is being pushed down passed the edge of the text area. So when the movie exports, something weird happens and the text gets cut off at the bottom. Has anyone else experienced a similar problem, and does anyone know of a way to fix it?
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May 6, 2009
I have created a Flash object which uses an xml to read the image path and few other attributes. I could successfully generate the swf and publish (html) the object.When I view menu.html, independently in a browser it works fine. However, when I embed this, generated html (menu.html), in the home page of another website(homepage.html), it breaks. The images are not displayed.All of the templates - config.xml, menu.fla, menu.swf, menu.html & homepage.html (of the other website) are all in the same folder.
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Oct 20, 2009
i had a actionscript1.0 flash file.i edited that file using actionscript2.0(flash8.0)and pubilsh .swf file. that .swf file did not have page number,any label, only has display images.
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