ActionScript 3.0 :: Test Dynamic Streams?

Jul 28, 2009

I just set up a dynamic stream using FMS 3.5 and AS 3.0.I'd like to test it as much as possible before deploying it to our users.Are there any recommendations/ best practices on testing the video quality?Right now, I can get the video to play but I would like some more information about it like: the bandwidth, frames dropped, which video is being streamed. Is there a way to show this information?

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var me_XML:XML;
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var Xpos:Number = 0;
var Ypos:Number = 0;
var swf:MovieClip;


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Mar 5, 2010

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Movie Streams Before Preloader Finishes Loading It?

Jul 11, 2009

I have created a very basic preloader using flash components 'Loader' and 'ProgressBar". It's job is to load an external swf movie clip/file.

Problem: When the preloader has finished doing it's 'thing', i.e. reaches 100%, it loads/or seeming reveals the external movie already underway i.e. not at the first frame.

I've read a few posts from "Whispers", and have concluded that the problem is that the movie is streaming whilst being loaded. And also that i need to be using "init" in regards to 'listener'.

However i really want to be able to apply this to the code i am using it, as i had just kinda gotten to grips with it (the code).

Is anyone able to tell me what a need to alter to get the preloader to finish loading the movie COMPLETELY before it starts to play.

myProgressBar.mode = "manual";
myProgressBar.setProgress(0, 100);
myProgressBar._visible = true;


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I have several flash clients that send live audio stream to the Red5 server. Is it possible to combine all this audio streams together so that other clients could subscribe only to one audio stream and listen live audio from all publishers?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sound Mixer - Mix Several Audio Streams?

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Is it possible to mix several audio streams? I want to play several audio tracks simultaneously, but several factors that are at times, the audio tracks are out of sync, such as latency method, the for loop, the spec of users PC, FLash Player version, operating system etc

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Media Server :: Automate And Manage Streams?

Jun 3, 2009

Does anyone know if it's possible with any of the Adobe products to automate and manage streams?
We've got a project that will be streaming pre-recorded video and music. Due to the number and frequency of these streams we need a way for us to automate and manage these through our own CMS system.
We will be ultimately pushing these streams out to our CDN provider so no end user streaming actually required.


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