Movie Streams Before Preloader Finishes Loading It?
Jul 11, 2009
I have created a very basic preloader using flash components 'Loader' and 'ProgressBar". It's job is to load an external swf movie clip/file.
Problem: When the preloader has finished doing it's 'thing', i.e. reaches 100%, it loads/or seeming reveals the external movie already underway i.e. not at the first frame.
I've read a few posts from "Whispers", and have concluded that the problem is that the movie is streaming whilst being loaded. And also that i need to be using "init" in regards to 'listener'.
However i really want to be able to apply this to the code i am using it, as i had just kinda gotten to grips with it (the code).
Is anyone able to tell me what a need to alter to get the preloader to finish loading the movie COMPLETELY before it starts to play.
myProgressBar.mode = "manual";
myProgressBar.setProgress(0, 100);
myProgressBar._visible = true;
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May 28, 2009
I just followed the Preloader AS3 tut, and it works! Unlike the other sites
I have Flash CS4 AS3, and when the preloader is finished, it takes me to the end of my movie.
I'm a total beginner at this, since I've only been using Flash for about two days now , but I learn extremely fast !
In very simple terms, please explain how I can start the movie from the beginning when the preloader is done.
Also I had problems locating the URL to the swf. I kept getting "can't locate URL" when I inserted "bones.swf" for the URL request. I had to paste my files into the folder created in the tutorial for it to work. What is the difference between the folder I created and the one created in the tutorial that allowed AS to recognize the URL?
Here's my script:
var l:Loader = new Loader();
l.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, loop);
l.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, done);
l.load(new URLRequest("bones.swf"));
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Mar 1, 2005
New to the forums, but was hoping I could get a quick hand.I have a preloader on frame 1 of my fla, and everything else comes in frame 2. When I use the simulate download setting when testing, once loading hits about 50%, the preloader disappears and the movie continues to frame 2. This causes a problem because flash then pauses and waits for the rest of the content.Could this be because I have movies nested in other movies? It usually pauses right at the point I have the menu mc tweening onto the stage. Is there a way to force the enitre movie to load at the beginning?
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Mar 1, 2005
I have a preloader on frame 1 of my fla, and everything else comes in frame 2.When I use the simulate download setting when testing, once loading hits about 50%, the preloader disappears and the movie continues to frame 2. This causes a problem because flash then pauses and waits for the rest of the content.Could this be because I have movies nested in other movies? It usually pauses right at the point I have the menu mc tweening onto the stage. Is there a way to force the enitre movie to load at the beginning?
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Apr 12, 2010
here is my AS3
I do have stop(); on the 1st frame of the portfoliohome.swf, but It plays the movieclip(my intro) before the loader finishes. Is there a way for me to move the play head to frame 2 while I have the stop() on the frame 1?
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Jun 23, 2011
The code I have so far is included below. Right now the first swf (first of two loaded into main swf) (intro.swf) loads fine on mouseclick of the "go" button. However I would like the first swf to unLoad and the second swf to load ("europe.swf"). This will be a one frame swf that will link to various others. After multiple tutorials/forums I can't figure out how to get the second swf to load while the first unloads.
import flash.display.MovieClip; import flash.display.Loader; import; go.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goIntro); var loaderIntro:Loader = new Loader(); var contentIntro:MovieClip; function
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May 29, 2009
I have a preloader(as3) that is working great, I use FlashVars to pass it what movie it is loading, then it loads that movie, and shows it on the stage after loaded. I would like to make this a bit more dynamic. Right now I can use the same preloader for any movie so long as the movie and the preloader is the same size. I would like to pass the size of the movie im loading to the preloader with flashvars just like im passing it the file path for the movie itself. Here is how im passing the movie:
var swfLocation = this.loaderInfo.parameters.flashPath;
var myRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(swfLocation);
now i just access the variable wherever i want to say load the movie
I tried:
var swfHeight = this.loaderInfo.parameters.flashHeight;
var swfWidth = this.loaderInfo.parameters.flashWidth;
stage.stageHeight = swfHeight;
stage.stageWidth = swfWidth;
then in my flashvars i have a value of flashPath=<?=path?>&flashHeight=<?=height?>&flashW idth=<?=width?> (passing these to the embed and object using php btw)
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Sep 21, 2010
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Here is preload AS3 code:
import flash.display.*
import flash.display.MovieClip;
[Code] .....
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Oct 27, 2010
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Exporting to Flash Player 9, it's working fine and I can scrub through the video, but only while the FLV is still loading. As soon as it hits 100% the scrubbing (using becomes incredibly unresponsive, almost to the point of crashing the player.
I've killed all ENTER_FRAMES, removed all unnecessary listeners and nullified everything I can think of but something massively resource-intensive seems to be kicking in as soon as the load finishes.
Has anyone ever seen this? I've never come across this and can't find anything similar across assorted forums.
Code below but I don't think the mouse-move drag actions are the problem! Fine in the Flash CS4 IDE, broken in the browser.
// Drag
private function dragVideo(e:MouseEvent):void {
// Match the x position of the dragger to the x position of the mouse
videoControls.progressBar.dragger.x = videoControls.progressBar.barInner.mouseX;
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Apr 13, 2011
I am trying to load the output of a php-file into some flash variables and then fill some textfields with those variables. But it seems like even though I have a completehandler it tries to fill the textfields before I get all the data.
function loadQuestion(){
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("the url to my php script");
request.method = URLRequestMethod.GET;
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES;
Is it wrong of me to have the completeHandler inside the loadQuestion function? And is it wrong of me to assume that because I put the data in the textfields in the completeHandler it should w8 until its finished loading?
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Aug 7, 2009
At the moment, I am loading an external SWF file into my movie. The swf file contains a large FLV video... At the moment, I am using the code below, and the video is being loaded into a movie clip with the label "vid1"
The video loads fine. However, because it is such a large video, there is a delay. Can I PRELOAD the video during the main movie's Preloader?
So, my main movie starts, a preloader loads the entire main movie AND the external SWF file (womanonbike4.swf). Then, when the movie gets to the part of the main movie, where the external file is loaded, it will just play!
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Feb 3, 2011
I've created a movie clip that contains several buttons that each load a separate movie clip when they are clicked. I would like to create a pre-loader for each of the separate movie clips because they will be rather large files when I finish adding content to them.
Below is the code I used to get the buttons load the movie clips. How to incorporate a pre-loader into this code
//##### My Code
var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();
addChild(myLoader);//first, the loaded clip is added to the stage wl
myLoader.x = 140;//then it is positioned
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Mar 13, 2009
I have a main swf file in that i have an empty movie clip in which i want the external swf to load...i made buttons n i have given gotoAndPlay specific frame function for them and... wen it enters that specific frame i have given loadMovie function in actions layer for that specific frame... but i dont know how to make a preloader for that so that it loads the external swf..
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Jan 29, 2003
I'm writing a preloader to load external movie clips but my function doesn't seem to be working properly. I call the function and it says that 100% is loaded and makes the movie clip thats showing the out put invisible...thats what supposed to happen except for the going to 100% straight away. the percent is being calculated properly but i think that the function is being executed before the new movie even starts to load...i've tried movieClip.onData but it doesn't seem to work..
Well heres the code
function loader() {
percentClip._visible = true;
targetClip._visible = false;
percent = 0;
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Mar 30, 2008
I have created a preloader, and I want to tell the action script of the preloader once the file is done loading, put it away and load a new movie, or even a new flash file if i have is the action script i have on the loader right now. Its just numbers counting from 1-100% and a .gif clip that plays but they are not connected in any way.
bytes_loaded = Math.round(_root.getBytesLoaded());
bytes_total = Math.round(_root.getBytesTotal());
getPercent = bytes_loaded/bytes_total;[code]...
Also, my preloader ends on Frame 3 and movie would start on frame 4.
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Oct 24, 2009
I'm kinda new to Actionscript still and I found a code for an external movie (that's in an FLVPlayback component) to play in a container after a preloader - it can be seen here: [URL] the end of the intro clip, i want the site to go to another page automatically i'm having trouble because i think i'm supposed to use getURL, but i don't know how to tell it to go there only after the external movie is done. here is the code that controls the external movie:
HTML Code:
this.attachMovie("FLVPlayback","my_FLVPlybk",{width:815, height:540, x:100, y:100});
my_FLVPlybk.contentPath = "";
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Jul 10, 2009
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Aug 11, 2010
I've got a 30 second movie which I would like to disappear after the movie ends, and replace it with a static photo.
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Aug 12, 2010
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Jul 21, 2010
Im loading a .swf application (using IE or Firefox) from an Apache server. The application then communicates with a local java server via XMLsocket.
the aplication runs perfectly on local (even with apache)
from a remote server (applying policyfile) sometimes stops/pauses when receiving xmlsocket dataevent which is usually a small xml message. It screws up a bit the whole movie.
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Apr 1, 2010
how to jump to a frame (gotoAndPlay) on the ROOT (or any frame anywhere) right after (EDIT) a VIDEO CLIP is done playing.
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Jan 27, 2010
I'm trying to remove a movieclip when the one inside of it finishes playing.
PHP Code:
onEnterFrame = function(){
if (baddy.bad_die.currentFrame == baddy.bad_die.totalFrames){
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Jun 21, 2009
Like the description says. I have six buttons, I want it so when you click any of them the movie clip plays once then when it is finished a specific url loads.
on one of the buttons I have
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Jan 29, 2004
I want to be able to make a movie clip (that acts as a button) so the roll over effect finishes before the roll off effect is triggered. Like if a marker circles a button, i want the circling animation to stop before the roll off effects happens. Anyone know how to do this.
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May 5, 2007
My xml was loading fine until I made a preloader( not made, did it with a tuto).
The preloader is on frame 1 and the xml + all items on my stage are on frame 3.
I traced the xml but it comes out undefined... What is happening ??Do I miss something else to launch my xml loading ? Here is the code for the preloader in case:
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
var amount:Number = this.getBytesLoaded()/this.getBytesTotal()*100;
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Jul 28, 2009
Having problems with creating a simple progress bar with percentage loader recieving bytes loaded from a external swf file loading into a empty movieclip using as2. When exported the progress bar is complete and reads 100% and doesn't load the swf. Other attempts resulted with the loader not being shown and the swf being loaded, which is good but, the progress loader doesn't appear.
Here is the code I'm using.
//First Frame
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Sep 2, 2009
I am trying to figure out how to add a preloader to my source, but i have an issue everything i have written is loaded externally through actionscript on frame 2, but it still shows everything loading on frame 1.
Here is what the bandwidth meter shows... it is showing everything on frame 1.
I need the preloader to load on frame1, and its not working. Instead the preloader loads with the rest of the site, and dissapears right away.
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Aug 2, 2009
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Jan 12, 2011
i use an action for preloading a movieclip on my website and it works the first time it downloads, but when you click on the gallery again, it doesnt load, but just shows the start of the preloader.The site:[link removed at poster's request]You can see the problem if you click on "Talk Show Hosts", wait untill it loads, click clients and then back to "Talk Show Hosts".Now it doesnt load, and its the same with the other galleries.The site works by loading an external swf file with the UILoader, the swf that is loaded is a ScrollPane that loads a Movieclip.
//PreloaderloaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, updatePreloader);
function updatePreloader(evtObj:ProgressEvent):void{ //container for the progress of
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