ActionScript 3.0 :: Text Formatting Inconsistencies?

Apr 14, 2010

Does anyone have any clue why the formatting of the contents of a .txt file dumped into a TextField would differ when the same file is loaded locally (during testing) versus remotely (when the project is deployed on a server)?The .txt file has simple HTML formatting that is set by a stylesheet (creating 100% in Flash, so it's not a stylesheet issue), but the paragraph breaks are much bigger when viewed online versus when tested locally.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: PrintJob And Dynamic Text Inconsistencies

May 13, 2009

I have a set of dynamic textfields created and loaded with text at runtime. When I go to print them they print OK but on close inspection you can see that the printed version has words dropping down a line compared to the version on the screen!

I have tried different align settings for the text, system fonts and embedded fonts, cacheAsBitmap the textfields, printAsBitmap=true option, all to no effect.

The only thing that has worked is by drawing the texfields to a bitmapdata and printing that instead. This produces an exact copy of the screen version but the printed quality is very bad and unacceptable.

I'm pretty sure its not a procedural error in my code as the bitmapdata version is made in the same flow. So could it be a quirk in Textfield or TextFormat, or a quirk in PrintJob?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash CS5 Font Inconsistencies Across Windows/OSX?

Mar 22, 2012

We have multiple people working on a single project (and often even a single FLA), everyone's using Flash CS5.5 but some users are running Windows whilst others OSX. I've noticed that some Fonts appear differently when moving a FLA from OSX to Windows or vice versa. In particular, the vertical gutter will often be larger on Windows and sometimes even the leading will be significantly increased.

Published SWFs appear fine across both systems, it's only when you edit an unpublished FLA in the IDE or re-publish it that you notice the difference. I'll also add that this doesn't occur across all fonts and as far as I'm aware, I've only noticed it on the OTF file type (the Helvetica Neue LT family is one such example). And of course, all users have installed the same version of the font.

The problem exists regardless of whether the TextField has been added to the editor or programatically. TLF TextFields don't appear to exhibit this problem, however, we already have an extensive library built up that utilises the old TextField class so migrating to TLF isn't preferable.

This is incredibly frustrating as files move back and forth frequently and it basically boils down to telling users of one OS to ignore the alignment issues because they won't exist when published from the other system. Does anyone have any theories as to why this could be happening or how to get around it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Formatting Html Text In A Dynamic Text Field

Jul 4, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Text Formatting Part Of A Dynamic Text Field?

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make one word in a dynamic text field bold WITHOUT using the htmlText property? Everything I have read seems to indicate that you can only make the whole field bold.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Formatting External Images And Text In The Text Field

Jan 3, 2010

I make RSS reader in flash. I have a text field and when I place RSS text and images in that text field I need to have a text in the new line after picture. But now I have image from the left and text from the right.

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Feb 6, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Text Formatting In Text Brought In From ASP Page?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: TEXT Formatting When In Dynamic Text?

Jul 18, 2004

why can't i format my text when i am in the dynamic text setting. i mean justifying and all that?

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Flash :: "append" Html Text To Text Area In Flex And Flex Mobile Project To Display Sprite And Text Formatting?

Jun 7, 2011

I'm playing around with a messaging type of application. Does anyone know how, or of any tutorials on to "appending" html text to text areas in flex and flex mobile projects? And specifically how I could take that and basically "append" a sprite inline to the text when i need to? Something simple like:Username: some text right here!So, Anyone have any experience "appending" sprites or simple text formatting?how to solve these issues!EDIT:Based on an answer below it was sugguested that it's as simple as...textAreaInstance.htmlText += "<b>Username:</b> some text right here!";But its not. you can't do .htmltext with a text area. you can on a text field, so i tried

var TF:TextField = new TextField();
TF.width = 200;
TF.height = 200;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Text Formatting?

Jan 4, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Formatting Text Via XML

Apr 29, 2011

I'm trying to format an XML file so I can have HTML tags on it for bold, italic, underline, etc... but its not working. When I'm not using any HTML tags my subtitle works great but when I put the tags the player reads the time tag not the sutitle!!


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Xml Text Formatting With Css

Jul 3, 2011

i have set a textfield's text from an XML and now I am trying to format it with css. the xml text loads all fine and the css loads but they are not working together.


i am not too familiar with css or html but studied up on css and based on all of the searching i did i am not able to find out what i am doing wrong here. do i need to set the xml with standard html language/nodes?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Formatting Xml Text With CSS?

May 3, 2010

I have a file where I am importing info from an XML file using atttributes. It works fine, except I no longer want the font to be embedded. I want to either call if in from a stylesheet or set it in the actionscript, so it uses same arial or san serif used on the rest of the web site it is a part of.

my code.......

var myImages:Array = new Array();
var myXml:XML = new XML();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Text And Formatting?

Sep 20, 2009

I need now is, to load it and format certain parts of it automatically.For example, I have a blog with lots of posts, and the posts are:


And so, I need the title and the date to be one font, with different colors between them, and the content is another font, on a third color.I have to do this because I've been putting the posts directly inside flash, and they got so long after a while, that I can't have all of them on my screen at any one time, they exceeded flash's height, to edit the older ones, I need to keep scrolling everything up, which is a pain.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Formatting Text Is Not Working?

Sep 3, 2009

Why is the following not working to set my text style?

private function createTF():void
tipTxt = new TextField(); 


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Text Box Formatting?

Jun 22, 2010

I'm running into issues with using HTML formatting for a dymanic text field. I know these are quirky and I cannot figure out how to get the formatting proper.I have on my stage a dynamic text box called "content_txt" inside of a movie clip instance "content_mc". When it enters the frame, I fade the "content_mc" from alpha 0 to 100 using a timeline animation. In order for this to work, I have to embed the font in my "content_txt" text field. However, the only way I get get the HTML formatting to work is if I do not embed the font.
The dymanic text field is set to render as HTML. In my actions layer, I set the text:

this.content_mc.content_txt.htmlText = "<b>Hello world,</b> it is me again."
In summary: 1. If I do not embed the font, the alpha fade does not work but the HTML formatting does.
2. If I embed the font, the alpha fade works but the HTML formatting does not.
How do I resolve this? It's driving me nuts!

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Professional :: Flash And Text Formatting?

Nov 12, 2011

I have a dynamic TextField with very wide letter spacing in my .fla. However, whenever I change the text in the TextField using actionscript, the letter spacing resets. Is there a way to keep that from happening? And why does it happen in the first place

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Mysql :: Formatting Text In Flex?

Jun 8, 2010

basically I have an admin flex page that allows the user to enter text into database. Then the frontend app will take the database entries and display them to the user. However there is no formatting. Do I need to insert html into the database then read that html again?For the user using the admin, they probably wont know html, so is there a simpler way to format?

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Flash :: Text Box Formatting Differences

Feb 14, 2011

I have two text boxes on the same window. They are both set to Arial 14 Regular but they both appear very differently. To see what I am referring to: [URL] and go to the Conversion Tools at the bottom of the page. Click on Surface Finish and type in a value in the two different fields and click calculate. I really don't see anything that could be causing this difference in appearance.

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Flex :: Text Formatting For A String?

Jun 6, 2011

Can I set the font size for string? I want to do text formatting for string, Is it possible in flex?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Text Formatting Gone Bad ... Well Null Actually

Sep 2, 2009

If I create an html textfield and give the text the bold tags, when I run a getTextFormat() the bold returns null. Here is the scenario I made up to replicate this.

1. I created a textfield where I set the html text to

<b>Some bold text</b>

2. I take the html formated text from the first textfield which is

<P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Times New Roman" SIZE="12" COLOR="#000000" LETTERSPACING="0" KERNING="0"><B>Some bold text</B></FONT></P>

3. I apply the html text to another textfield and check for bold.
4. The bold is null instead of true

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Way To Add Formatting To Dynamic Text

Sep 27, 2009

is there a way to add formatting to dynamic text, e.g. make stuff bold, add a new paragraph, what should i search Google, are there any good websites? notes.text = "Baetica and Lusitania: Roman possession of Spanish territory began with the Second Punic War."i need to know how to make "Baetica and Lusitania" bold, and add a new line after the colon.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Complete TLF Text Formatting?

Mar 14, 2011

I am struggling with TLF text, I searched and searched and can't find a GOOD tutorial or complete method on how to format TLF text with AS3, I need to:

- Load dynamic text into dynamic TLF text field
- Set custom fonts
- Set formatting including letter spacing, margins, leading, sharpness
- Set links, link hoover color, link decoration
- Get a method that supports HTML tags (those supported by Flash CS5)

tutorial, book, e-book that explains all the steps needed to set, format and control TLF text?

I need something that explains how to do this, logically, step by step, I'm a designer not a programmer

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Formatting Text In Slideshow?

Dec 20, 2011

I'm making a slideshow screensaver by following this tutorial.

Here's all the code I have so far (in the first frame on the root timeline):

import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
import flash.text.Font;


...but I'm trying to change the font face to Arial.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Formatting Text Brought In Via XML

Aug 18, 2010

I'm importing text via an XML file that will then be displayed in a dynamic text field. The text is about 1 sentence long but one of the words in the sentence must be bold and a different color. So I've added some HTML tags in the XML node to change the color and format but when I test the file the html tags show in the dynamic text field and the text is NOT formatted.[code]Am I not using the CDATA tag properly? Or do I need to change something in the way I call up the data in the xml node?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text And Formatting

Oct 22, 2004

I have a dynamic text box that holds text and shows images using the <img> tag.all works fine - however <br> or <p> will not put the next lines of text under the image... you have to keep adding them until there are enough this isnt good for dynamic text boxs if I dont know how many lines to add.

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