Actionscript 3 :: Math Inconsistencies - Build A Calculator In Flex?

Feb 6, 2010

I'm trying to build a calculator in Flex / actionscript 3 but have some weird results using the class Math :

trace(1.4 - .4); //should be 1 but it is 0.9999999999999999
trace(1.5 - .5); //should be 1 and it is 1
trace(1.444 - .444); //should be 1 and it is 1
trace(1.555 - .555); //should be 1 but it is 0.9999999999999999

I know there are some issues with floating point numbers, but as you can see, it should at least fail for all of my examples, am I right?How the problem is solved in other calculators and how should I proceed in order to build a usable calculator in Actionscript 3 .

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var p:int = 0;
var n:Number = 0;
n = 32.999999999999999;
p = Math.floor(n);
trace(p); // returns 33
n = 32.11111111111111;
p = Math.floor(n);
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// Where the user pointer right now


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