ActionScript 3.0 :: This Array / Position - Change The Page Indicator When The User Scrolls

Feb 26, 2009

I have a scroll pane component with SWFs loaded in them vertically like a PDF viewer. I need to be able to change the page indicator when the user scrolls. I have an event listener on the scroll pane listening for scroll. I have an array of the Y values of each page; looks something like this: 0,800,1600,2400,3200 etc What kind of equation would I do to determine the correct number. My scroll event looks like this:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Record The Current Position Of Any Of The Items Item In Order To Use That Data To Change The Position Of The Item After The User Clicks?

Jan 2, 2010

If I have several items that move across the screen but the user can click any of them at any time, how do I record the current position of any of the items item in order to use that data to change the position of the item after the user clicks?

This is what I am doing: I have 11 images that slide accross the screen. The user can click any of them at any time. When he clicks one I am scaling the image so it looks like it is comming forward (z axis) and then the rest of the images are scaled down so it looks like they are going back on z axis. So what I am trying to do is get the current position of the image when the user clicks the image so that I can use that to correctly estimate the scaling and moving of the image to make it look like it scales from the center and not from the top left corner. So if have a variable that gets the current position of the image being clicked I'm thinking I can change its position using something like: x = currentposition + -45;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Website / Dynamic Page Indicator

Jun 21, 2004

I have my main movie, which contains the logo and navigation.I have a blank movieclip created with actionscript that loads the individual movie swf files.That works fine.What I want to do, and which I can't figure out is dynamically have the main navigation buttons' text indicate what page you the user is on. Right now the code is on each button instance, example:[code]so the variable aMenu holds the moveclip names of the buttons. pageHolder holds the the name of the current page that is loaded.Thats how I change the pages to be loaded. To explain, if you look at the button code, the text for each button is by default greay and when you rollover it becomes black and off and it becomes gray again. That is on the first frame. On the second frame the text is black.In the code I tried to make the black dynamically, but it didn't work, so I settled for going to the second frame and stopping.My second question(much shorter I promise).I guess its preference, but is it generally good to put the code on each instance of a button or put in in the main frame where your code lies.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change The Position Of The Movie On Page?

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how to do a snow effect. but I don't know to change te position of the movie on my page?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: SWFs + GetURL + Current Page Indicator On Nav Button?

Aug 8, 2006

I have a .swf file containing a navigation bar and also an animation. I was going to use getURL on the nav buttons so that a different html page would launch onRelease. The animation in the swf file that contains the nav buttons plays as soon as the swf is loaded and there's also a movie clip in the file which continues its animation even after the file has loaded and played. As each of the nav buttons are pressed and the correct html page loads, I don't want the entire swf file to reload and therefore play the entire animation again as it did on the home page, but instead I just want it to appear as though it's already loaded but I do want the separate movie clip in the swf file to continue to play. Is there any way to make this happen?

Also, I wondered what code I'd need to make the current page nav button appear in a different state to all the other buttons to make a "you are here" effect.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Main Navigation Buttons - Dynamic Page Indicator

Jun 21, 2004

I have a website, basic overview. I have my main movie, which contains the logo and navigation. I have a blank movieclip created with actionscript that loads the individual movie swf files. That works fine. What I want to do is dynamically have the main navigation buttons' text indicate what page you the user is on. Right now the code is on each button instance, example:

//work button Definition
if(_root.pageHolder != "work") {
_root.pageHolder = "work";
_root.mcContainer.loadMovie(_root.pageHolder+".swf", this);
[Code] .....

Each button has the same code, just pointing to their respective pages. Here is the code in the first frame for setCurrentMarker()n function:
var aMenu = new Array(home, jschaer, work, contact);
function setCurrentMarker(){
for(i=0; i<= (_root.aMenu.length-1); i++){
if(_root.aMenu[i] == pageHolder){
[Code] .....

So the variable aMenu holds the moveclip names of the buttons. PageHolder holds the the name of the current page that is loaded. Thats how I change the pages to be loaded. To explain, if you look at the button code, the text for each button is by default greay and when you rollover it becomes black and off and it becomes gray again. That is on the first frame.

On the second frame the text is black. In the code I tried to make the black dynamically, but it didn't work, so I settled for going to the second frame and stopping. How do you get those little scroll boxes where you can put code. I guess its preference, but is it generally good to put the code on each instance of a button or put in in the main frame where your code lies. Is there any benefit either way?

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Flash :: Start Banner Below Fold When User Scrolls Down?

Feb 3, 2012

I want to have a flash banner start playing once it becomes visible below the fold. When the visitor scrolls down and it is viewable in the browser it starts playing. Is this possible? I'd prefer if the solution was outside of flash but just want it to work. Currently the banner does not replay itself so it is playing to the end before it becomes visible. If it could load or start playing once its viewable that would solve the problem.

I know lazyloader can load images after you scroll down and facebook comments load once you scroll down but could you do the same thing with anything? in particular a flash banner.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Content That Scrolls Off The Page?

Sep 5, 2011

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//navigateToURL(new URLRequest("javascript:window.scroll(0,0);"), '_self');


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Actionscript 3 :: Flex 4 - Event Doesn't Fire When The User Scrolls With A Mouse Wheel Or Arrow Keys

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Within my application I'm using a Scroller component. I can't seem to figure out which event I should set up a listener on in order to know when content is scrolled. I tried Event.CHANGE on Scroller.verticalScrollBar property but apparently that event doesn't fire when the user scrolls with a mouse wheel or arrow keys.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: ScrollBar Dragger To Be Positioned In Relation To The Info._y As The User Scrolls Info?

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var scrollBarPercent = Math.round(scrollBar.dragger._y / [code]........

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Nov 21, 2011

Let me ask how to program an html page to move to a new web page on user's clicking an item of an embedded flash movie? But , in detail, I actually want to do a little different thing. I want that the parent html page remains there ,instead I want a child html frame has a new page after user's clicking the list item of the embedded flash movie.

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Oct 11, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Call Cleanup Function On Reload Of Page / Relode Of Swf Or Change Of Page

Nov 15, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change The Page / Margin Size So The Content Can Fit In The Page Without Scaling

Jun 11, 2010

I'm trying to print a mc which is bigger than the default page size. I want to change the page/margin size so the content can fit in the page without scaling. Per the API reference [URL] the page settings are readonly. How can I print something bigger than the default page size? Is it doable in AS2 or AS3?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Array Position Of Clicked Item To Fetch String From Another Array?

Mar 23, 2010

I put my mc's in an array.I have another array with strings.when the mc is clicked I want to get its position in the mc array and return the string from the same position in the string array.How do I do that?

PHP Code:
var numBtnArray:Array = new Array;
function addNumButtonsToStage():void{


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ActionScript 3.0 :: When Run Get LastIndexof For Array / Get Returned Size Of Array Instead Of Position

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when i run get lastIndexof for an array I get returned the the size of the array instead of the position here is the code:[code]but instead of returning the last index of it before the current index, it returns the current index (or jus the array length). help!!! it is my first time using lastIndexOf so I am probably using it this does not include some of the function run (i know i am passing a value which it does not look like i am using, but i know that part of the code works)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Moving Circle To X Position When User Click On Square

Jun 18, 2008

I have a circle and a square on the stage. When you click on the square the circle will go to "circle._x = 300" when the circle is at 300 I want to make it when you click on the square the circle will go "circle._x = 45"

moveCircle = function () {
circle._x = 300;
if (circle._x >= 300) {
circle._x = 45;
}} square.onRelease = function() {
trace(circle._x + "is the position of the circle");

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Professional :: Create A Button That Will Return The User To An Exact Position On The Stage?

Jun 23, 2010

possible to create a button that will return the user to an exact postion on the stage? For instance, I want to create a back button at the bottom of the stage, and when someone presses it, it takes them to the top of the stage? I am using Flash CS4 on Windows.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: When The User Roll Out Of A Sub Menu The Arrow Eases To It's Original Position?

Aug 21, 2004

i'm building a menu that has an arrow that eases to the spot of the sub menu when u mouse over it. i did it very easily.but what i want to do now is when the user roll out of a sub menu the arrow eases to it's original far all my tries faild...the arrows starts "freaking out"...

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Importing To A Set Page Position?

Nov 5, 2011

I'm creating a presentation, where it involves importing a swf into a new swf ... ironically for me, that's the easy bit (works like a charm! My (probably simple) issue, is trying to import it to a certain placement on the page, instead of the default top left. I tried to "edit multiple frames" approach, but my poor old PC almost froze, as there are many frames involved.

if there is a simple way to import to a specific location on a new blank movie, I'd be very keen to hear how this is achieved.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Asset To Move X,y Position Or Alter It's Properties Depending On The User Environment?

Feb 22, 2012

If you don't add an asset (text field, mc, btn etc) to the stage / create the object dynamically, is it possible for the asset to move x,y position or alter it's properties depending on the user environment? If so, what environments can cause this? IE what browsers, op. systems, player versions etc?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sending A User To A Php Page From Flash?

Mar 31, 2011

So I am successfully able to send variabls from Flash to PHP, but I am still unable to figure out how to send the USER to the php page along with their variables. The reason I want to do this is because the PHP script in question spits out a bunch of text to the user based off the variables sent to it from flash.
Right now, when the user clicks the submit button in flash it sends the variables to flash ok, but to the user, they just continue to sit idly on the flash page, even though it no longer serves a purpose. So I guess my question is, how can I get flash to send the user AND their data to the php script when they click the submit button?


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