ActionScript 2.0 :: Change The Position Of The Movie On Page?

Dec 28, 2004

how to do a snow effect. but I don't know to change te position of the movie on my page?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: This Array / Position - Change The Page Indicator When The User Scrolls

Feb 26, 2009

I have a scroll pane component with SWFs loaded in them vertically like a PDF viewer. I need to be able to change the page indicator when the user scrolls. I have an event listener on the scroll pane listening for scroll. I have an array of the Y values of each page; looks something like this: 0,800,1600,2400,3200 etc What kind of equation would I do to determine the correct number. My scroll event looks like this:


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Change A Movie Clip Position?

Aug 24, 2009

I am creating a flash presentation for school. I am unable to solve this problem, that keeps on pestering me.The problem is:I am trying to create a touch screen calibration movie clip. The only problem i keep running into is, when i click the calibration touch screen cross, what is the script that allows the change in position of the cross after it has been clicked on?Example:The original cross is orientated on the top left of the screen, after it has been clicked i need it to move to the top right of the screen, then clicked again - bottom right, and again bottom left and finally clicked again to be displayed in the centre

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Javascript :: Getting A Flash Video On New Page Load At Position It Was At On Last Page

Oct 11, 2011

I have a an unobtrusive flash video looping in the background of a website, it is not essential to navigation - it is purely cosmetic.The flash video loops every 30 seconds.As this video is on all pages, it jumps back to the start when a new page is loaded.Is there an actionscript / javascript way to get it to remember the position it got to on the old page so it can start there on the new page?I do know that this can be accomplished by loading the flash movie in a frame as well as by having the subsequent pages load the contents in AJAX but I was hoping not to go down this route.I have seen other people ask the question and allude to the solution but they only posted that they got it to work without saying how.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie Clip To Change Position Depending On How Much Text Is In The Text Field

Mar 29, 2005

i have a dynamic text field that loads a variable into it (just a simple text file). this text file will be updated on occasion. i also have a movie clip to be positioned below the text field, however i want the movie clip to change position depending on how much text is in the text field so there isnt a large gap and so they dont overlap. is this possible? i tried the following actionscript to adjust the size of the text field depending on the amount of text. textField2.autosize = "center"; however i have no idea how to get the y position of the movie clip to adjust accordingly.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Record The Current Position Of Any Of The Items Item In Order To Use That Data To Change The Position Of The Item After The User Clicks?

Jan 2, 2010

If I have several items that move across the screen but the user can click any of them at any time, how do I record the current position of any of the items item in order to use that data to change the position of the item after the user clicks?

This is what I am doing: I have 11 images that slide accross the screen. The user can click any of them at any time. When he clicks one I am scaling the image so it looks like it is comming forward (z axis) and then the rest of the images are scaled down so it looks like they are going back on z axis. So what I am trying to do is get the current position of the image when the user clicks the image so that I can use that to correctly estimate the scaling and moving of the image to make it look like it scales from the center and not from the top left corner. So if have a variable that gets the current position of the image being clicked I'm thinking I can change its position using something like: x = currentposition + -45;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Call Cleanup Function On Reload Of Page / Relode Of Swf Or Change Of Page

Nov 15, 2011

I have an swf loaded in a browswer (fire fox) and i use log on console using [code]I have initialized my swf in the document class on the Event.Added to stage.and i have a clean up function performing all the clean up/exit process in the code on the event [code]Now Doubt that this is being called/ activated/trigered as i am not able to log the start and end of the function to the console.The console log is of firebug.What exactly am i missing here? I would like to call the cleanup function on reload of page or relode of swf or change of page.How do i trigger and log it properly

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Feb 1, 2006

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change Nav Button Image On Page Navigation Change?

May 26, 2010

i have my nave bar as my main swf then i load each page as an external swf in a mc container. each button should be marked when you navigate to the respective page. how would i load a current pages icon over the generic one when i navigate to that page then unload it when i navigate to another page?

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Importing To A Set Page Position?

Nov 5, 2011

I'm creating a presentation, where it involves importing a swf into a new swf ... ironically for me, that's the easy bit (works like a charm! My (probably simple) issue, is trying to import it to a certain placement on the page, instead of the default top left. I tried to "edit multiple frames" approach, but my poor old PC almost froze, as there are many frames involved.

if there is a simple way to import to a specific location on a new blank movie, I'd be very keen to hear how this is achieved.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Set The Position Of The Scroll Bar Back To The Top Of The Page?

Jul 29, 2010

I have a canvas with its verticalScrollPolicy = "auto" and whenever I reload data into the canvas I want to set the position of the scroll bar back to the top of the page.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Position Script At Bottom Of Page

Jul 25, 2009

At the moment my canvas in 1000x600 and the script, which make the ripple image distortion, covers 1000x300 pixels. The area where this script animates is at the top half of the canvas..Can someone tell me how to position the Script at the bottom of page rather than the top? [code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Page Title - When Click On One Of The Menu Items, Page Title Should Change?

Nov 6, 2010

I'm trying to edit a Flash file, that get it's data from and XML file.Now when you click on one of the menu items, the page + page title should change, but somehow the page title remains the same. (at least for the first 3 menu items) But when you go to the last menu item and then back to one of the first 3 menu items, the correct page title is shown.I'm no flash / AS expert, so I can't really find out what the problem is, but it seems like it has something to do with this function

_root.getCurrentText(thisText0, _parent.num);

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Flash :: Program An Html Page To Move To A New Web Page On User's Clicking An Item Of An Embedded Movie?

Nov 21, 2011

Let me ask how to program an html page to move to a new web page on user's clicking an item of an embedded flash movie? But , in detail, I actually want to do a little different thing. I want that the parent html page remains there ,instead I want a child html frame has a new page after user's clicking the list item of the embedded flash movie.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Position MCs In The Stage Like Words Wrapped In A Page?

Jul 4, 2009

I'm trying to position some MCs in rows in the stage (MCs created dinamically) in a manner that when they reach a max width they jump to a row bellow, like words wrapped in a page with left alignment or, to better explain, like the image scheme attached. Each  MC has a different width.

I've tryed a lot with no success. But I guess that I'm almost there. At this moment I'm using an array that retrieves each MCs width and another that retrieves the widths sum. Here's my code, important parts in red:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Different Page On The Website Exists At A Different Position On The Timeline?

Aug 6, 2009

This must have been done before and be really easy but I am a newbie so just keep coming up with compiler errors. I have built a website in flash cs4 using as3. I have set up the time line so that each different page on the website exists at a different position on the timeline. Sections have been labeled so that I can jump to that section upon button click.

What happens is when the link to the page/section is clicked the timeline jumps to that section and plays an animation that animates the page onto the stage then stops.("in animation") When you click another link the page should animate off of the stage ("out animation")and the next one animates in.

(I have set the time line up so that after each "in" animation there is a stop and after each "out" animation there is a stop.) This is where i'm having the problem.

I have set up event listeners for the button clicks But i can only get them to either play the "out" animation then that stops, using this code:


What i would like to know is how to add the two together so that when a button is clicked the information about what was clicked is added to a variable. The function plays the out animation then when that is complete checks the variable where the page clicked information is then jumps to that section on the timeline and plays it's "in" animation

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Flash :: Use Script To Seek Position Of Videos Embedded On A Page?

Nov 28, 2009

Is it possible to use javascript to seek position of videos embedded on a page (Videos from Youtube, DailyMotion, Revver, etc)?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Link A Button In Flash To A Certain Position In An Html Scrolling Page?

Jul 8, 2009

I have a Flash home page which is part of a standard html website. A button needs to link to a specific position in the middle of an html scrolling page. My current script is:

on (release) { getURL("whats-hot.html#_cn"); }

"whats-hot.html" is the page, "#_cn" is the bookmark to the desired position. However, this is not functioning correctly and lands at the top of the page.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 : Change The Movieclip Position?

Mar 16, 2009

I've made an image slider in flash and need it to slide out at it's current position before changing scenes.

The code i'm using is -

onClipEvent(load) {
_root.newXpos = 0000
speed = 10


I need the '_root.newXpos = 0000' to tell the movieclip to stay in the X position it is currently in (it will be different each time as the user can move the movieclip via buttons, so a simple Xpos = 0000 won't do)Alternatively, I've tried adding -

on (press) { _root.newYpos = 476.2;
if (_root.Ypos =476.2);
gotoAndPlay ("Pxcotos", 1);

on a button but the scene changes before the movieclip has a chance to slide out.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Randomly Change Position Of 9 MC's

Oct 22, 2009

I have a movie with on stage three rows of three movieclips, so 9 in total. I would like to change their positions randomly (time interval function) to x- and y-coordinates in the way that they "shuffle" each time. So for example, mc01 changes position to the positions of mc08, while mc08 goes to another position etc. So 9 changes to fixed coordinates eacht interval.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Change Movieclip Position

Jan 13, 2010

I've made an image slider in flash and need it to slide out at it's current position before changing scenes. The code i'm using is -


on a button but the scene changes before the movieclip has a chance to slide out. Is there anyway of telling the actionscript to wait before jumping scenes between the code?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change The X Position Of Movieclip?

Apr 5, 2010

I have 4 movieclip in the stage. Its instance names are mc_1, mc_2, mc_3, mc_4.
To change the x position of this movieclip I can use the below AS 2.0 code. It is working fine.

for (i=1; i<=4; i++) {
eval("mc_"+i)._x += 10

I like to know how to write this statement in AS 3.0.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change The Position Of The Mouse?

Jun 13, 2011

My question is fairly straight forward: Is there a way to move the position of the mouse?within confines of the stage)I tried changing the value of mouseX/mouseY but it shows the following errors:I:FlashFlash, Line 98 1178: Attempted access of inaccessible property mouseX through a reference with static type game:Maze.I:FlashFlash, Line 98 1059: Property is read-only.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Change Mouse Position

Aug 6, 2011

i wan to change my mouse coordinate to x->0, y ->0, possible?

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Actionscript 3 :: Change Position When Something Is In Perspective?

May 17, 2011

I would like to draw a grid in perspective and draw a circle in in te left bottom corner.But I am not able to get it right.[code]...

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IDE :: Change Xy Position Of An Object Using Buttons?

May 9, 2009

I started using Flash again after a "brief" hiatus (the last time I used it, Flash was on it's MX version ).I am trying to create an animation in which I can move across the stage a simple object (a circle, a square or a star, for example) using buttons (left, right, up and down)This was fairly simple using AS 1, even when I was no expert. The thing is that those simple ways are no longer working with AS 3.I spent a few hours doing some research until I found this nice tutorial on this same site:

Code: http:[url]....

I followed the tutorial, and all was working nicely, but when I attempted to do the animation from scratch, it simply didn't work .I even used the same names for all the objects and instances, but still nothiing.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Position Of Movieclip?

May 4, 2011

Is there any way to define a movieclip position which is already on the stage?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change Mc Position Around Canvas?

Mar 2, 2005

Im trying to make a Mc to move around the canvas according to the mouse position. The Mc follows the mouse on the _y coordinates.Now I want to make it change position on the _x coordinates according to the mouse.It is working fine on the _xmouse position, but Im not getting it to work in the _ymouse position. Id like the Mc change position when the mouse is over a determined are on the stage.This is the code Im using

onClipEvent (load) {
this._x = 750;
//set original x[code].....

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IDE :: Stuck In A Loop - Trigger This New Html Page To Open When The X Position Of The Object Is True?

Jan 24, 2009

I have a swf within a html page. There is a function that opens an html page when an object gets to a certain x position. However, when the object gets to that point the new html page (in _self) opens over and over again and get stuck in a loop. Any way to escape this loop and what would be the best way to trigger this new html page to open when the x position of the object is true?

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