ActionScript 3.0 :: Position MCs In The Stage Like Words Wrapped In A Page?

Jul 4, 2009

I'm trying to position some MCs in rows in the stage (MCs created dinamically) in a manner that when they reach a max width they jump to a row bellow, like words wrapped in a page with left alignment or, to better explain, like the image scheme attached. Each  MC has a different width.

I've tryed a lot with no success. But I guess that I'm almost there. At this moment I'm using an array that retrieves each MCs width and another that retrieves the widths sum. Here's my code, important parts in red:


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for each (listXML:XML in {
if (listXML.children().length() == 0) {
// list item is empty - make it an empty paragraph instead


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public class Class1 {
private var _age:int;


Of course the [Bindable] tag there doesn't make sense. But how can I achieve the same effect?

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Flash :: Use Script To Seek Position Of Videos Embedded On A Page?

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Javascript - Flex Tree View With Wrapped Text On Nodes?

Sep 8, 2010

I've spend hours searching for a way to put one paragraph of text in one tree node in Adobe flex. How can I do it? I created a simple tree view but the text is cut after the right border.

So I tried to create a tree renderer. In the renderer I specified width=100 and the text wrapped. But the height of the nodes was not being calculated properly, so the text over consecutive nodes overlapped and got messed.

So how do i do wrapped text in a tree node?

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IDE :: Position MC On Stage?

Apr 9, 2009

I have 9 MC on stage with an instance of S1 to S9.

what I am try to do is position each clip beside each other on the x coordinate.

in AS2 it would be something like this

for (var d:Number = 0; d<9; d++) {
this["S"+d]._x = this["S"+d]._x -this["S"+d]._width/2


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Link A Button In Flash To A Certain Position In An Html Scrolling Page?

Jul 8, 2009

I have a Flash home page which is part of a standard html website. A button needs to link to a specific position in the middle of an html scrolling page. My current script is:

on (release) { getURL("whats-hot.html#_cn"); }

"whats-hot.html" is the page, "#_cn" is the bookmark to the desired position. However, this is not functioning correctly and lands at the top of the page.

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Feb 26, 2009

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Flex :: Flash Builder 4: Error #1009 In When Button Is Wrapped In BorderContainer

Sep 7, 2010

I have a component where a Button is wrapped in BorderContainer. I'm passing a custom property to the component at run-time to change the label of the button but Flex is reporting the following error:

Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference

When the error occurs, Flex highlights the following code:

myButton.label = value;

Here's the app:

// MyApp.mxml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx=""


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