ActionScript 3.0 :: Timeline Mask Makes Everything Disappear?

Feb 2, 2010

i have some dynamically created symbols populating the stage through external packages. they show up on the swf fine.i add some different symbols to the timeline. everything still shows up fine.i turn one of the above timeline symbols into a mask, and ALL the dynamic symbols disappear on the published swf. I need to have a mask for some of the interaction I want to do.. but i obviously can't have it make everything else disappear! what's going on here?

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Loading An External Swf Into A Mc Makes The Mc Disappear?

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My problem is that the mc dissappears when I try to load this new swf into it. Could it be something with relative/static paths?

onEnterFrame = function(){
var mcl:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
var mclL:Object = new Object();


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I tried:

var myFormat = new TextFormat();
myFormat.font = myEmbeddedFont.fontName;
myFormat.size = 12; // the same size as the embedded font


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Main Timeline
Select allvar item_mc = new item();
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[Code] .....

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this.createTextField ("imageText",2,95,0,390,96);
imageText.multiline = true;
imageText.wordWrap = true;[code].....

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itemsContainer_mc (inside externalContainer_mc at 0,0);

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Mask Making Dynamic Mc/text Disappear

Aug 25, 2009

I have created a list of MC's with dynamic text via xml to create a list of mc Buttons. All works well as I wanted, but as th elist is too long i want to create a scroller for these, anyway when I apply the mask and test this all the text dissappears, they are there as the links all work but the text seems to have turned invisible, want am i doing worng.

I am creating each mc button dynamically like:

var venueBtn:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
var venueTxt:TextField = new TextField();

why the text disappears when appling a mask

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Movie.stop(); Makes Timeline Buttons Not Work?

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cr_back_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onCRBackClick);
function onCRBackClick(e:MouseEvent):void


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Sep 9, 2011

I am bumping into a very strange behaviour on Flash.If you on the Flash IDE create a shape with a mask associated to it, save it and then export it as a swf, you cannotprogramatically know there is a mask (displayObject.mask is null)

Here's a simple test script to prove that:
//executed on enter_frame with the root object
function test(d:DisplayObject) : Void


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mask Gradient Blend Timeline Insanity?

Jan 14, 2012

Layer 1: Linear gradient with transparency on each side.

Layer 2: Graphic symbol of an animation that runs across the entire screen.

The edges of the gradient should mask the animation on either side so it looks like it's fading in from one side while fading out on the other.Is it possible, using just the timeline, to achieve this effect? It's been awhile since I've done timeline animations but I know I've done this before I just can't, for the life of me, figure out the magic combination.I've tried changing the gradient from graphic to movieclip, I've adjusted blend mode, and bitmap caching, yet each time I run the animation the gradient is ignored completely.I read that using masks for gradients are ignored so I changing the layer back to it's original and specify the symbol as movieclip with blend alpha did nothing as well...

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Flash :: Dynamically Change The Width / Position Of A Timeline-animated Mask?

Jan 27, 2010

I've got a movieclip with two layers - a background movieclip, and above that, a mask movieclip (as you might guess, this layer is masking the first). Due to design necessity, the mask is animated on the timeline across 60 frames.The problem arises when I use an Event.RESIZE listener to change the width of the parent movieclip when the browser window is resized. Any code to reference the mask, i.e

parentMC.contentMask.width = stage.stageWidth;
parentMC.contentMask.x = frame.width/2 - frame.contentMask.width/2;

Simply results in the mask animation not playing at all.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Alpha Mask - Area Of The Loader Outside Of The Mask Will Visible When The Mouse Is Down

Sep 10, 2010

I have a startDrag function set up on a loader and mask that when the mouse is down on the loader it drags, when not it doesn't. There is also 2 buttons that control whether mask1 or mask2 is used. What i would like however is when the mouse is down - the area of the loader outside of the mask is visible but only by about 10/20% alpha, that way the user can see where all the image is while dragging. Is this possible? Full code can be seen below and i have attached the zip with the .fla file:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scriptable Mask - Large Mask Behind The Whole Of Flash Site?

Aug 19, 2003

what i am doing is to make something along the lines of the "scriptable mask" tutorial Inigo was kind enough to put up.My idea is to have a large mask behind the whole of my flash site, this masks a colour image with a black & white one (nothing tricky). The image I am using is actually 5 separate images combined, and each is a pic of certain parts of the site.I also have a very basic set of buttons along the bottom... each corresponding to each section.

All I want is to set it up so that when I mouse over the buttons, the _x of the mask moves to correspond with the correct image... really very basic... or so I thought .If anything it should be easier to do than what is in Inigo's tut (where he uses the _x of the mouse to move the mask)... i just cant seem to get it to work with a nice easing effect (its easy to get the mask to simply snap to each coordinate, but I need it to smoothly move).

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Create Own Mask Around A Jpg Image By Drawing Around It On The Mask Layer

Dec 4, 2009

maybe point me towards a better way to mask. png file is way too big. I have been using the mask layer option to create my own mask around a jpg image by drawing around it on the mask layer. There has to be a fetter and faster way to do this. Is it possible to maybe have a specific color range have an alpha value of 0. Similar to green screening whereas If I put the item I want to clip on a green background flash will auto take out the green for me. and by auto I mean action script maybe. I think this can be done but im not finding it.

how are these guys clipping these images [URL] they have the movie clips set up where the black background on the 3 layers of shoes is getting masked out. When I go into the shoe movie clips I see there is a black background but it just disappears when I go back to main timeline.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Shape.mask=mc.mask In As File Not Working

Apr 8, 2010

ive gotten one movie clip to mask another in the actions frame but i cant seem to be able to mask the flames which are a shape with a movieclip in this as file. im not getting any errors but the mask isnt covering anything look near the bottom at s.mask=mask_mc; there are about 20 "s" shapes spawning per second if that has anything to do with it

//this package turns an mc into a flaming button that calls a javascript function
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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Nov 26, 2009

I was wondering if its possible to mask multiple MC or Sprites under one mask, when using = a;cba.mask = a;something like that

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Mar 23, 2010

Does anyone have an idea as to why this happens?The dropdown menus work fine (they are a flash app)The dropdown menus do not work.I'm unfamiliar with how to make a redirect if they just type the url without the 'www'

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