ActionScript 3.0 :: Makes Flash Player Play Timeline In Reverse
Jun 25, 2009
I was just wondering if there was any code that makes flash player play the timeline in reverse. For example, if you made a movieclip in frame 1 to go to another place on frame 10 using motion tween, could you possibly make a button and code it so that it plays backwards to a 'stop' point or the start?
I'm working with AS3 and I have two questions. First, to save on having to re-do work, is there a way to simply play the timeline in reverse IE from frame 210 - 200? I've got a page set up to slide in from the right when clicked on, and if you click on the back button, I want the page to slide out to the right again. Figured the easiest way to do this would be to simply reverse the timeline. Just don't know if that's possible in flash.
Secondly I've got it set up in the timeline for a FLVPlayback component to slide in to the center of the stage from the right when its page is clicked on and though this works in the timeline, when I test the movie, it doesn't slide in and if I expand the preview to full screen, the flv and its controls are still on the right side of the stage. how to get the movie to slide in properly?
(1) I would like to be able to "grab" the current frame (as an integer) that the timeline is currently playing as the SWF plays and use it as a variable:Number. Is this possible? Alternately, it could be how many (milli)seconds the swf is into at a given point during playback. Is this possible? I'm trying to create a scrubbable SWF based on current frame that playhead is on relative to frame(1) and frame(last).
(2) Is it possible to have a timeline play in reverse? Example: swf plays until frame 25 where it is told to stop();, then depending on a condition, it either play();'s on to the next stop(); action or playReverse();'s (I know that this doesn't exist) back to the beginning of the SWF at the document's frame rate.
I need to have the ability to spin or rotate an object such as a globe. I have 2 rollover mc's that spin the globe but I am having trouble getting it to loop on the backwards spin. Right now I have it acivating the mc to play fowarding in its timeline then loop but what is the best way to get it to go in reverse. My .fla can be found here [URL].
methood of telling the stage to continue playing in reverse, after a button is clicked, until it reaches a keyframe that will tell it to stop? I'm trying to make it so buttons will tell the stage to play a transition from beginning to end and then have it play in reverse when the "back" button is pressed. I'm currently searching online to find an answer but I haven't had any luck yet.
I am trying to get my mc to move up and have copies of that same mc follow about every 40 pixels. Basically a scroll with my "8ball" mc. Showing the mc every 30 pixels in the y-direction. I am using this code in the mc and I get a message saying that the script is causing Flash Player to run slowly.[code]
on (press) { // Gives your movie a button functionsgetUrl("");} on (rollOver) {this._alpha=100;gotoAndPlay("Scene 2"); }
when i play the movie, it plays scene 2, however, scene 2, which is in my flash document, plays automatically. how can i stop this? is there some code which only makes scene 2 play when called for and not play automatically.
i have some dynamically created symbols populating the stage through external packages. they show up on the swf fine.i add some different symbols to the timeline. everything still shows up fine.i turn one of the above timeline symbols into a mask, and ALL the dynamic symbols disappear on the published swf. I need to have a mask for some of the interaction I want to do.. but i obviously can't have it make everything else disappear! what's going on here?
I have a drag and drop game, which keeps score. However when the last picece it dropped I want to display a congratulations of some kind how do i do that? Here is the sorce code MX.
I just updated to CS5 - I'm working on a custom video player. It works fine embedded in a web page both locally and on the network. It works fine in the debug player. However, when I test it in the authoring player I get a NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound error and no video. I have tried setting the Local Playback Security publish settings to both local and network - doesn't find the video either way.
It used to run fine in CS4 in the authoring environment.
Basically I have just created an animated button using frame labels, and was wondering if there is any way to reverse the timeline.
Currently my code looks like this:
Code: btnHome.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, btnHomeOn); btnHome.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, btnHomeOff); function btnHomeOn(event:MouseEvent):void {
The way it's coded here, if the user removes the mouse from the above the button the timeline continues from homeOff.What I want is for the timeline to reverse from its current position instead of just playing forwards from a fixed point.
I have two mp4 video files on webserver, i wanted to play them in flash player(flv player) on my page, but i couldn't be able to play them, i also tried to play them in quick time player the same prob occured. but i waz giving the accurate path, there were no spaces in mp4 file names etc. Does it need to have mp4 player(or codec etc) installed on webserver?
I have also some wmv files on that server , and i am playing perfectly using silver light player, and media player object on my website.
I use eventListeners to jump between frames.One of my frames displays a video. I imported the video as a component using the 'import video' function.It plays fine.When navigating away from the video I use the myVideo.stop(); command in AS3 to stop the video from continuing to play.or some reason, when I do this the buttons on my main page stop working.The code I use on the movie frame is:
cr_back_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onCRBackClick); function onCRBackClick(e:MouseEvent):void {
im using flash CS3 with actionscript 2.0. what i want to create is a column for an online magazine, the column will display a list of content, this list will be longer than it appears and have a "next" and "prev" buttons located at the bottom. i can set it up so than when next is clicked the content shifts and displays more, the problem is, what do i do about the "prev" button? i cant make the timeline play in reverse can i?
How would I get to play backwards a timeline from a specific frame to another frame?
I need to be able to play back from frame 62 to 1 and from 101 to 62 depending on what frame I am on. I know I can do 2 if loops with if (currentFrame == 62) etc but what is the code to play the timeline in reverse for AS3?
I want to play the music file in flash player (which is embedded obviously) by clicking the play button which is in the web page (not in flash player).
I'm using greensock to create the tweens, but I need to be able to have the months continue their animation if I ROLL_OUT of 2008 Additionally, I need to set the timeline.reverse(); on all the months, but that doesn't seem to be working, and I think it's because I have it set to pause. is anyone familiar with tweening libraries? Can this be fixed? I tried doing timeline.duration but that just sends the animation to the end and I want it to animate to the end-not just go there.
I have a movieclip that is comprised of multiple images.These images are used as the backdrops of various different pages of my portfolio.Every image is in a specific order, so if the user decides to go from page 1 to page 4, it will pan through the first three pages quickly before stopping on the 4th page. Simple Enough.The problem is I want them to be able to also do this while manipulating the timeline in reverse. So say if they're on page 4 and want to go back to page 2, it will 'rewind' the timeline and stop on page 2.know there are plenty of tutorials out on how to play a timeline in reverse, however none of which discuss stopping automatically when reaching a certain point that is before the beginning
I use this code i found on this forum. i want to control an MC to act like a buttopn, on roll over it plays the movieclip forward, on Rollout it plays the movieclip backwards.
This script works ok, but on when reversing it feels slow and often it doesent reverse to the start of frame 1 in the MC.... It is very sensitive to quick mouse over and out. The quirky reverse is possible because i use there another thing i can use?
I'm trying to create a flash website where when you click on one page the background becomes darker and as you're about to click on another page the background becomes lighter again but if you want to go back to the previous page the background goes back to being darker. I hope this is clear. I've been trying to find a tutorial on this but I'm not sure if I'm using the correct terms, which is why I'm having no luck.
I have a time line of 500 points. On a timeline that wraps around how do I find if the shortest distance between two points is to go forward or backward? Example,I'm on frame 30, the target frame is 100 and the total frames are 500. I know that going it will take 70 frames to get to 100 going forward and 430 to go in reverse but I don't know the codes to figure this out. I'm using ActionScript but I think I would understand the codes if it were written in other professional languages like JavaScript.
I'm creating a movieclip that shows some photo samples with two arrows at the bottom. I want it so that if the user presses on the right arrow, the movie clip plays forward and goes toward the end to "shuffle" through the image samples. But I would also like them to be able to press on the left arrow and be able to play the movieclip backwards to "shuffle" back toward the beginning of the images.
The closest thing I can think of that would be similar to this would be the way you can shuffle through album images in iTunes.I just need to know the Actionscript 2.0 code to play the movieclip in reverse.
I Have some small videoes I have to play on a seamless loop. It's basicly a little peace of video that i then play backwards so it appears like a seamless loop. At the moment I have made the video so it plays backwards, but I was hoping to cut that out to have some actionscript that would do that so i becomes a bit easier on the bandwith.[code]...
I made a flash banner that includes a videofile and some vector animations. I would like this banner to play from fram 1 to the last fram and then reverse play back to frame 1 ad infinitum (the whole movie should do this that is). I cant just reverse the frames though, because of the videofile (at least I think so?)
In one function I am calling the play method on an effect and in another I am calling the reverse method. The play method works but the reverse method does not. It appears that the propertyChangesArray is used to store the previous effect start values but that property is null when calling reverse.