ActionScript 3.0 :: Unable To Add A CLICK Function To A Class?

Aug 19, 2009

When using the class listed below, I am unable to add a CLICK function that will not break the piece. I want to add another tween on CLICK that clears all mcs off of the stage except the, which will have a zoom applied to it... I get my trace fine, but then I am unable to CLICK again on that particular mc, and the proximity begins to break.

package {
// Import Flash classes


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_play.doubleClickEnabled = true;
_play.addEventListener(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK , function(e:Event):void {


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blueButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function(event:MouseEvent):void {
trace( "-----click detected-----" );
// now do other stuff

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SO I tried the If function, but i seem to make a mistake somewhere and i dont know what to do. Now there is no error in script, but onw there is a problem in link, the button finishes the click animation but it does not go to the tarrgeted"about" frame. here's the code


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//if (_global.ccc=1)


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Mar 8, 2011

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Mar 18, 2012

In my first AS3 project (not used Flash since AS1) I need to use a custom movie clip as a cursor and detect clicking on a button. Using the code below, the custom cursor works as expected, but I am unable to capture clicking on the button.

If I comment out the first line, the trace for clicking works as expected. I have tried changing the order of the event listeners, applying the follow to the button rather than the stage, but cannot get both to work together.

start_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, playPhrase);
function playPhrase(event:MouseEvent) {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Disable RollOut Function On Movieclips On Click Function?

Sep 13, 2009

I'm doing a basic site with frame labels on the main timeline whose name corresponds to the btn names. A simple  otoAndPlay(; I have a basic navigation setup of 7 mcs with mouse eventlisteners for CLICK, ROLL_OVER and ROLL_OUT.
prepare.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, navigate);plans.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, navigate);retire.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,

Does anyone know a better way to do this so when my mcs are clicked they display the rollover content/art? In essence I'm trying to achieve that when the user clicks a btn it goes to that "page" and the corresponding btn stays highlighted. Pretty standard web navigation technique but I just don't know what the best way to do this in flash is and with  how my site is setup.

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Flash :: Unable To Convert An Instance Of A Class To An Instance Of The Class's Subclass?

Sep 15, 2011

I'm using a library that has a function that returns an instance of some class Engine.

I'd like to tack on some interfaces to Engine, so I subclass it class InterfacedEngine extends Engine implements AwesomeInterface. but when I change the code that uses the classes from this:

var engine:Engine = generateEngine();

to this: var interfacedEngine:InterfacedEngine = generateEngine();

It gives me a runtime error (elision mine):

TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert ...::Engine@1bc2bf11 to ....InterfacedEngine.

What about AS3 classes am I misunderstanding?

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Professional :: Unable To Pausing A Function?

Oct 5, 2010

I have beginner's skills in AS3 and have been trying out a sample script in Flash CS5 to create an animation. The script works fine, but I am not sure how to give the user the ability to pause the animation by clicking on the screen and then resuming the animation by clicking again (if this toggling is even possible for a click event handler to do). Is there a way to pause/continue a function by clicking the player screen?

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Actionscript 3 :: Unable To Understand A Function?

Mar 15, 2012

Iknow what the function does, It get the information about the webcam in your computer and post it on the textArea,

private var camera:Camera;
private function list_change(evt:ListEvent):void {
var tList:List = evt.currentTarget as List;


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Aug 25, 2009

If you solved it right, a message pops up telling you "Well done" (or something in Dutch).You can close the message with a left-click.Now i want it to close with "esc" too (for the troubled users not realising you can just click).[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unable To Get The Bricks To Function?

Dec 25, 2005

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I tried to write the script pretty much word of for to get the game to work then I figured I would change it up a little work better but I wasn't able to get the Bricks to function... Mainly because I wasn't sure what code to place on the blocks.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unable To Trace From Within A Class

Dec 9, 2005

I almost feel dumb posting this, but I am develpoing a project and seem unable to trace from within a class. It definatley helps to have this ability and I have yet to find a suitable work around.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unable To Send A Second (or 3rd) Parameter To A Function?

Oct 18, 2008

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unable To Make A Variable In A Function?

Apr 15, 2007

Why cant i make a variable in a function? like this:

aiBunny = function (target)
var target.hp:Number = 15;
target.interval = setInterval (aiFoe, 24, target);

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Actionscript 3 - Unable To Get Proper Class From Flash IDE

Aug 11, 2011

I'm trying to replace instances created by dragging and dropping into a MovieClip through Flash's IDE with actual classes so I can add them to a game loop and have them as actual entities. In other words, I'm trying to create a streamlined way to allow developers to visually add their entities to a platforming engine I'm working on.

This is my third attempt at it and I'm completely stuck.The code below loops through a movieclip that contains an exported symbol with a class linked to it named MyEntity. However, it loses its extension to BaseClass and thus doesn't move when compiled.

It inherits: MovieClip > BaseClass > MyEntity. However when compiled with the IDE it ignores BaseClass and just does MovieClip > MyEntity.

My code is designed to find and store the position of MyEntity, remove it from the container movieclip, add a brand new instance of it (with the base being proper) then set that new instance to the same position of the original.

for ( var i:int = 0; i < LayerInIDE.numChildren; i++ )
// first we want to get all the display objects in the layer
// these are objects that were placed from within the Flash IDE (ie. dragged and dropped into the MovieClip
var original:DisplayObject = LayerInIDE.getChildAt( i );


This does not work.

It outputs Game.entities::MyEntity [class MyEntity] false. MyEntity is a proper class and DOES extend from BaseClass. However, the issue is the IDE weirdly removes the reference to the base class - as if MyEntity never had a base class. I cannot seem to recreate it as getting the reference to the class also returns that MyEntity never had a BaseClass. However, if I type in var newEnt = MyEntity(); instead of getting the class name through getDefinitionByName it works normally and extends from BaseClass.I need it to extend from BaseClass as that is the main class all entities in my game engine require to use.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unable To Load Image From Another Class

Aug 20, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unable To Use Some Properties In Netstream Class?

Sep 13, 2011

I am trying to use "maxPauseBufferTime" property in NetStream class.I am using Adobe Flash Pro CS3. I have defined an object by the name nsStream of NetStream class. When I write nsStream and put a dot next to nsStream it shows me a drop down list of the properties of NetStream. However it doesn't show me maxPauseBufferTime property. I also tried the same with Adobe Flash Pro CS5. Even there the drop down list for nsStream doesnt show me the maxPauseBufferTime property.The adobe help page (first link that shows up when I google for as3 NetStream. Forum rules doesn't allow me to post the link here) indicates that this property is part of NetStream class.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Class - Unable To Access Elements?

Aug 9, 2004

I'm looking at the XML class. I would like to be able to access elements by name and the order they came in.

For example, if an xml document is structured like this:

<b>more info</b>


xml_object.childNodes.length will return the number of childnodes there are. But I don't see a way to get at the number of childnodes of a particular type. This will not tell me, for example, how many childnodes of type "b" that "a" has. I can't see Flash XML support being this sparse. Is there a built-in way of accessing the nth child of a node of a particular element name or am I stuck with accessing it only by number.

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