ActionScript 2.0 :: Unable To Get The Bricks To Function?

Dec 25, 2005

I'm having issues with the bricks on the pong out game... not sure why they aren't loading into the Map or leaving the screen when the ball hits it.

I tried to write the script pretty much word of for to get the game to work then I figured I would change it up a little work better but I wasn't able to get the Bricks to function... Mainly because I wasn't sure what code to place on the blocks.

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Code: Select allpackage {
import flash.display.*;


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// Import Flash classes


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// Create a NetConnection object
var my_nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
// Create a local streaming connection


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Oct 23, 2009

I am having issues opening up fla files using Adobe cs3.
Scenario:  The company I work for recently attained a client that has a website with flash programming on it.  The client recently asked to have improvements made to their site. Part of the improvement deals with modifying the flash program. The client was able to hand over to the company I work for the source for their site which includes the adobe files for the flash program.
When I attempt to access the main fla program of the client's website, i receive the following message:"an error occurred opening the file."

what options are available for me to attempt to read the fla file?

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Nov 18, 2009

Ive tried converting the SharedObject tutorial [url...] provided by Adobe from AS2 to AS3. When one client moves the ball, the other client should be able to see the ball moving on another swf, and vice versa.The AS2 one worked fine with my flash media server 3.5 and wampp server on.  When I tried the AS3 one, the sharedObject cannot sync, even though the connection was successful and the sharedObject "position" was created in the server.[code]...

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