ActionScript 3.0 :: Version Of OnReleaseOutside?
Feb 14, 2011
I'm working on a banner with a scroller and was wondering if there is an AS3 way of accomplishing onReleaseOutside in AS3. I need this to work if the scroll scrubber is released outside of the stage.
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Aug 1, 2011
Firstly I feel this question is not a duplicate for : Easiest implementation of onReleaseOutside in AS3?
Now, the problem , I want to do some action when the mouse_down happened inside the stage, but the mouseup happened outside it. e.g check google finance charts, try dragging the change range divider and then make the drag such that your mouse exists the browser screen, and then do a mouse_up outside the browser, this will trigger some action inside the stage , i.e make the range stick to the position it was, when the mouse exited the window.)
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Jul 21, 2010
I have "sq_mc" and "status_txt" on Stage.
I am using equivalent of onReleaseOutside which is: this.stage.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseUpHandler);
It works fine. but when I open this SWF in another SWF it doesn't work.. !!
when I press mouse on sq_mc and release outside, counter stops.
but I want to stop the counter when I press mouse on sq_mc and release outside where my SWF which contains sq_mc is in another SWF in browser.
in simple ways... if path of SWF is "browser >> SWF" it works.
but if path is "browser >> SWF1 >> SWF2 >> SWF3" it wont works. in this SWF1 is preloader, SWF2 is SWF loaded in preloader, SWF3 is SWF which contains sq_mc)
Code below:
var excelClickTimer:Timer;
var i:int;
this.stage.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseUpHandler); //counter
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Aug 4, 2011
I am building a timeline with a scrubber. The handle on the scrubber is a movie clip, and it was all working fine. But I didn't like that when you clicked on it, the hand icon would be glued to the left hand side of the handle. So I changed to registration of the handle file so that it would be in the middle. Now my 'onReleaseOutside' command quit working. If I set the registration back, the release command works again.
Basically, if I drag the handle all the way to a side and have the mouse continue past the flash file and release it, it wont register it has been released until I move the mouse back over the flash, which also moves the scrubber handle to _x location of the mouse for where ever it entered the swf. Is there something obvious I am missing? Or do I have to deal with an un-centered handle?
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Sep 21, 2010
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I identify my current installed debug version? Basically, I am using Flex 3, for past 2-3 days whenever I launch any Project or debug it, I get the message box saying "Flex Builder requires a more recent version of Flash Player." It says my curent FP as and debug version as However, my actual FP version if FP I don't understand why this confussion! I don't know how can I know my actual version of Debug player.
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Jan 19, 2011
It's relatively easy to find a solution to the problem of the eluding "onReleaseOutside" event in Actionscript 3.0. What is more difficult, is catching the original target object in the last event handler of a classic drag/drop event. A common implementation, provided by our beloved senoculor, is this:
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Sep 5, 2006
I'd like to say this in the timeframe.
on (Press, ReleaseOutside) {}
Can I put it like this? The check syntax doesn't object, but does it work?
"my_button.onPress, onReleaseOutside = function()"
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Apr 6, 2011
I'm looking for a standalone app that will let someone know what version a FLA is.
Specifically if it's CS5 or CS4.
Basically we upload FLA's to another system in which they MUST be CS4.. if a CS5 version is uploaded then the system crashes.
Just want to have a "checker" app that people without access to Flash could use to double check it is CS4 before upload.
Found "Flaver" : [URL] But it's PC and also not been updated since 2007 so I dont think it supports CS4/5.
We are also all on Mac so a OSX version is needed.
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SecurityError: Error #2148: SWF file
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May 25, 2011
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