ActionScript 3 :: Alternatives For Registering Events On Stage?

Feb 1, 2010

I am programming a little software prototype as Flash/Actionscript3 application. Currently I registered some Events on stage - but it is cumbersome since stopPropoagation() needs to be used all the time. As Example: I am having a element shown via mouseclick would and a event for closing the menu on stage. Without using stopPropagation, the menu opens and closes again immediately. The hide-function is registered on some objects so just checking if target= stage would not do it, unfortunately.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Touch Events Still Not Registering?

Aug 28, 2011

I changed them all to mouse events (I was told mouse events would still work on an iPad) and without doing anything else (just changing them to mouse events) the app started to function in testing. But then I transferred it to my iPad and it didn't work. At all. It didn't do anything.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Registering Multiple Mouse Events?

Nov 20, 2009

I have some code where there are 3 objects on the screen and i want it to highlight them in orange when you mouse over them, and when you click on one to select it, it highlights it in yellow.

to do this, im registering a roll_over, roll_out, and click event but for some reason it seems like all i am getting is the roll_over event.

Something strange is that in the code below i only ever seem to get roll_over events but if i only register the click event instead of all 3, i get the click event. It seems like the 3 events are somehow conflicting or something :/

You can also see an example of what im talking about at:


click play to get to the screen where this problem is.

ActionScript Code:
import flash.display.*;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Find Alternatives But The Event System Doesn't Dispatch Events?

Mar 26, 2007

I noticed that the and Object.unwatch methods are gone in actionscript 3.

I've tried to find alternatives but the event system doesn't dispatch events when properties change, There is a data binding system but I think that's just for Flex.

Does anyone know what (if any) the alternative is?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Global Events Versus Registering Components?

Jun 22, 2009

I'm building an object oriented project with liquid layout in a loose MVC framework. My controller knows when the stage is resized, and it needs a way to tell all of the display objects to rearrange themselves appropriately when the stage resizes.

Option 1 would be extending the sprite class with a class that has one additional resize() function. On initializing the class it would register itself with the controller which would then noitfy all of the assets when it detects a stage resize.

Option 2 would be building some sort of global event that any child of the stage could listen for and do its thing when the event comes through.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Avoiding Registering Events With Multiple MovieClips

Jan 3, 2011

Imagine that you have a lots and lots of the same library item on stage - movieclips - and you want each of them to be clickable. Normally, you would iterate through each of these and register an event listener on MouseEvent.CLICK for each one. It seems to me that if there are large quantities of these items this could be quite inefficient - on memory mostly - to have all these event listeners. I'm trying to figure out if there's a more "central" way to do this, where your main document class just registers once with some kind of central dispatcher using a custom event? Any time ANY of the movieclips are clicked, that fires this custom event and you can just query the event to figure out which clip was clicked.

Each movieclip that is clickable extends an AS class through its linkage, and when clicked, dispatches a custom event. If I'm using the IDE to put a lot of objects on stage, and these objects have linkages to their own custom classes, I don't want to ALSO have to go into the main document class and have it iterate through these objects to register event listeners on each one. I don't really want the document class to have that much knowledge about these objects (loose coupling). I'd rather the objects "communicate" through this mediator and not really worry about knowing more about each other than what you can access through the custom event.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Registering A Stage Button

Sep 18, 2009

i have a button on the stage (added manually) and its an instance of BtnStart called starter. but for some reason i cannot access this in the document class i.e. in the constructor (mainly because its not registered at that point). how can i use a stage button in the document class constructor?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mixing Stage Mouse Events And Children Events?

Sep 30, 2009

I have an animation that I want to start when clicking on the flash window. However, I've also have some buttons on the stage. If I add an event listener for MouseEvent.CLICK on the stage, then it 'eats up' the events and the buttons don't work.

I've tried some tricks, by adding some invisible buttons on top of the real ones, and use the MOUSE_OVER event to selectively enable/disable the mouseEnabled flag for the stage, but didn't work because it complains that the property or method doesn't exist (which I find odd).

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Actionscript 3 :: Keyboard Events Without Stage?

Jun 23, 2011

is it true that keyboard events can not be accessed outside of the stage on non display objects?




here i would like to initialize a new TestClass() then press a on the keyboard to receive the output Test Class: a.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Way To Monitor Stage Events

May 24, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse Events Outside The Stage?

Oct 7, 2009

I have a small animation that moves based on the Y coordinate of the mouse. My client wants the animation to stop once you move your mouse off the Flash Movie. I've tried to explain that Flash does not listen for mouse events on the browser but they are pretty adamant.

So, I'm I'm just checking to see if anyone knows of any "non-javascript" ways to get flash to continue to get mouseY coordinates outside the flash movie. Or, at the very least, tell when the mouse has left the flash movie so that I can stop the animation.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Disable ALL Stage Mouse Events?

Jun 17, 2011

how to disable ALL stage mouse events. My problem is that I want to ignore mouse events. know how to enable and disable buttons etc but I need to go one level further and disable the event listener that looks out for mouse events.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Listening For Keyboard Events Without The Stage?

Apr 7, 2009

I'm creating an AIR application that loads a child SWF. The child needs to read keyboard input (for a game), which I usually do by adding a keyboard event listener to the stage property, like this: stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, onKeyUp)

However, the child SWF is apparently not allowed to access the stage property because the parent SWF owns the stage, so I get a security sandbox violation. So I need to do one of two things:

Bypass the security restriction allowing AIR to load SWFs that have an absolute path (local path), and allow that child to access the stage, orGet keyboard events to be heard by some display object other than the stage, without ever calling "stage" (this includes stage.focus).A few things I have tried already: Security.allowDomain() does not work. AIR thows an error saying that allowDomain doesn't work in the AIR sandbox. Also, adding the keyboard listener to the child's document class (then clicking inside the SWF) doesn't work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button Events To Load External SWF's Into Mc On Stage?

Jan 6, 2011

I have been trying to pick up more as3 lately, also have been converting some of my sites from as2 to as3. In as2 I could create 3 menu buttons and save them in a mc- lets call it menu_mc. This menu_mc sits on my main stage. I have also placed a mc on stage to hold anything that I load. Lets call it holder_mc. So I figured out how to get my email button to work using this:

email_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mailto);
function mailto(event:MouseEvent):void {
var email:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");
navigateToURL(email, "_blank");

That's fine. What I can't for the life of me figure out is understanding how to click on one of my menu buttons and load a swf into my holder_mc on stage. In as2 I could use this code on a button :

on (release) {
//load Movie Behavior
if(this.my_holder == Number(this.my_holder)){


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dispatching Events - External SWF & Main Stage?

May 15, 2011

I am dispatching two different events showbutton and removebutton from the code inside the LOADED SWF.on main file, (the one that is loading the swf file) i m listening for events and either showing or removing the buttons based on proper scenario. Here is he error i m getting.
ERROR   1180  Call to a possibly undefined Method Event   - - - > dispatchEvent(new Event("showbutton"));


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Textfield That Is Reporting Events On Stage Dynamically?

Jan 20, 2009

I need to create a textfield that is reporting events on stage dynamically (hitTests, onPress etc.). Something similar to output window in flash application. I want it to add events line by line, so afterall one can see what has been done.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: No Stage Mouse Events With External Swf Loaded?

Mar 9, 2009

I have noticed that when I load an external swf, I lose my stage event listeners while my mouse is inside of the loaded swf. Is there a way to fix this?

// load the swf
var swfContainer:MovieClip = new MovieClip();

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button Events To Load External SWF's Into Mc On Stage

Feb 4, 2010

I have been trying to pick up more as3 lately, also have been converting some of my sites from as2 to as3.

In as2 I could create 3 menu buttons and save them in a mc- lets call it menu_mc. This menu_mc sits on my main stage. I have also placed a mc on stage to hold anything that I load. Lets call it holder_mc. So I figured out how to get my email button to work using this:

email_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mailto);
function mailto(event:MouseEvent):void {
var email:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");


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ActionScript 3.0 :: The Child Swf Has Code Which Adds Events To The Stage Object?

Nov 2, 2009

I have a movie, which on the click of a button will load a child swf.

The child swf has code which adds events to the stage object.

the child also accesses properties such as stage.stageWidth

When the child is ran on it's own all is fine, though when it loads within the parent movie i receive the error:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object Home()

"Home()" is the name of the document class in the child SWF.

a) access the stage from a child swf

b) add events to the stage from a child swf

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Capturing Mouse Events In Flash Outside Of Stage Doesn't Work In IE?

Jul 19, 2010

I am trying to capture mouse events in flash while the mouse is being held down. The intention is to keep reciving events as long as the mouse is pressed, even if the cursor leaves the flash element. That's the behavior I get on all browsers other than IE, which only fires events while the cursor is inside the stage.

I'm pretty sure I've seen such "well behaved" flash applets work in IE before.

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Java :: Alternatives For Authentication?

May 8, 2010

Preferably something that integrates well with a Flex front end. Yes the Spring Security guys say this is possible, but all examples seem to use legacy jsp tag libraries making them half useless as examples.I don't want to spend a month setting up and learning how to use a security tool. I would like a tool which supports using annotations (@RolesAllowed etc), MINIMAL XML, and 'remember-me' features (not cookie based).Apache Shiro seems to support Flex/Silverlight/Swing as well but I'd like to know if there are any other alternatives that are NOT container specific.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Listen Movie Clips Itself For Keyboard Events Instead Of Stage.addEventListener?

Dec 3, 2009

Is there a way to listen movie clips itself for keyboard events instead of stage.addEventListener ??I work on a project a kind of game and ı need mymovie clips on stage rotate with keyboard events such as KEY_DOWN key.code LEFT or RIGHT.I tried to add event listener my MC but it didn't work.If I listen to stage every Movie Clip in my stage start rotation same as the others.What should I do? Here is my codes


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Flex :: Catch Keyboard Events Without Forcing Users To Click On The Stage?

Nov 8, 2010

handling global keyboard events in Flex, is to attach a listener in the application complete event of a Flex application. However, no matter what I try, I have not been able to catch events without clicking on a point on the page, which is hosting my Flex application.
Moreoever, if I use a Flex component in a web application, where there is also html and Javascript, I'd still like to be able to grap global keyboard events, even if the embedded flex component (in flash player) does not have focus. So is there a reliable method for connecting flex applications and components (when they're embedded in a web page) to keyboard events?

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Flash :: Keyboard Events Not Firing After Reference The Stage To A Menu Class?

Mar 28, 2011

I'm having a problem with this menu tutorial I followed from ASGamer. I have done and used most, if not all of the tutorials from that site.Anyway my problem is their base menu class;

import flash.display.MovieClip;


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Professional :: IPhone Viewing Alternatives?

Apr 29, 2011

I'm using an .swf banner for the header of a client project and am concerned that when iPhone and other mobile device users visit the site the header will be missing (being as Flash isn't supported on the iPhone).way in which iPhone visitors can see a .jpeg header when they visit the site so that the header isn't missing entirely? Perhaps this is an easy fix, however I am new to Flash

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Jun 22, 2010

I'm looking at options for rendering PDFs on the server to avoid the user having to download them (they're big docs) and/or have a PDF reader installed and configured (audience is not tech savvy). The Google Viewer and Scribd are nice examples, but I'm not interested in making the PDFs available on the web (for Google) or storing them on another party's servers (Scribd).

My favorites right now are FlexPaper and PDFWebViewer.NET but I wanted to see if I'm missing any other options.Most of the related SO questions on this topic are somewhat dated, so maybe there's something new?

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Php :: Captcha Alternatives To Deter Spam?

Feb 15, 2012

Possible Duplicate: Blocking comment spam without using captchaMost of the time Captcha is either broken by bots or by labor force working as data entry jobs in Asia. And then spam/content bots/scrappers get in.Wt are other strong and effective alternatives availableAnd I thought about something like on smartphones these days that it ask you to drag to unlock. I think if that can be made in Adobe Flash or maybe using HTML5? .. do you think it will work effectively? note that emphasize is on defeating HUMAN + BOT partnership where human element comes from Asian countries to enter Captcha code or simple answers and then bots come into play.

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Flex :: Ide - Alternatives Of Builder For Development?

Jun 10, 2009

What are the alternatives of Flex builder for flex development (Free ware, open source preferred). I know one that is FlashDevelop, but it is not matured/ full fledged flex IDE.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Override Event Target - Move Other Sprite According To The Mouse Events On The Stage

May 27, 2009

i am trying to do a simple blackboard on mouse down, start drawing on mouse move, if drawing, draw line on mouse up, stop drawing i set the listeners on a simple clip with a rectangle. if i dont fill the rectangle, the mouse events wont fall into the rectangle, but if i fill the rectangle, it will paint behind the rectangle, so anyway i wont see any succesfull results. what i did was create another sprite and paint within it; something like


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Alternatives To _global Variable Path?

Jun 8, 2009

through out a very old complicated fla there are buttons which set variables using _global paths
such as:
function menu1_2(Event:MouseEvent) {
global.mode = "hide_hotbox";
How can I make the variable "hide_hotbox" and others like it accessible and changeable from any movie clip -- whether they be nested in other movie clips or on the main timeline, etc?

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