ActionScript 3 :: Extract Captivate 4 Text Captions Using Flex

Oct 31, 2010

I'm developing an application in Flex 3.5 for video tutorials, which uses a lot of Captivate 4 (AS3) videos (>200). In the front end, the user can navigate thorough the videos in a menu structure. In the administration part, the admins can upload more videos and organize them into the menu structure. Since we have more than 200 Captivate videos, we wanted to build in a search functionality into the fronted, which would be based on the text contents of the Captivate videos. The idea is: every time the admin uploads a new Captivate video into the system, an index will be created based on the contents of the video.

My question: how can I extract the text captions of a Captivate video using Flex or rather ActionScrip 3? (I know, there is an Export/Import function of Captivate, but I would like to access those texts dynamically from Flex.)

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MovieClip.prototype.resize = function() {
var w = box.caption.textWidth+0
var h = box.caption.textHeight+0;


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var tmbVar = new Array();


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sound.extract(ba, playEnd - playStart, playStart);

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Jun 17, 2011

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The scenario worked fine with Cativate 4 and AS2. The Flash skin has a TOC button. When the button is clicked, the TOC opens beneath the skin.

How can I position the TOC in the display list?

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Aug 18, 2010

I used the following code on a frame within an swf that was imported  to a CP4 slide. This worked fine in as2. I'm wondering how to write the  same code in as3.
_parent._parent._parent.rdcmndNextSlide = 1;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Referencing Objects In Captivate?

Jul 6, 2009

I need to be able to dynamically position a component generated in Captivate 4 via ActionScript that in child SWF that is imported into the Captivate project. The problem is that I don't know how to reference the objects in the parent movie. I can set a label on the object and reference the parent itself with:


but this doesn't seem to work:


And I suspect that it is because some how Captivate subclasses the objects but I'm having trouble finding out how the hierarchy is structured.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Captivate Accessible In Flash

Jul 24, 2009

I've got Captivate movies dynamically loading into a Flash movie. The problem is, the tab index which works so well when the Captivate movies are in stand-alone mode falls apart when loading the Captivate movie into a Flash shell. I've tried tabEnabled=false and tabChildren=true for the movie clip that contains the Captivate movie, but with no results. Does anyone know how to get the focus manager to tab to objects in a Captviate movie when that movie is running in a Flash shell?

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Sep 30, 2009

i have produced a simple drag and drop slide for use in my captivate project, works fine standalone, but when i import into Captivate it doesnt work correctly, the drag and drop element works ok but it doesnt seem to be targeting the drop target i then use to then goto the next frame etc.

on (press) {
startDrag(this, true);
on (release) {


is there another way to reference "/want_box" that will work in Captivate?

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