ActionScript :: Fill Stage With External SWF?

Jan 27, 2010

EDIT: I have since solved this problem by simply reworking my MXML-based app and using the SWFLoader component to get the desired effect, without any reloading necessary. This question is therefore no longer an issue for me, but I leave it open for reference.


How can I duplicate MXML's 100% height and width in pure ActionScript? Is it doable? If not, I have a fallback app in pure MXML, but my implementation there involves loading the SWFs every time I want to add or remove any one of them... it's not perfect. So I'd prefer this type of implementation if I can just figure out the sizing issue.

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[Code] .....

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Iit works but it's just not perfect. Ihaven't played with flash since MX, things have changed a bit. Here is the online sample: [URL]. If you want the source it here: [URL]. So I would like to learn how to create an if / else function to control the height of a MC. i.e. This externalMC I used is 900 X 500, so divide 900/500 = 1.8:1 (or .5556:1) this gives you your relative ratio. Then just multiple the width of 75% of stageWidth by .5556 to get the proportional width, the problem is once the browser windows height is resized to <= 500. it stops.

Select all/*Resize*/
holder.smoothing = true;
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[Code] .....

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Specifying Fill/No Fill For A Shape

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IDE :: Import External Swf And Add It On Stage?

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I created a quiz using this tutorial : [URL]

and now i want to use this quiz ( the swf file ) in a frame of an application i am working on. I want as soon the user clicks on a button to launch the quiz.

I tried any way found on net for importing external swf but it never works.
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OK, I load an external SWF on stage.

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It returns null even when it's loaded in the main swf. What am I overlooking here?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading External Swf To Stage?

Feb 21, 2011

I'm building my brother a flash AS2 website for his construction company....everything is going smoothly up until now where he wants to have a "cover flow" - iTunes album art style gallery to display the images of his work portfolio.

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loadMovieNum("gallerytest.swf", 400); to call it in.

I get no errors.. and nothing appears.

AHRENS.fla <- flash website file
gallerytest.swf <- automated gallery to place in frame 252 of AHRENS.fla

if I could just figure out this one problem... it will solve all my headache and pain, as I've run into loading external galleries before. Since I work making my website COMPLETELY in flash, making image galleries have always been a problem for me, I have to do them by scratch unless it requires something cover flow, where then I look for freeware galleries off the internet but they always require javascript, their own webpage, html, css, divs etc that can't be integrated into my all flash websites. Now that I've found GALLERY STUDIO it is perfect to do special effect galleries..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Mc On Stage And External .as File?

Jun 19, 2011

I am very new to Flash and am looking for some help with linking a class I made that will shake the mc when hovered. Right now, I have all 8 mc on the stage. I had it working with repeating the code for each button but I wanted to make it into a class that way I could emininate some of the code.

I have linked each button by selecting "export for actionscript" and set the base class to "ShakeButton" and each class is named after the mc name. the mc names are just 1_mc - 8_mc.I am getting an error of 1120: Access of undefined property shaker_mc.Here is the code that I have in the file


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load An External Swf To The Stage

Dec 23, 2010

I have several buttons which when clicked should load an external swf to the stage. This is an example of one of my events


Firstly, should I be doing this in every buttons event, or is there a more economical way of doing it? Like will it allow me to make the loader global, and reuse the same loader with each event? Secondly, if I have it like this, and I click a button, an swf will load onto the screen. If I then click another button, another swf will load. Will this second swf sit on top of the first swf? In other words, do I need to check if any other swf's in on the screen before placing a new one, and if there are, should I remove them?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: External SWF Not Shown On Stage?

Feb 13, 2009

I am loading an swf file in my fla placed in "sprites/boy_front_wc.swf" but I didn't see anything on the stage. Here is my document class,

ActionScript Code:
import flash.display.*;
public class LoadSprite extends MovieClip{
[Code] ......

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting External SWF File To Appear On Stage?

Jun 10, 2010

I have a .as file which calls up different screens onto a main stage. Where would I place the coding to get an external .swf file to appear on the stage? my code looks as follows...

For the main page...
package {
import flash.display.*;
public class Main extends MovieClip {
private var intro:Intro;
[Code] .....

I just can't seem to combine them properly in order to get the .swf file to load.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: AddChild To Stage From External .as?

Oct 1, 2010

I've created a function that works on the main stage and I am trying to transfer it to an external class to make it an easily reusable function.When I run it however, everything works except for the fact that it doesn't put anything on the stage as it should. All the info it needs is there it's just not putting it there.Therefore I conclude that I am using the addChild(); incorrectlyhere is some of my code if needed:

ActionScript Code:
public function drawBoard(i:int, j:int, tiles:Tile, boardArr:Array, stageBoardArr:Array):void {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading External .swf Onto Stage?

Jan 10, 2011

I am trying to load a photo gallery saved to an external .swf file onto the stage of a website I am building. But every time I run the movie I get this message:

Error #2044: Unhandled ioError:. text=Error #2032: Stream Error. URL: file:///C|/Users/art.i.choke/Documents/Tracey%20Bones%20Website/gallery.xml
at gallery_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()

The .swf file is located photos/gallery.swf in relation to the site .fla.Here's the code I am using to load the .swf:

var my_Loader:Loader = new Loader();
var my_url:URLRequest=new URLRequest("photos/gallery.swf");
my_Loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event .COMPLETE, finishLoading);[code].....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stage Placement For External Swf Or Flv?

Nov 17, 2005

I'm trying to find out how to set the placement on the stage for an external swf or flv.oh and i've tryed to loop an external flv with a listener object but i can't seem to get it to work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading External Jpg To Stage?

Aug 24, 2006

I'm using Flash MX 2004 professional, and actionscript 2.

I'd like to load an external jpg to the stage. I don't need a load bar or anything like that.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: External SWF Not Loading ON TOP Of Stage?

Aug 7, 2009

"I am new to flash, " and am having a (minor?) problem. I am using ActionScript 2.0.Currently I am having issues with the way my external swf. is being loaded. I am using a MovieClip Loader. I want the external SWF that is loaded into the movie clip holder to be placed on top of the stage and covering everything beneath it. To get a better clue of what I am dealing with you may check URL...- that is what i am working with currently, and if you click the thumbnail image you can see a green box with body text which is loading. however I would like it to load on top instead of below![code]Within the Home swf is another SWF being loaded.URL...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: External Swf Being Loaded Into The Stage?

Mar 14, 2005

on my root i have an external swf being loaded into the stage. when you refresh, a random swf will be loaded again, etc., etc., now wut i want to be able to do is have a mask on my root that will mask the external swfs. so 2 questions. 1- making a mask, is it better to use duplicate movieclip or animate everything (ultimately im going to have shapes form the image) 2- how do i go about scripting

im not asking for people to just give me the answer, but point me into the right direction so i can study it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Positioning External Flv Files On Stage?

May 21, 2009

i am loading 3 flv files so that the first file plays once and the other two loop afterwards. Now i am interested is it possible to position the flv files on the stage to certain coordinates when they start to play (so for example that the first flv plays as default in the centre, the second flv file plays a little bit right and the third plays a little bit left). This is the code i'm using:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Import A External File Into The Stage?

Sep 21, 2008

In my website I would like to import a external file into the stage .The appearance of this file is an image divided into a grid of 6 rectangles (each one a mcl). What I would like to do is, on mouse over, each mcl could rotate to show its back. The idea is when you click , let's say, Adobe the Adobe logo will appear divided in 6 rectangles and when you go over with the mouse they rotates to show Adobe products.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing A Stage MC From An External Class?

Aug 3, 2009

im still trying to get into the whole oop thing but I still have some things that i dont understand.I have a movieclip on stage that i want to access using an external class that lives in a different folder.Is there a way to access movieclips on stage from external classes or that i have to create a connection between the document class and then send the movieclip instance using a class method ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using An External As File So It Displays On The Stage?

Sep 24, 2009

How do I get this code to work?


I can't tell how to get the code to interact with the objects on the stage.

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