ActionScript :: Multiple Object Instantiation HitTestPoint

May 20, 2011

I am instantiating the 'Target' object five times on the stage. This is happening, but only one object is able to have hitTestPoint performed on it. Can anyone help as to why this is happening?[code]

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Flash :: Using HitTestPoint With Stage Object To Create Object Boundaries

Dec 15, 2011

I'm trying to create a boundary for a player object, controlled with arrow keys, in my game using the main stage's height and width. For example, one test point is at the top edge of the player object's bounding box so that when the player object's head touches the stage's top edge, the player can't move anymore to the north. The player object is manually instantiated to the center of the stage by using the Flash stage editor so it will start at the center before the program starts.The problem is that right at the start of the program, I can no longer move the player object up or down with the arrow keys but I can still move it left or right. The intention is to allow the player to move north until the player object's head touches the top edge of the main stage.[code]

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is it along these lines? if (mydude.hitTestPoint(myratarray[i].34,myratarray[i].12,true)){

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ActionScript 3.0 :: HitTestPoint With Nested Object

Jun 28, 2010

Recently I was trying to use hitTestPoint with a nested movieclip against another non-nested one. Then if the nested movieclip was found to collide with the the registration point of the other movieclip (shapeFlag was set to true of course), the nested movieclip would move down by 1 pixel until it wasn't colliding.[code]What happens is that the while statement doesn't kick in until the registration point of obj3 is over obj2, but it doesn't break until obj3 is not over the bounding box of obj. Alternatively, if I change obj1.obj2.y to obj3.y it does stop at the correct spot.Actually I guess the problem isn't obj2 being nested in obj1, the problem still occurs when it's taken out of obj1.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: HitTestPoint To Change Direction Of Moving Object

Jan 5, 2011

I'm having a problem changing the direction of a movieclip using hitTestPoint. I have some balls on the screen that only move left, right, up and down. and pending the way they are moving they have to change direction. if they're moving right they have to change to up. left to down, up to right and down to left. I tried the following code for getting a ball moving moving right to change to up. note: movingDir is just a string i use to keep track of how the ball is moving and is defined initially in another class. here is a snippet from the ball class:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Hittestpoint Returns True Even After Object Is Removed?

Nov 29, 2009

I have six objects which are on the stage when my game loads up. I have stored them in an array in my Document class. Occassionaly I run through this array and check if something has hit these objects and remove them if so. i don't actually remove them from the array though. I'm finding though that even after these objects have been removed from the stage, the hittestpoint still returns true when something crosses the area where these objects once where?! Doesn't the object have to be there for hitTestPoint to return true?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: HitTestPoint To Change Direction Of Moving Object?

Jan 5, 2011

I'm having a problem changing the direction of a movieclip using hitTestPoint. I have some balls on the screen that only move left, right, up and down. and pending the way they are moving they have to change direction. if they're moving right they have to change to up. left to down, up to right and down to left. I tried the following code for getting a ball moving moving right to change to up.

note: movingDir is just a string i use to keep track of how the ball is moving and is defined initially in another class.

here is a snippet from the ball class:

Code: Select allthis._movingDir = "right";
this._speedR = 5;
this.x += this._speedR; 


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HitTestPoint All The Way Or Check If Distance < Something First Then HitTestPoint?

Jan 1, 2011

Which one is more efficient? Or is there even a noticeable difference? I did tests of a circle moving closer to a square and stopping when hitTestPoint returns true. The square was at 0 and the circle was at 500. My first test I did using hitTestPoint the entire time, my second test I did by checking the distance (Pythagorean Theorem way) and if it's below 50 then check with hitTestPoint.

I compared the FPS of each test but they were the same at 30 FPS with 200 circles and at 11-12 FPS with 500 circles. I thought the first test would be slower because I was testing every pixel the entire time while the second test I was only calculating the distance for the most part before testing every pixel.

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PHP Code:[code].....

now i want it so that if one condition is met the mc will goto frame 2, if 2 conditions are met, frame 3 and if 3 conditions are met, frame 4.i know i could do this with a lot of if statements but i have a lot of movie clips to use this code on, so is there any way to write an if statement that will trigger different options if multiple conditions are met?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Instantiation Attempted Of A Non-constructor?

Feb 10, 2010

I'm getting the following error:TypeError: Error #1007: Instantiation attempted on a Website()[/Design/The Silver Collective/_classes/]

This is line 42:var top = new top();
package {
import flash.display.*;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Instantiation Attempted On A Non-constructor?

Jul 28, 2010

I'm gettnig the following output on the code below - Its driving me mad trying to find th eproblem..

TypeError: Error #1007: Instantiation attempted on a non-constructor.
var nc:NetConnection;var ns:NetStream;
var nsPlayer:NetStream;var vidPlayer:Video;


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TypeError: Error #1007: Instantiation attempted on a non-constructor.
at flexlib.containers::WindowShade/createOrReplaceHeaderButton()[C:UsersuserAdobe Flash Builder]


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Instantiation Attempted On A Non-constructor

Oct 22, 2009

I wrote a script to make a random image from an array appear and float up through the stage. The problem is that at some random time in the movie, i get the error: TypeError: Error #1007: Instantiation attempted on a non-constructor. at Untitled_fla::MainTimeline/enterFrame() This occurs at random intervals. From that point on, the script stops working. There must be something wrong with the way I generate MCs from the array.[Code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Instantiation Attempted On A Non Constructor?

Sep 4, 2010

first it might be valuable to mention that i have a one document class and a child of that class, which is the one im having problems with. My library objects is added to the stage perfectly, but after i wrote the last code (in bold), i get:

TypeError: Error #1007: Instantiation attempted on a non-constructor.
at Entity/moveE()


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Instantiation Of Classes?

Jun 16, 2011

I'm building an application where it would be sweet to use dynamic instantiation of Classes.I'm using "flash.utils.getDefinitionByName" to get this done and, if I instantiate the Class in my code once, there is no problem at all.But, I want to be able to do this without instantiating the Class at least once before I go with the getDefinitionByName method.I'm using Flash Develop and the Flex SDK, coding with pure AS3.Is there any way to instantiate the Classes only dynamically?Or, any alternative to the getDefinitionByName method?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Instantiation Of A Class Of Functions?

Aug 2, 2007

I've been coding a bunch of movie clips as buttons (gives me more flexibility) and the lines of code is phenomenal... was wondering if i could create a template of functions, and instantiate it for each object?

ActionScript Code:
unimatic.onRollOver = function() {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Instantiation Attempted On Non Constructor

Mar 15, 2012

I am just trying to explore flash by my own little cognitive thinking..

var slot:Array = new Array(26);
var letters:Array = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m ','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x1','y1 ','z1',"hypen"];
var posx:Number = 125.5;
var posy:Number = -47;
[Code] .....

And the error is pointing in this line of codes:
this[getChildByName(letters[rand]+counter)] = new this["mc_"+(letters[rand])];

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Instantiation That Doesn't Appear On Stage

Mar 13, 2011

var cloudInstance:Cloud = new Cloud;
this.cloudInstance.x = this.hero.x;
this.cloudInstance.y = this.hero.y;

I instantiate my Cloud class that has that name from the library and exported for AS.I give it the x and y positions of another mc

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Actionscript 3 :: Differences Between Variable Instantiation Outside Constructor And In?

Dec 19, 2010

I found two difference that I feel might be important:

-If I decide to put the variables within a constructor, then I must have an object parameter for any function that wish to alter the variables, even if the code is internal to the class.

-Subclassing would cause the variables to not appear, something that causes problems when the class and any subclasses must have the variables in order to operate properly.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Symbol Instantiation - Best Method?

Mar 22, 2008

I've just migrated to AS3 and am trying to get my head around how to instantiate library symbols as instances of a class.Here's the problem: I'm making a tile-based game with a Map object to which are linked many Tile objects. Now while I initially create blank tiles, I later want to populate them with terrain. This operation will change thus the tile's _terrainType property. Finally, I want to then draw the map consisting of its many tiles. Tiles without a terrain type will remain plain vanilla, but those that have terrain types specified would obviously appear different.

Now the Tile object itself extends Sprite, so it is a DisplayObjectContainer (k, no problems there). My question is, how do I now either a) directly assign it a library symbol graphic,following it's instantiation (if this is even possible?) or b) dynamically use addChild() to add a library symbol graphic of a certain classname (my preferred tactic)? The problem is if I have to do something like this...

var tileImg:MovieClip = new mountainTerrain();

then I have to write a bleedin' huge switch() statement to reference a hash table which specifies which terrain type refers to which symbol class type, which is just ugly and crap.The most logical thing to me would seem to be something like this...

var tileImg:MovieClip = new eval(classname)();

...but clearly I'm misguided because eval() doesn't even exist in AS3 and I have attempted it's equivalent with no likelihood of success.How do I dynamically add a graphic to represent each instance of my Tile class?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Class Defenition From String Without Instantiation

Jun 29, 2011

how can i get any classname from a string without instantiation ? [code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error #1007: Instantiation Attempted On A Non-constructor?

May 8, 2010

I have an image gallery with thumbnails and a previous button and next button. "nextPrevPosition:Number" starts out with the value of 0 and increases or decreases by 1 every-time the previous or next buttons are pressed. The thumbnails assign a value when those are pressed:


private var nextPrevPosition:Number = 0;
private var currentPort:MovieClip;
private var POSITION:Array;


all works fine except when NextPrevPosition reaches the original value 0...and this is when I get the error message. It looks like the line "currentPort = new(POSITION[nextPrevPosition] as Class)(); is when it is happening.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error #1007: Instantiation Attempted On A Non-constructor

Jun 29, 2009

After a couple of hours of looking into a weird 1007 error i give it up. I hope you guys can help me with the Error #1007: Instantiation attempted on a non-constructor error i have.The problem seems the creation of the laughing man icon instance.[URL]..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button Class Instantiation Keeping Old Variable?

Jun 21, 2010

I am trying to create a Button class in Actionscript that contains a URL variable. The URL for both buttons is changing to the URL parameter of its latest instantiation. So in this case, both buttons trace This is my Button class:

ActionScript Code:
public class NavButton extends MovieClip {
private static var URL_str:String;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Stage Instances And Instantiation Order?

Feb 25, 2009

I've been having a problem that I have not found a good solution for. I think this is a problem related to the Flash Player's architecture so an experienced eye here would be welcome.

Imagine you've got 3 symbols in the Library and create instances of them by dragging them onto the stage. Each object is linked to a class. Let's say the object classes are named ObjectA, ObjectB, ObjectC. Their stage instance names are objectA, objectB and objectC.

The classes of these objects reference stage instances. For example, ObjectA might have a reference to ObjectC, like this:

var _objectC = MovieClip(root).objectC;

ObjectC might have a reference to ObjectA, like this:

var _objectA = MovieClip(root).objectA;

It sounds like this should work but it doesn't. When the SWF is published, objects on the stage are instantiated in the order that they were dragged from the Library. This means if objectA is instantiated before objectC, it's reference to objectC will return null and the code will fail.

I know there are ways around this, but I'm trying to come up with a solution that doesn't involve the document class, a helper class like a singleton, or instatiating objects with addChild().

It seems that the only way you can be absolutely certain that all the objects have been instantiated is on the first frame of the movie. So I've been using a system that adds an enterFrame event listener to just get references of stage objects when the first frame runs, like this:

function findStageInstances(event:Event):void
var _objectA = MovieClip(root).objectA;
var _objectB = MovieClip(root).objectB;


(Note: The ADDED_TO_STAGE event won't help in this case because objects are added to the stage by the SWF based on the order they were dragged onto the stage from the Library.)

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