I've done color transforms elsewhere but I can find an example, and I'm pretty sure they are very straight forward... yet. I keep getting this error:1119: Access of possibly undefined property ColorTransform through a reference with static type flash.geom:Transform.
I may have hit a limitation of DisplayObject's "mask" property. I have one Sprite that is filled with a pattern, and is the size of the stage. I have another sprite that is smaller, is filled with a solid color, and is rotated a bit on the Y axis. I am trying to mask the "pattern" sprite with the smaller sprite. It works fine when the smaller sprite is not rotated, but as soon as I rotate it, the mask no longer works.
Assuming this was some kind of limitation, the only solution I found was to use bitmaps, drawing each sprite onto a corresponding bitmap, and then copying the mask bitmap's alpha channel onto the pattern bitmap. Is there a better way? I would basically like to use 3D transformation to create a shape, but I want the fill pattern to be a 2D bitmap that is not transformed with it.
I have movie clip with name "MC_ADOBE_IDIOTS" inside armature.In code: i do find this MovieClip and trying to set the color transform.After setting color transform to MovieClip "MC_ADOBE_IDIOTS" armature stops working and becomes static.
If I brought in a sunburst vector into Flash cs5 and made it an editable object, and made it a Movie Clip (lets name this movieclip, sun1_mc) and than made another (lets call this one sun2_mc) the only thing that changes in between these objects is the color. How would i acess the advanced feature through Actionscript 3.0 so that when the user clicks on a button (lets call this button button_btn) it transforms the color color smoothly from one frame to another. I know i could do it old stlye and make a shape tween and than put sun1_mc on frame 1 and sun2_mc on say frame 15 and just put a motion tween between them. But i was just wondering if there is a way to do this via Actionscript 3.0?
mouse over any of the websites listed.I'm not too handy with AS, so what came into my mind was just basically doin' 2 sets of names, and masking one on top, but there's gotta be an easier way to achieve this?
I have a list component which contains exhibitors who have rented booths in the floorplan layout...when you mouse over the list, the highlighted exhibitors booth(s) should light up...they do...but they do not highlight back when they are moused out...here is the code I am using to do the highlighting...
Code: var listHandler:Object = new Object(); listHandler.itemRollOver = function(evt_obj:Object) { var shp:XMLShape = new XMLShape;
the two trace functions there return the same data...so for example when you mouse onto the first element in the list...it will trace "0" then mouse out of the list to not have any selected...and the hLback function will trace "0"...but the color transform back doesnt happen...why?
test it here (launch "07 WIT" for quickest load time) [URL]
1. Is there a function in AS3 player 9 or 10 to greyscale a Loader.load()ed jpg image? I don't even think it is feasible to manually calculate the greyscale values for each pixel. If there is no such function like photoshop does, then the other option is to have 2 images - one colored and the other greyscale - to switch between each other on mouseover. Am I right, or what else?
2. Why is it that the barbarabarry dot com images doesn't get downloaded into temporary internet files folder? I am using Loader.load to get the images loaded into flash. As a side effect, I noticed that these images gets downloaded into the temporary internet files folder (Internet Explorer). Not that it's bad, but I am curious how barbarabarry images do not get downloaded. I noticed this while trying to confirm whether the grey scale is dynamic or just 2 different images.
I'm trying to figure out the AS3 equivalent of this AS2 code. In this example there would be 10 movie clips on the stage with instances of "mp0", "mp1" etc... The actual project has hundreds of movie clips.
PHP Code: for (i=0;i<10;i++){ var sectorColor:Color = new Color(_root["mp"+i]);
I have a movie clip with 4 frames. I programatically create 3instances of it, and send each one to a different frame. If I laterapply a color transform to one of the clips, it plays through allthe frames and goes back to it's correct frame. Why does it dothat, and can I stop it from doing that?
I would like to know why does AS3 colorTransform only transforms the border of a shape [code] Only the border of a shape is transformed.I've tried to redraw on everyframe the object with different fill but it's an overkill in performance, about 10 3d planes were performance killers.I can only think of that because beginFill() does not use a pen set by lineStyle() and that may be causing the problem, however I would really like to know the problem as I need my uber-super-semi3d-spinner to spin while changing colors and not his borders!
i wanna to make some program for save and load color...click button to change button color and click again return to old color and save lase colorwhen run project to show last save color
I'm trying to transform the color of a movieclip, the movie clip is duplicate in more and those move from the center of the screen to the sides. I want some colors specifics those i drop inside a var but i don't know how to make the random take those colors. I'm used this code
My situation: I have a looping animation that contains multiple keyframes, and each keyframe contains a movieclip symbol I want to apply a color transformation to through actionscript.When I apply the color transformation once to the symbol, it works the first time around. But when the animation loops and plays again, the color transformation is gone.If I apply the color transformation at every keyframe each time in code, I can only display a few instances of the animation before the FPS suffers. Is there an efficient way to apply a color transformation once and have it stick?
I created a movie clip and I want it to changecolor by as3 . There is no problem with that but when I try to import my image in the movieclip, the color goes over it so I can't see it.
I have a movieclip where I create a child display object (another MovieClip) in the constructor and show it with addChild();. However, later on in the code I modify the tint of the parent MovieClip using colorTransform. The child object then vanishes. Even if I do a removeChild/addChild after the tinting, it does not show. I don't understand why this is happening.. tint should just modify the color of everything, not hide children, right? See attached code for the way I am showing the child and changing the tint.
I have a project where I've been asked to allow a user to choose between multple color themes of a character. This object is complex in that it has multiple colors and that each color needs to change differently based on the theme's color scheme.
Is there a way to take a movieclip with multiple colors and apply process to it that will detect different colors and transform them accordingly without taking each individual color, making a movie clip from it, then modifying the movieclip's colors? Each character has a pretty limited color pallette, so this process would only have to find and then change maybe 3 or 4 colors. But the character in question is hand animated and has a LOT of frames, so I'm hoping there's a chance that I can handle this programmatically rather than doing it all by hand with a few hundred extra movieclips to make color changes to.
I wrote earlier about this InterpolateColor class that I have just written... now I am wondering about why I seem to only be able to use it on one object at a time and not on two objects at the same time.I want to use it to increase the brightness on my background image, while at the same time decrease the brightness on my navigation link text. It works on either one if done alone but when they are done at the same time, only one executes.
I'm trying to work out how to create a simple demo that works as follows: A ball falls from the top of the stage.Player is able to draw a line anywhere on the stage. The ball will bounce/roll along the line such that the player can guide it at will. I don't think the coordinate rotation will be a problem for me but I can't figure out how to transform a line drawn by the player into a hit detectable sprite -- or realkly any way that I can get those line coordinates into my coordinate rotation routine. To keep it simple, I'm just working on the first part of the problem, getting the line to where I can hit test or know its position.Here is my code so far:
I'm having trouble with loading in an external image that I can transform with the Senocular Transform Tool class. I have managed to load in the picture but the transform class doesn't seem want to grab it. Eventually I want to us the FileRef to upload the image but I just need to figure out how it works first. Here my code to load in the external image
The transform class can grab the other movieclips but it doesn't want to grab the new image loaded in from the code above.
I have a PNG that is a child of sprite object. The PNG consists of a shape in the middle of a transparent background (the alpha value is zero). I want to change the color of the sprite, but I do not want to change the transparent background.
Is it possible to smoothly change the color of the line in this sprite over a period of time?Code: Select allvar sp:Sprite = newSprite();addChild(sp);sp.graphics.lineStyle(3, 0x31FF1A);I saw a bit of code that used Tweener to do this with a movie clip, but I can't make Tweener work with a sprite.
And It seems to work but this is creating a new rect. Which I do not want.
And I have tried ColorTransform, and that changes everything, even the border, which is not what I wanted. And I am not able to colortransform and then set the border color.
So how can I change the color of a sprite without changing the border color?
var arrowHeadRight:Sprite = new Sprite(); with(arrowHeadRight.graphics){ beginFill(0xDDDDDD, 1); moveTo(50,0); lineTo(0,50);
On Mouse Over, I wish to change the color of the fill on this shape? Can this be done or do I have to re-draw the graphics with an updated beginFill line?
my current idea is that I'll have a sprite as a swf. This sprite has 2 dynamic colors (if you don't know what that is, imagine a sprite that has a color depending on which team he is in, something like that). So I'll have 3 clips on 3 layers.
- non colour - colour 1 - colour 2
thing is, I don't want it to be solid colours. (and i'm not the artist.) Am I heading in the right direction?
Detail: I am reading some data from SVG and getting them as Sprite objects; now I need to change the fill color of these sprite objects dynamically without affection the outline color. I gave it a try with ColorTransform but that changes everything in the object.
PS: I already tried searching the forum for the same thing but search seems to have some technical issues... therefore had to
We're trying to find the most optimal memory solution to doing Player Color in a flash game for sprite animation. We're using CS3 Action Script 3.0. Basically we're using sprite animation but currently for every player we create a duplicate set of animations with just different color. This is very expensive. Vector graphics tend to slow down performance too much for our games so we need to use bitmaps and would like to stick to that. So for a bitmap the alpha channel really only needs 2 values 0 for transparent 1 for draw the pixel. Is there any way I can use the other 254 values for a player color algorithm. The best we've come up with is to do 1 set of animations & 1 set of color mask animtions. So in total we would have 2 full set of animations for 2-x players. The Color mask seems to need to be 32 bits. So what I have is 2 questions.
1) Is there a way we can make 1 set of bitmap animations but use the 254 other values in the alpha channed to do player color?2) Is ther a way to use a Mask set of animations but only use 8 bit not 32 bit?
I am a new user. How do I can add more thickness and change color of a rectange Sprite object on mouse over and on mouse out I want to make it normal again.