Actionscript 3.0 :: Math2 Class - Watched The Video - Version
Oct 25, 2011
I am on a quest to get this Class stuff down. I watched the video for As2 Class. how that is written for As3? I just need the Random number part. My program needs to be able to say Math2.MyRandomNumber(1,50). Am I thinking about this correctly? and then a Math2 class will spit it out?
My site was 95% point and clicked and the rest getting lucky with mostly the right AS3 after searching the various forums etc. Please be patient and type slowly that I may understand
I managed to get a youtube embedded into my AS3 Flash site. Plays well enough and in the right box. Gota figure out how to default to 480 or 720 but thats not the problem... see below.
My questions is this: is there any way to stop the video from playing all the way through to Youtubes default end screen where it has the Just Watched and Up Next screen? Either by going back to the thumbnail it uses by default or by sending it to another page on my flash site?
The last thing I want is my viewer wandering away from my site ><.
Below is the code I used on the Video holder object Sorry i forgot the tute i pasted from - but it worked thank you who ever you may be:
// This will hold the API player instance once it is initialized. var player:Object; var loader:Loader = new Loader();
I create myself a key like it shows in the video tutorial on youtube. I then turn my developer_identity into a .pem I then try to export it into a p12 and I get an error saying that my key doesn't have a password. Why does this keep happening and what can I do to solve it? I created a p12 on a mac, but it won't work when I try to use it on a PC.
So I've been following URL... lovely "Flash Video Basics" tutorial and have encountered some issues which have eventually brought me to a brick wall.After seeing this error regularly:"1061: Call to a possibly undefined method attachVideo through a reference with static type flash. media: Video."I followed someone's advice to use attachNetStream() instead of attachVideo, which worked for a bit..Then I encountered an problem in which the audio would play, but no video. This led me to another forum which suggested that all the script I was trying to use (taken from the tutorial) was actually Actionscript 2.Changing my export to use Actionscript 2 instead of 3 fixed some problems but created others. I'm feeling like at this point I have to give up on the tutorial and just get friendly with a manual - but I'd love to be wrong about that. So I guess my question is: Does anyone know if these (very nicely done) tutorials were created with a version of Actionscript in mind?
Is anyone familiar with the function of the Flash Media Server where it can detect a user's connection speed and deliver the appropriate quality version of the video on the user bandwidth detection?
a client asked me to incorporate a flash version check in a flash application i made for should read something like: "you have flash player 10.x.x.x.x.x.x.x the current version is 10.1.x.x.x.x.x.x"the user veriosn is easy to get with Capabilities.versionbut is there an url on adobe's site to get the string of the current downloadable version from?
I need to validate an uploaded SWF to ensure it meets certain Flash and ActionScript version limitations. Anyone know a good Python library to parse metadata out of a SWF?
Can flv files be different and kinda awkward, if their produced in older or newer version of flash video encoder? Or anyoher software programs that can convert to the flv format? If so, have any of you folks come across an easy way to fix?
Are there any plans to upgrade the SDK to version 8 or 9 or release a updated flash version for the Wii. It's ridiculous that Adobe has not done this already considering the sheer volume of people using the Wii web browser.
i have a Main class and a other class called Calc everything seems to works when its written fully written but when i condense it into a loop, behavior becomes different and broken posted the FLA and Class heres the working version [URL] and the loop [URL] im trying to get the loop version to behave just like the written out version,
I identify my current installed debug version? Basically, I am using Flex 3, for past 2-3 days whenever I launch any Project or debug it, I get the message box saying "Flex Builder requires a more recent version of Flash Player." It says my curent FP as and debug version as However, my actual FP version if FP I don't understand why this confussion! I don't know how can I know my actual version of Debug player.
i m using adobe flash cs3 with AS3 . I have updated my flash player in version 10 and it's activeX. But while I gonna publishing it , I do not get option of version Flash Version 10 in Flash Tab of File>Publish Settings. How, can I have option of Flash Player 10 ?
I pose this question to you. I have created a video player that functions off of the Video Class, netConnection and NetStream and up until this very moment works 100% as it should.The hang up I'm getting is that I have a onMetaData function that checks ALL of the flv's or f4v's metadata as it is loaded into the player, so i can use it to control some other elements of the player. Here is the code I am using:
Code: my_ns.onMetaData = function (md:Object) { for (propName:String in md){;
I am trying to put together a class for playing video using the Video object. So far, I have only been successful in getting the Video object to fully work when not using a class setup. In the documentation, I have read that to use the Video object you have to actually drag/create the video object onto the stage. So, in my next attempt, I created the video object onto the stage within a MovieClip but still trying to use a class/linkage setup with the Video inside inside of a MovieClip container. No luck there either. Here is the basic AS2 script that is linked to a MovieClip that contains the Video object ("video" instance) within it.
Code: class VideoTest { private var nc:NetConnection; private var ns:NetStream;
I am getting the following error with this script.
Code: Line 14: There is no property with the name 'video'. Line 15: There is no method with the name 'video'.
I've got a document class ( and another class ( which has been duplicated to deal with several different video pieces. Inside the document class is a list of 'if' statements which decide which video should be played. At the moment I'm doing it the old fashioned way whereby if the condition is tells the relevant Ball class to gotoAndPlay a certain frame within the linked movieclip...
I'm using Adobe Flex Builder 3 with Flex 3.1 SDK. There is a sample code in documentation to play flv files, however I have compilation errors when I try to use it. Basically it says that there is no such method"file.flv") which takes string argument. There is one without arguments. Plus, It could find method attachNetStream in Video class. I'm confused, what I'm doing wrong!?
i've made my own video player class, which uses the flash's natural video class ( and the netStream and netConnection class. all works fine when i test it from a server (not locally) using IE 8, untill i refresh the page i get the following error:
I have been trying to put the As3 video tutorial into a class which works fine if I keep the url of the file to play within the class. But I want to be able pass the url from the actual swf file... I have had limited success.
When I try and use the video class in as3, I get this error:
Error #2044: Unhandled AsyncErrorEvent:. text=Error #2095: was unable to invoke callback onMetaData. error=ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property onMetaData not found on and there is no default value.
I have implimented a video handler class to part of my project. What it is intended to do is remove the playing video using the netStream method and create a new instance with a new video file.I can remove it using a standard removeChild function. However the pain occcurs when I can still hear the audio palying.I guess my issue is that this is handled in a class and every time I create a new video it creates a new instance of the class.My question is then how do I call netStram.close() from another class before creating a new video instance.[code]
I am trying to load video using NetStream. I am able to do this by using the Video Class, but is it possible with the FLV Playback? I would like to add a seek bar so people can scroll the video if they want to.
I know the FLV Playback Component has this built in so I would use it BUT I can't load a stream to the FLV Playback, I can only set it's source. This works fine, but it doesn't allow me to unload it, the sound keeps playing, which is why I ended up using the NetStream instead.
So I have 2 questions. 1) Is it possible to load the NetStream to the FLV Playback component? 2) If not, how do I add the seek functionality to my Video Class?
I have a buttons class that puts 9 pictures on the stage and each one represents a different movie and leads to that movie when clicked (or will lead there once I figure out how to reference it to the specific movie). I have 9 movies referenced through XML. And I am using flvPlayer. Currently I can only have one movie loading. I am not sure how to get each one to play upon click of the respective btn.
Here is some of the code I think is pertinent if figuring how to go about this: ProjectOneButtons class //I have each picture loaded through an array and each button is waiting for the right code through a Switch statement: public function onButtonClick(e:MouseEvent):void { var releventImageAray:Array = this["rowOfImages" + MovieClip(e.currentTarget).row]; var imageWanted:String = relaventImageArray[MovieClip(e.currentTarget).column]; switch (imageWanted) { case "Video1" : [Code] .....
The reason I included a bunch of code is to show that there is a play/pause button that is supposed to play the movie. But the thing is I only have the one movie referenced and I am not sure how to have it variable as to which movie is played and make it depend on the button that is clicked from the button class above. All of this code works as it is and I am getting no errors.
How do I maintain aspect ratio using the Video Class object "<media:Video id="video" />", not the VideoDisplay or FLVPlayback objects. I am using the Video Class object, Netstream and NetConnector, using LifeSize as my server, protocol is RTMP and the url is like: [URL]
Everything plays back fine and for the most part my code is like this:
I have an application, implemented using the Flash Video class. How do I make it run a .flv video in full resolution? All videos are running in the default 320x240 resolution.
i am creating a package,, to extend my main timeline. i use the FLVPlayback component under the package. however, i get the compile error:
1172: Definition could not be found. so i added the "import;" line to my file, but flash gives the above error. now i had this problem when i added this code directly under a frame of the main timeline until i added a FLVPlayback instance to my library. now, i am trying to simply embed all of the code under the file and have the as file encapsulate all of it. but, i still get that error.
so, how do i get flash cs4 to recognize and use the import properly