Actionscript 3.0 :: Store Random Positions X And Y Into An Array?
Sep 15, 2009
I am trying to put certain x and y positions into an array so that I can randomly change positions based on the positions stored into that array for example
Select all var rbtxp:Array = new Array(-65, 1, 580, -920, 1316, 684);
var rbtyp:Array = new Array(-234, -1248, -550, 268, -72, 525);
I have 6 buttons aligned horizontally. When I press one button, I want all of the buttons to move to different _X positions with easing that would be specified in an array or in a variable. I'm looking for the easiest code. I had the code and a fla. for this a few years ago when I was deep into Flash, mastering actionscript. Now, it's like starting over.
Also, can anyone assist me with a similar, more advanced code? It's the same as above, but when one presses a button, that button pressed would move to a specified _X position, and the button that was previously in that _X position would get back in line, to the far left of all the buttons...
I've got an input field called "question" where you can type whatever you want, an ASK button called "ask" and a response field called "answer". Once you enter a question and hit the ASK button I want flash to randomly reply in the "answer" field with YES, NO, MAYBE, DEFINATELY etc.
Do I need some kind of answers array to store all the answers and then call them at random into the "answers" field? Am I on the right track?
I have three movie clips on my stage. Their names in my library are a1_mc, a1_mc2, and a1_mc3. Each of those movie clips on my stage has a different instance name. All of these are connected with an actionscript in the same file.Now, I'd like the movie clips to appear at a random position every time, they are loaded.
I already tried to make a new array and solve this issue with the sort() command. However, that did not work out properly. The positions and instance names of the movie clips on my stage are as follows:
a1_mc instance name on stage: a1 position on stage: X = 20.0 | Y = 140.0
I have a black stage, and I use the following code to add images to the stage at random positions container.x = stage.stageWidth / 5 + Math.floor(Math.random() * (stage.stageWidth / 2)); container.y = stage.stageHeight / 5 + Math.floor(Math.random() * (stage.stageHeight / 3)); My maths is a bit terrible, so when I try moving the images about, I tend to just play with the numbers, not knowing what they are for. At the moment, the images all get placed roughly in the middle of my stage, which is basically what I want. However, If possible, I dont want the images so close to each other. At the moment, some images end up sitting on top of other images etc. Is there anything I can do to the code above to spread the images out a bit?
i need to make scrolling terrain but dont have how to do it for the code? What i want to do is 5 objects lets call them A,B,C,D,E scroll down the screen in random positions
my intention: creating a sketchpad that records mouse movements so the drawing can be played back.
problem: _xmouse and _ymouse are not being saved in the array. i get an 'undefined' error when trying to read a position that should exist somewhere in the array.
history = new Array(); history[0] = new Array(); history[0][0] = new Array();[code].....
my intention: creating a sketchpad that records mouse movements so the drawing can be played back. problem: _xmouse and _ymouse are not being saved in the array. i get an 'undefined' error when trying to read a position that should exist somewhere in the array.
I have thumbs placed on the stage. I create an empty mc to load swf. But my thumbs disappear from the stage when I test the movie ( html or swf) if I settle the _ and _y position of the empty mc.why the emptymovieclip positions affect the positions of my thumbnails?
So, I'm just starting a bigger AS3 project. I'm still learning AS3, transitioning from AS2 and I keep getting caught up on dumb stuff. I'm creating two variables to store a maximum and minimum value for a random number generator. Here's my code.
I want a movieclip consisting of a dynamic text box that, from the time it's loaded onto the stage, loads a randomly selected text string from an array, and continues to loop until the clip is removed from the stage. I also want the text strings to appear in the text box for random intervals between 500 and 3000 milliseconds.
While I've found tutorials here and elsewhere on loading one element from an array, usually triggered by a button, I don't know how to combine/alter it with the other elements.So I want this movieclip on the stage randomly flashing phrases from an array, some for a barely perceptible time, and others for a readable time.
I've been putting data into an array via XML, and then selecting at random an image string to load in a pic at random. But whilst doing this, I wanted to remove the String from the Array that I have just used, so I don't get repetition of the same image in the output. I initially thought that pop would remove the string I had just used - But of course it Removes the last value in the Array instead, which doesn't really help.
Ok - so how about randomizing the data once inside the Array, after it has been pulled in from XML!? That way I can load in the 'last' image, and then pop it out! Keeping a randomized selection of images each time 'it' is loaded
I have a datagrid column with a button that opens a modal dialog box allowing the user to upload multiple files. In the code below, the browseAndUpload() method does that. When the user finished uploading files and closes the upload box the closeUpload() method is called. I know for a fact that the uploaded files are being copied into arrFiles.
The problem I am having is that the repeater will not show the files in arrFiles. Here is the code:
I'd like to know if it's possible to store namespaces in an array?Imagine i had infinite namespaces and i'd use "for" to store them automatically, what would i need? i don't think an array would save namespaces as they are.
I have an array called mclipArray with the names of movie clips stored in it as follows: mclip0, mclip1, mclip2, mclip3....and so on until mclip99. Later in my code I want to run a loop using "i" as a counter variable from 0 to 99 and then depending on the value of "i" add various movie clips to be inside the movie clip that corresponds to "i". For example if I want to add a movie clip called "someMovieClip" as a child of my movie clip called "mclip6" and my loop has been running and "i" is now equal to 6, how can I use "i" to reference the correct index stored in the array. mclipArray[i].addChild(someMovieClip); The above code doesn't work.
I've been working on this code for a while now, and it's starting to come together..First, let me explain what my program does:
Simply said, I want to load a .FLV into memory (stored to array for smooth/fast scrolling though frames).
I've got 1x .FLV which is a 360 degree animation of a scene.
I've also got 360 still images of the same animation, but in high resolution.
When I start the application, I want to load the .FLV to an array as fast as possible (I just need to "buffer" it in a quicker way than playing through it at normal speed and saving each frame).The problem here is that I seeme to be dropping a lot of frames when trying to save it quicker than 25fps.. Even with application frameRate set high, and rendering the .FLV with higher playback framerate...This is the code I've got for capturing the frames so far, but I'm open to any solution:
ActionScript Code: public function startCapturing():void{ sprite.addEventListener(Event.FRAME_CONSTRUCTED, frameConstructed);[code].......
Even with this code, which plays back at 25fps I get a random -2 to 2 frames offset in the buffered images. And I've tried everything I can think of, but nothing works.I've loaded the .FLV with netstream/netconnect, but same problem. Tried pretty much everything I can think of..So, my goal is to buffer the frames to memory (this is a 2mb file, and takes about 1gb when buffered, so no problem there) as fast as possible (the faster, the better.. Less loading time), but it has to be consistent. No skipping frames, or rendering same frame twice..The end result is that these images are shown in my viewer. When I click and drag, I can "rotate" (scroll through frames) around the scene smoothly, and when I release the mouse button it will show the high-red still image instead. This part of the process works great,
Is there a way to store functions in an array so that I can then call the _array[num] to call the function? The _array will be sorted that is why I am wanting to call the functions through the array.I am using the Tween class's onMotionFinished to create a series of events like pan, zoom, fade, etc.Because the order of the sequence of events will likely change based on user interaction I am not able to hard-code the onMotionFinshed to perform a specific function. So I figure I would store the functions in a function_array and use a counter var to store the current location in the sequence of events. Or maybe a "pause" & "resume" command inside of a for loop?
Is it possible that object can be store in array list. package { // Importing object from flash library import flash.text.TextField; import flash.display.Sprite; // Creating class public class Show extends Sprite { [Code] .....
Error Description : Label must be a simple identifier Location : Above orange textcolor line
Ok im new to using arrays but here is my question I have a word list Array and it brings up a random word from the array. Is there a way to store each word used from the array to compair to so that the same word dose not get used twice... or even just remove the word from the array list till there is nothing in the list? Im using flash CS4 in AS3 for player 10.
I want to save my Array's strucure and load it the next time I open my AIR application. Is there a way to store it to an EncryptedLocalStore item then get it later when I re-open the app?
I have an AS3 project that takes user inputs (basically like a multiple choice test) and saves the these inputs in an array. I need to save the array to a text file so it can be reloaded when the app is reloaded. When the user returns to the application they can pick up where they let off. I really just need to know what options I have for saving an array inside an swf to an xml file or text file in the same directory. Is this even possible.
I am using an array to store images that I load from xml. I have an enterframe event that transforms the image, it changes the width. I have used concat to make a "copy" of the array of images. When I try to access the first array of the "untouched" images the width is changed. How can I always have a "fresh" array of the images?
I have an array with some elements that may repeat themselves or not (this is actually because they're attributes retrieved from xml nodes, but you don't need to know that); what I want to do is: go through that array and check for elements and store them in another array according to the following condition (this is where it gets tricky): if that element does not exist in the final array yet, store it; if it does exist already, nevermind it.
I wrote this code: //custom method for searching through array Array.prototype.contains = function(searchValue){ for(i=0; i<this.length; i++){ if (this[i] == searchValue){ return true [Code] .....
Trace returns lisbon, oporto, oporto, coimbra, oporto, coimbra wich means that the only element in the destinations array being prevented from getting pushed into the final array is the first element in the initial array (in this case, "lisbon")... but if it prevents the first one, how come it doesn't prevent the others, damn it?...