Animation Keeps Looping - Set To Play Once

Aug 25, 2009

Flash CS4 Mac OS 10.4.11 - I am new to Flash and have always created small web animations in Image Ready. However, the Flash animations I have seen are so much smoother so decided to learn how to make one for next clients website. The animation keeps looping when I have specified in Flash that I want it to play once when page loads (see screen snatch attachment). Checked in 'Publish Preview' to see if it was just happening when the file was loaded into Adobe GoLive, but no, it does it in Flash.

I have tried saving in all the variations allowed but to no effect. The other thing that happens when checking the GoLive site in browsers is that for an instant before the animation begins, the background of the animation is white when I made the Flash document background a grey (F5F5F5), the grey background does kick in immediately afterwards. I have also attached the .swf file and a html file for general viewing.

Attachments: Screen Snatch.jpg (106.5 K)
free_session4.swf (2.5 K)
free_session4.html (9.6 K)

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var isDown:Boolean = false;


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leafNumber = 30;
for (i=0;
i<leafNumber; i++) {
newLeaf = leaf.duplicateMovieClip("leaf"+i, i);
newLeaf.x = Math.random()*Stage.width;
[Code] .....

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onEnterFrame = function(){
if(end < 180){
} if( end == 180){
end = 0;
[Code] .....

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Apr 3, 2009

to play only once and then stop but the camera flash to keep looping.The sound is on a separate layer, but whenever I put the 'stop' feature in the ActionScript, it stops the WHOLE THING, so the camera flashes only once.Again, I want the camera flash to repeat, but the click sound to play only once.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Looping Music Won't Play

Mar 29, 2005

I am loading a movie in another flash movie clip. The first movie "animation.swf" has background music that loops twice. Linked in the library as "Song" and played as below:

loopMusic = new Sound ();
loopMusic.attachSound ("Song");
loopMusic.start (0,2);

It plays fine, but when that file is loaded in the main movie using loadMovie the sound doesn't play.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Looping Music Wont Play?

Mar 29, 2005

I am loading a movie in another flash movie clip. The first movie "animation.swf" has background music that loops twice.Linked in the library as "Song" and played as below:

loopMusic = new Sound ();
loopMusic.attachSound ("Song");
loopMusic.start (0,2);


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