Audio Cannot Pause And Restart Correctly
Apr 3, 2009
I have a a movie which is a training...I have audio along with slide that change as the veiwer watches. I have created pause buttons for the audio and will be adding in stop features to the movie itself stop however my problem is. When I pause the audio and then go to restart the audio does not restart at the place it paused. It is ramndom in its restart. Like if the phrase was "see you in september" and I pause in the middle of "september" it will not restart in the middle of september...might start at "see" might start and "in" I do not get it. Here is my script which is in the first frame.[code]...
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I've been struggling to figure out a smooth and efficient way to code this animation as an Event so it loops smoothly and can pause and restart all the layers in the same place.[code]...
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Jul 10, 2009
I have rather large project that contains several swfs flvs with audio. The project is published in Captivate (which renders a main swf file). After the preloader screen, a lot of the audio files start playing at once at the beginning of the presentation. I have tried inserting an swf with AS2.0 command "stopAllSounds". It works as intended and stops all the cacophony. But then, none of my audio plays throughout the 7 minute project. Does anyone know how I can restart the audio?
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Jun 1, 2011
I'm using a version of the pause sound code found on the adobe/page, but it's not resuming the sound from the pausePoint. I have the pause/play function tied to the stage so that my external swfs pause as well. Here's a clip of my code,This is the load audio with swf part:
var fl_Loader_5:Loader;var fl_ToLoad_5:Boolean = true;var channel:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();var snd:Sound = new Sound();var req_1:URLRequest = new URLRequest("audio/Introduction.mp3");
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Jan 28, 2010
Our company has a Flex application (3.0.2) that is having a problem with audio dropping out in Windows 7. The problem appears worse with a wireless connection, but it can't be consistently reproduced there, either. The only thing known for sure is that the problem has not been seen on any other version of Windows.
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Jun 20, 2011
loaded an external swf (with audio) in a conteiner swf.
From the cointeiner I want to controll audio pause/resume.
I know the procedure to do this with a mp3 file, but I can't intercept the sound channel of my child swf...
this should be the code to obtain the sound position:
var soundChannel:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
var sound:Sound = new Sound(new URLRequest("SOUND.mp3"));
soundChannel =;
pausePoint = soundChannel.position;
But I haven't the mp3 path.... My mp3 is embedded into swf child. And I can't put actionscript function in child, because is haven't source fla.
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Nov 5, 2010
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Dec 8, 2009
I have a swf that has embedded audio on the swf's timeline which is set to Stream. This swf is then loaded into my main flash timeline via the loader class. I have a button coded as a toggle switch that pauses the loaded swf via the stop() and play() command. This works fine. The issue is that when the swf is paused (stop()), the audio is longer heard, but it continues to play. When I press my toggle switch again, the swf begins to play exactly where it was paused and the audio is now heard, but the issue is that the streaming audio is now out of sync since the swf timeline paused, but the audio continued to play. Is it possible to stop or pause the embedded audio on the timeline? I've tried looking at the SoundMixer static class, but this doesn't seem to help. I can use SoundMixer.stopAll(), but there's no way to start the audio again.
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May 16, 2011
I have created a container in Flash Professional CS5 for my project's CBT. I've been able to script many of the features we require using AS3, but there are a couple of things I'm still trying to work out. I would like the swf presently playing in one tab to pause and go silent when another swf is opened in a new tab (the sound is inside this externally loaded swf which is loaded inside a movie clip from buttons nested a movie clip down). I've tried :
var originalFrameRate:uint = stage.frameRate;
var standbyFrameRate:uint = 0;
addEventListener(Event.ACTIVATE, onActivate);
addEventListener(Event.DEACTIVATE, onDeactivate);
This function is present when I publish the CBT with Captivate, so obviously there must be code available. You can set the Captivate button to open url in new window and pause movie. Is there something I can add to the html file that is similar to the "has Priority" for mobile devices or is there javascript that can be added to the flash itself?
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Apr 4, 2012
I am making my second video, so I'm not too knowledgeable. Anyway, I imported audio into my video and it plays back fine. So I play the video, and pause it to try and synchronize the audio. The video stops, but the audio keeps playing, and it will not stop until the whole thing has played. If I try to start from the beginning again and play the audio to sort of override it, it just overlaps with the original audio, and the resulting noise gives me a headache. I don't know if somehow I can stop the audio a
portion of the way through
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Aug 13, 2009
I have a Flash file that has two music tracks. The player I built works well so far except for this, I am trying to make a Pause/Play button the works on either track. Right now it only works on one. With my limited knowledge of AS3 I tried different solutions but none worked.
Here is the SWF file; [URL]
You will see that the Pause/Play button only works on �Kiss My Dogg� which is track 1.
Here is the FLA file; [URL]
Below is some of the Script I wrote. The pause/play is the part I can�t figure out.
//function to load different tracks
function loadMusic(evt:MouseEvent):void{
//stop whatever is playing
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Jul 8, 2011
I'm struggling with a script to make a simple audio player. I'm loading the audio externally, using loadMovie. I have three buttons on stage ("Stop","Play", and "Pause"). First two work nicely, problem is the third one. here are the actions for the three buttons:
STOP button - Working
ActionScript Code:
on (press) {
BTW, the external movie clip contains an audio track inside a movie clip. Any ideas how to make the thrid button to "pause" the audio?
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Aug 6, 2010
If I import an FLV video is there any way to remove the audio, put the audio into a byte array, and then re-add the audio to the flv video?
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Aug 2, 2009
I have some banners I am doing right now and have a pause timer question. I am fairly green at coding. In my first frame I have this:
I want it to pause each time in the last frame for 8 seconds and loop only 3x. Is there a better way to write this? I know all my code should be in the first frame but I still suck.
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Nov 25, 2006
I am using Macromedia Flash Pro 8. I have a flash intro that has words (phrases) which slide in. I would like to add a 7 second pause between each phrase to give people time to read them (no buttons). Could someone tell me the script(s) to use with all functions, etc. included - as I am so new to all this. I have been looking for weeks & tried many codes but none seem to work - or I don't know exactly where to place them - or both
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Dec 16, 2010
I have a timeline of 30 frames, each it's own mc (page01_mc, etc.). In each mc I show a picture or two and hear narration.I have a first, prev and next nav on the main timeline. I need to add a play/pause btn that will pause both pictures and sound. I assume I do that in each mc, but do not know where to find the code.Here is what is in each mc now:
var mySound:Sound = new Sound();
mySound.load(new URLRequest("english/Intro01.mp3"));
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Mar 27, 2008
I made an animation. When it gets to the end I need a button script that will replay the movie. I tried:
on(release) {
But this script only restarts the main time line. I have nested movieclips that don't get restarted. Is there a simple solution to this?
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Aug 26, 2008
I have a flash file with the script and animation all on frame 1 of the timeline. After the script finishes I have a button appear that says "try again". I just can't figure out how to get the flash to restart or replay as if it were being played for the first time since everything is on 1 frame (which I'd liek to keep it that way if it is possible). Is there an event that will do this?
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Nov 28, 2004
i am using this code for my timer
_root.onEnterFrame = function() {
time = Math.round(getTimer()/1000);
if (time == 120) {
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Jun 11, 2010
How to restart swf file, which has one frame and all staff in actionscript code? Loading copy at the end multiplies memory usage until it crash.
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