ActionScript 2.0 :: Pause Video On One Page Restart On Another?
Feb 9, 2009
We have an externally linked ON2 video on a home page, and the client wants the user to be able to pause the video, go to another page and be able to hit play and pick up where they left off.
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Aug 31, 2011
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package code{
//fades in, after fade in video stops
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Jan 19, 2010
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Aug 18, 2011
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May 2, 2009
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Oct 2, 2009
I have a main video clip being played right when you enter a page. On that page are multiple thumbnails that load up another swf on a new level and play that video. Well if that happens - the main video continues playing. I want the main video to just pause once they click on a thumbnail. And once they close the loaded swf - to be able to play that main video again. Right now - I'm able to click on the thumb to pause the video which is great. But if I unpause the main video by clicking it, all the code seems to be ineffective anymore. [code]...
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Jun 14, 2011
I'm working on a simple Video player that plays upon click. Than, once the movie is done playing, the oplay button re-appears and you can re-play the movie.I'm trying to add a Pause button when a user puts a mouse over a movie.. So, the pause button should appear once the Mouse is over the Movie and dis appear when the MOuse is moved..Below is the script so far:
import*;import flash.display.MovieClip;
var myVideo:FLVPlayback = new FLVPlayback();var playbtn:playBtn = new playBtn();var staticpic:staticPic = new staticPic();
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Dec 14, 2011
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stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, pausePress);
function pausePress(e:KeyboardEvent):void{
if (e.keyCode == 32){
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Jan 17, 2011
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Mar 10, 2010
I have a flash video that is set to autoplay when the page loads. We've just implemented thickbox/lightbox system on it now so when you click on the video it enlarges into that new frame. Problem is, when that's done the video/audio is still playing while the video in the thichbox is playing too. know a code that would trigger the video to pause when clicked anywhere on the video screen? Right now the videos being tested at this link -[URL]I don't currently have the video linked up to lightbox, just a link above the video to expand.With FLVPlayback,this is my current code (it's currently coded and set up so the video autoplay starts at 52 seconds)...
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Sep 26, 2008
I have a video looping via AS3; only thing is the video slightly pauses at the end before it loops. I have tried the following, but no matter which method, I get that pause:
container.myVideo.autoRewind = true;
function loopVideo(event:VideoEvent):void {;
container.myVideo.addEventListener(VideoEvent.COMPLETE, playAgain);
function playAgain(evt:VideoEvent):void {;;
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Mar 4, 2010
I have a flash video that is set to autoplay when the page loads. We've just implemented thickbox/lightbox system on it now so when you click on the video it enlarges into that new frame. Problem is, when that's done the video/audio is still playing while the video in the thichbox is playing too. This leading to ineffective listening. Does anyone know a code that would trigger the video to pause when clicked anywhere on the video screen?
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May 19, 2010
I am using AS3 and have embedded a video into flash using player. I want to play pause the video.
So, I am using ns.pause(); to pause the video and its working. ns denotes the instance name.
Simultaneously, i am using; to play the video. But its not working.
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Feb 20, 2011
I make alot of videos and far from pro at AS3. My employer wants to be able to pause the video during production and insert comments at a specific frame. Can this be accomplished with que points or utilizing the progress bar somehow?
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Mar 2, 2009
I am having problems finding a site so I can put a play and rewind button on one of my flash intros.
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Feb 18, 2009
The Flash site I am building includes an FLV video which is embedded into a SWF (SWF1), which contains the video control components. SWF1 is in turn loaded into another SWF (SWF2) after SWF2 is launched. After I leave the part of SWF2 which contains the video, the video and audio continue to play. You can still hear the audio after you have moved away from the SWF1 video.The SWF1 video is part of a set of mostly PNG images that slide like a slide show along the X axis. When I hit the forward arrow, the SWF1 video slides out to the left and a loaded PNG image slides in from the right and into view. But you still hear the audio from SWF1 and the video continues to play.All of the loaded SWF video (there are three total) and PNG images are loaded into the same movie clip.Question: How can I tell the FLV video embedded in SWF1 to stop playing once SWF1 has moved out of view? I would like SWF2 to tell SWF1 to stop the video.
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Sep 8, 2009
I've imported a flv video (flvPlayer, instance name) to loop with the following script:
var myLis:Object = new Object;
myLis.complete = function(){;
flvPlayer.addEventListener("complete", myLis);
I would like the flv to pause for 3 seconds before looping again...
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Apr 16, 2011
I'm new to Flash, and obviously AS3 (or AS in general) and am currently making a menu in which I have 2 video files.I want people to be able to play and pause (and stop) these videos.I currently have them playing and pausing using the FLVplayback method with no skins (have to make my own buttons). Though this is working I really need the video files to be embedded into the .swf/.fla as apposed to an external video.I have imported the videos into the library but they're not in use atm.
Is it possible to tell FLVplayback to use a embedded file from the library?If not is it possible to make a embedded video play/pause/stop in AS3 any other way? I couldn't seem to get it to which is why I went to FLVplayback method.
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Mar 3, 2012
Flash cs3, as2, win xp
i want to import a .wmv file in flash. when a play button is pressed, that video file should be played. but i want the video to be paused when (preferrably) the same play button is pressed again.
-how to pause an imported video file?
-how to control both play and pause of the video with the same button?
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