Professional :: Pause On Movie Won't Restart
Mar 1, 2010
I've built a pause and replay function into a children's book for a client. Since the narration is in song, I needed to keep the sound file in one piece, so I built a reverse pyramid with regular buttons throughout, truncated from the beginning with each progressive scene. So if you press the pause button at point 1 2 or 3, you are sent with a stop command to the first frame of scene 1 2 or 3, and then there's a "play" button on that first frame with this simple command[code]...
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May 24, 2010
This code is part of an animation where the audio is set to "Stream" in AS2. When I change the audio file to an Event, the pause and play button don't stop the audio, but the animation still "stopAllClips". When it's set to stream, there's the infamous gap in the playback when it loops.
I've been struggling to figure out a smooth and efficient way to code this animation as an Event so it loops smoothly and can pause and restart all the layers in the same place.[code]...
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Apr 3, 2009
I have a a movie which is a training...I have audio along with slide that change as the veiwer watches. I have created pause buttons for the audio and will be adding in stop features to the movie itself stop however my problem is. When I pause the audio and then go to restart the audio does not restart at the place it paused. It is ramndom in its restart. Like if the phrase was "see you in september" and I pause in the middle of "september" it will not restart in the middle of september...might start at "see" might start and "in" I do not get it. Here is my script which is in the first frame.[code]...
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Nov 28, 2010
I am trying to put together some games for my students to help them with their English. I want to be able to detect how long they spend on each game and so I want the clock to stop if the mouse is inactive for 45 seconds and then restart when they begin moving the mouse again. This is so the parents can see how long their kids' have been studying and not just how long the game has been running.
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Feb 11, 2010
I would like to create play/pause movie controls that for different flv files.I do not want to use skins but have the controls as part of the movie/video.Can anyone point me to a tutorial source that will help me design these?
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Nov 17, 2011
I have a flash banner that includes a movie clip of the logo being animated. I want the logo animation to only run at the beginning of the main "movie". Currently I have to find the length of the entire movie (for ex. 500 frames) then put a key frame in at the 500th frame of the logo movie clip. I know there has to be a correct way to do this...Do I add a frame name at the end of the main timeline and somehow in AS in the logo movie clip say "when you reach X goToAndPlay(1);"?
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Oct 3, 2006
I'm trying to pause my rotation on rollover of a movieclip and restart rotation on rollout of the movieclip. Here is my current code,
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Jan 17, 2011
I am looking for a way to go back to the start of my movie if there is no interaction for a particular amount of time..lets say 2 minutes..
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Jun 7, 2010
I have a one frame flash movie, it's a simple word game with lots of text fields etc. All I want to do is restart the game so everything will reset to its original place at any point through the game if needed via a button.
Is this possible with AS3? Can I just attach a simple function to a button to do this?
Otherwise I will have to rewrite lots of lines of code to reset all of the text fields and logic.
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Oct 20, 2009
I have a flash document that is calling an .swf file into a movie clip via the .loadmovie command. The .swf plays all the way through in the movie clip, but it has problems with the "play again" button at the end. It is not letting go of all the actions from the first play and doesn't reload properly. The .swf restarts perfectly by itself, it uses this code to replay:
but once the .swf is loaded into the main flash file, the "play again" button doesn't work anymore.
I can apply to the button at the end of the .swf that will allow it to replay when it is loaded into the movieclip in the main .fla file?
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Oct 20, 2003
I've made a movie with nested movie clips. The movie is assembled in a single framework i.e in the main stage (Frame one scene one ). The movie includes more that 50 navigational components and elements for better user interaction.The problem is I've to reset the movie in a single button click. Is there any build in function in flash to restart the movie without exiting
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Oct 20, 2003
I've made a movie with nested movie clips. The movie is assembled in a single framework i.e in the main stage (Frame one scene one ). The movie includes more that 50 navigational components and elements for better user interaction.
The problem is I've to reset the movie in a single button click. Is there any build in function in flash to restart the movie without exiting.
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Jul 18, 2011
My company recently contracted an outside web developer to create our new website. I have some experience with Flash, but not beyond basic timeline controls. I've been given the task to update the flash element that has a horizontal carousel. Inside, there's three series, each with 6 buttons. The controls are a left and right arrow button on either side. I added a new button into the series and moved each of the series so they no longer ovrlapped.The carousel should just rotate through continuously, but it returns to the start after 6 clicks. Please let me know if there is any other materials I need to provide. Did adding in another button change the positions in the code? If so, what do I need to do to fix it?
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Feb 14, 2009
i made a game with all the levels put into a movieclip named "game". Every level is put into a different frame and i want to make a pause and play button.I found this code but dont know how to use it:
on (release) {
for (var i in mc) {
typeof (mc[i]) == "movieclip" ? mc[i].stop() : trace("mm");
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Mar 18, 2011
My question is about embedding flash video on a webpage, if I set the movie to only start if the end user clicks the play button then does it still load in the browser? My first thoughts are that it still does load the movie as soon as the person clicks on the page (I am using progressive download) but my manager wants lots of flash movies on a page but I am reluctant to do this if all the movies are going to download on the client as this would make the page unbearably slow.
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Oct 27, 2002
I hv loaded a movie (say mc1) in a frame using loadMovie. now if i click a button another movie (say mc2) will be loaded and i want the running movie (mc1) to stop at that point. and when i exit from the second movie (mc2). then mc1 should start from the point it was stopped last time.
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Nov 17, 2009
I'm trying to get my flash movie so that it pauses when the mouse is over the movie and continues when the mouse is not over the movie during certain segments of frames in my movie clip. So basically I need some code that executes this: if the mouse is over the stage between frame 25 and 45 pause the movie until the mouse leaves the stage or the next or back buttons are selected.
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Jul 26, 2010
I have the basics down to create a play and stop button and add the actionscript 3 code to play and stop, and this works good, but I really want to be able to pause the clip and resume from the paused spot.Here is the basics...two layers..."AS3" for the scripts, "Buttons" for the buttons.two buttons named "playbtn" and "stopbtn".One frame for eachIn the Scripts frame, the code is:
var loadSnd:URLRequest = new URLRequest("bim1.mp3");var thisSnd:Sound = new Sound();thisSnd.load(loadSnd);
var sndTrans:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
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Aug 24, 2010
I would like to pause the background music as an FLV with audio plays and have the bg music restart (if possible) after the FLV stops.
The website is: and the flv movies are on "about me" and contact" page.
The way the site is setup now....when a visitor clicks "music off", it turns off the sound for the background music and FLV movie.
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Aug 4, 2011
I've made several FLV files and they all pause while playing. A 3 minute video 640x360, 37MB will pause 4 times. If I open the page and let it sit about 3 minutes before playing the video, then it will play smoothly but since no one will ever do that I must resolve the issue. Also, once it plays all the way through, then it will play smoothly, but again, I need it to play smoothly the first time someone clicks on it.[URL]..
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Jun 23, 2009
I have created a presentation with software trendy flash intro creater. The movie it creates runs in flash player..but there i no option to pause the movie. I am looking for someway to able myself to pause the movie in middle as it is very important for me to give presentation to my class. I have converted the swf files to fla so that you can check it and let it to pause.
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Oct 11, 2010
I have an issue that I need to pause my movie but its complicated to me because my movie contains an external swf files loaded into it and that swf files have many deep levels(childs) which all played one by one in my current movieclip. In simple words you can say I need a universal pause/play script that pauses all the animations on the screen and then play the same when press it again.
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Oct 31, 2003
I am making a movie where there are parts where words come up and I want to give the watcher enough time to read the words. I know I can just put in tons of frames- but I was wondering if there is a pause and resume method I might be able to use with action script. Something to holed a movie at a certain frame for a certain amount of seconds and then resume until the next pause.
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Nov 10, 2004
I'm looking for a way to pause my flash movie, for like 5 seconds and replay it from the beginning. I tried the set interval, but it keeps looping [code]...
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Nov 29, 2005
I want to pause my movie for 2 seconds on frame 4 then go to frame 5... how can i do this? sorry for my lousy AS!!!
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Jul 28, 2007
Is there an action script that will pause everything in a flash movie? This including onEnterFrame action scripts, and every single animation on the stage? I'm working on a game where a pause button would be handy, but I'm not sure if this is even possible.
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Feb 3, 2005
I want to know if there is a command or actionscript that will allow you to pause the movie automatically for like 30 seconds and then continue the movie after 30 seconds have passed, instead of adding alot of frames for about that add up to 30 secs. Just like the goto and play command.
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Apr 9, 2007
I just want to add controls so that people can control if they play or pause or stop the animation when I export the fla.
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