CS3 Placing Images In Flash?

Apr 6, 2010

I'm designing a website in flash & have imported my images into the library & have placed them on the stage, but when I go to "test movie" to preview my page, some of the images look like this [URL] the funny thing is, when I look at the images on the stage they look fine, it's only when I test my movie that they look cut off.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Placing And Sizing External Images

Nov 28, 2011

For some background: I'm creating some e-learning modules using a client's existing Flash/AS/XML template. There is another separate file that is loading XML content and directing the "flow" or progression of the module. Basically, it is broken up into three parts:
1. Chapter = a selection made from a main menu (<chapter> in the XML) and is a large section; it is comprised of one to several "pages"

2. Page = sections within the chapters that users can progress to via navigation buttons; each page represents a separate Flash/SWF file with several clips (driven by audio clips played by another AS file from the XML direction). Also, each page has a certain AS file (only ONE) associated with it to either create interactivity, an activity, or text placement.

3. Clip = audio-driven parts of each page; represented within each 'page' FLA/SWF by keyframes. These modules are being produced for two languages - thus the use of AS/XML to pull in text from two different files. We also have the need to pull in images using AS from the XML files. These images are essentially screenshots; some are large, some are small. Depending on text placement, we may want to resize images to make them fit within a certain space. Can you all suggest the best way to resize/scale these images dynamically. Basically, if the image's width is over 570 pixels or the height is greater than 550 pixels, I want to resize it so it fits within that 570x550 space. You can see the code that I tried (in "//") that didn't work. Feel free to comment on other aspects of the code.


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Flex :: Placing Images Into A Collage Canvas?

Apr 28, 2010

I've got an array of different sized images. I want to place these images on a canvas in a sort of automated collage.

All my images have heights divisible by 36 pixels and widths divisible by 9 pixels. They have mouseDown functions that allow you to drag and drop. When dropped the image goes to the closest x point divisible by 9 and y point divisble by 36. There is a grid drawn on top of the canvas.

I've sorted the array of images based on height, then based on their widths.

imagesArray.sortOn("height", Array.NUMERIC | Array.DESCENDING);
imagesArray.sortOn("width", Array.NUMERIC | Array.DESCENDING);

I'd like to take the largest image ( imageArray[0] ) to put in corner x,y = 0,0. Then randomize the rest of the images and fit them into the collage canvas.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Benefit To Load External Images Over Placing Them All In FlashIDE

May 18, 2011

The end result won't matter, once the program is finished (images sitting in IDE or images loaded externally)I work off of a laptop most of the time, cheap laptop, so if I have 5 Megs of images sitting in my Flash IDE, every time I troubleshoot (run the movie, F5), it takes at least 5 seconds before I can test my movie, and when you have to test it 4000 time a day it adds up . If I were to load everything externally, would this knock off the testing time drastically, considering I am not adding the images to the stage (just have them load, and stored in arrays)?

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Placing Objects With The Mouse In Flash CS4?

Oct 3, 2009

I have played some more with Flash and come upon something that i would know more about.I tried to make:A scene. when I click the left mouse button on the stage an object(from the librery [graphic]) will be place exactly where the mouse is.I did not really know how to approach this, but tried anyways.
This is my code:

stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, addApple);
Function addApple(event:MouseEvent):void{
//I dont know what to put here to place an object(apple) from the libery
//onto the stage where the mouse is.

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Css :: Placing A Div In Front Of A Flash Embed?

Jan 21, 2010

I need to place a div tag above literally everything else on the page. I've read that setting wmode param to opaque will do it, but also heard that that will only effect IE.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Placing A Swf Into Main Flash Page

Apr 26, 2008

I am developing a web page at the moment using Flash CS3 AS2.0, and I have developed like a title header that has some flash animation. I want to be able to place that title header into the main page that I have created. I can not for the sake of it, get this external swf to place into my main page.[code]I have created a spot for the swf on my main page and even set it to act as a movie clip. I will upload the files so you may take a look at the coding.UrL...This is the online file folder where the 4 files are located.Index.fla is the main page, and index.swf is the output top.swf is the the external movie clip i want to add to index.fla at the top.top annimation.fla is the actual working file.

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Professional :: Flash CS5 Crash When Placing Bitmap On Stage?

Jul 12, 2011

I have a really really annoying problem with Flash CS5 ( on winXP.Everytime I place a bitmap (jpg, png..) on stage, Flash crashes.It occurs with existing fla, as well as with new documents, but only as3!(with as2 new documents, it seems ok!)I tried deleting preferences (reg key and AppData folder), nothing changes. Rebooting does nothing.

Here is the crash report:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>


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ActionScript 2.0 :: [FLASH] Placing A StartFlag In The Easing Code?

Dec 11, 2007

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Placing Editable Textfields At The Cursor's Position

May 2, 2011

I've got a few questions for the technical side of a project we're working on and I'd really just like to know if it would be possible before I present it to the rest of my group. The idea is to create a wall on which the user can write down several words on their chosen locations (like a brainstorm), then click one of them to continue with it..

Is it possible to create an editable textfield at the cursor's position on a mouseclick and (if even needed) make it active so the user doesn't have to click twice? And then repeatable on multiple locations on the workarea..

I'm assuming the text autoresize function would still work and that I could add a random small rotation to it (It has to look like you're writing on a wall).

Then, on the next step, I'd like the user to be able to pick one and click on that to continue.

I'm guessing it involves creating a movieclip with a textfield in it and then load that from the library on the canvas on mouseclick.. What I'm most worried about is the user having to click twice to actually start typing..

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Professional :: 1 Pixel White Border When Placing Flash Movie In Dreamweaver CS4?

Aug 17, 2010

I tried all suggestions from the dreamweave forums and none worked.I am placing a CS4 swf movie into dreamweaver CS4 and when I preview in firefox I can't get rid of the 1 pixel white border.Have tried all settings, including setting the wmode parameters to transparentBorder set to 0, frame set to 'top', image set to top.If I change the background of the frame to blue for example, I get a 1 pixel blue line. I believe the problem is in dreamweaver.How do I fix this?

<param name="expressinstall" value="Scripts/expressInstall.swf" /> <param name="BGCOLOR" value="#FFFFFF" />  <param name="SCALE" value="noborder" />  <param name="wmode" value="transparent" />  <!-- Next object tag is


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Prepare A FLash Movie In Which All The Images Are Dynamic And The Images Should Change After A Time Say Every 30 Secs The Image Changes?

Jul 17, 2004

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Placing Value In The Right Textbox?

Jul 1, 2010

I have a 6*6 table, and 2 dices generating random numbers. The 6*6 table have empty textboxes which will display the sum of two dices. I have the table and the instance ready but I do not know how to display them onto the right textbox. For example if red dice roll and one and white dice roll a two I hope selec12.text=3. The code I have done are as below

var row:int=7;
var colum:int=7;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Placing An Object On Top Of All Others?

May 2, 2011

Basically I have this code...

ActionScript Code:
gameOverFinal = new gameOverMessage();
gameOverFinal.x = 265;
gameOverFinal.y = 400;
addChildAt(gameOverFinal, o);

It displays a game over message at a certain time. but if let's say the enemy that killed me is at the exact place where the game over message is the enemy will freeze over the message and obscure it. Is there a simple piece of code that will make it so the message is always on top?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Placing A Swf Movie?

Oct 29, 2003

i have an mc in which i want to load an external swf. how do i define its placing;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Placing Container Over Top Of Another To Specify Depths?

Jun 18, 2009

I have 3 containers on stage holding various buttons but these containers are created in seperate Class files....I want to place the 1 container over the top of another container similar to the way I use addChildAt to specify depths.....is there an easy way to do so?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Placing A MC On Stage With AddChild

Jul 7, 2009

I am just starting out new with AS3 and I have a question about this block of code I have. i have checked this against I don't know how many examples and it looks fine, yet... when it's run, I get nothing. Traces on everything came out OK.

var sheep:mcsheep;
var xpos:int;
var ypos:int;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Placing The FLVPlaybackCaptioning Text Box?

Jan 5, 2012

I'm importing and playing an external FLV in my movie using the FLVPlayback component and providing captioning for it using the FLVPlaybackCaptioning component. It's working great. (CS5, AS3, Windows 7)

By default the captioning box plays directly on top of the FLVPlayback Component. I want to separate them, so for instance, i can put content (images and such) in between the Playback component and the caption box.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Array Values In First Second Third Placing?

Jun 10, 2010

Ive managed to create a for loop that finds the highest value in an array:

if(array[e].value > max.value){

but Im trying to create a for loop that places all the values in that array from lowest to highest

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Placing Items In A Circle?

Jun 26, 2010

I'm intended to create a code where I have various arcs which can be dragged and dropped inside a blank circle. Once a arc is dropped and on dropping second arc it should get placed after 1st arc with-in that circle.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Placing A Variable Value Into A XML Object?

Jul 11, 2011

I am trying to figure out how I would get the value of a variable into an XML Object.
I have the variable
var dragonName:String = "Samuel";
var listing:XML = new XML();
listing = <thedragon>

However, the dragon name does not show up when I go trace(listing); How do I do it and should I have imported something as well or what?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading A Jpg And Placing It On The Stage Twice

Jan 27, 2009

I am trying to import an image and then place the image in two spots on the stage. This is the code I'm using:[code]My problem is rather than placing two instances of the image on the stage, the code above places one image with an x coordinate of 300 and a y coordinate of 0.I thought the code above would place two images. One at point (0,0) and the other at point (300,0).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Placing My Loader Text?

Feb 2, 2010

this is my code it works, but my loader text keeps popping up in the corner not in the middle like I want it to, any one know what I'm doing wrong?[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Placing Objects In A Circle?

May 24, 2011

i am makeing a poker type game. and i have come a lil stuck. i have 8 players around a table. i have a player class that creates a new player when a button is pressed. the prob is io can get all the players cards x & y pos in lines like on the same x or same y axis. but how would i make the cards deal around a table. would i have to work them out and write x & ys for each player or is there another way?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Placing Text On Top Of An Image?

Feb 11, 2012

I am building a little app where the user loads a .png image on stage and I want to allow the user to be able to click on a textTool from the tools tab and place text anywhere on top of the image.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Placing All Code In One Frame?

Apr 12, 2006

I'm putting all my code into one frame for organization. If a button named "dragger" originally has...

PHP Code:

on (press) {
 startDrag (this, true, 30, 80, 140, 110);

How do move this code onto my one frame in root? I have to tweak some stuff, right?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Placing A Delay In A While Loop?

Jan 26, 2008

I have 100 dynamically generated clips on a stage.

I want to remove the clips one by one over the course of a few seconds.

Can I put a delay into a while loop to make it only loop every 50 ms or so?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Placing Empty MC In A Holder?

Apr 4, 2008

I'm working on the Kirupa photo gallery and that works fine. Now I want to change how the thumbnails are loaded in. I would like them to be loaded in a holder (now in an emptyMC) so that I can put a mask/ border on it.

This is the thumbnail function:

function thumbnails_fn(k) {
tlistener = new Object();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Placing New Buttons

Feb 15, 2009

It's been a few years since I've last used ActionScript, so I'm a bit rusty Anyways, I have 16 buttons in my library with linkage names btn0-btn15. I can successfully add them onto the stage by saying something like:

var tempBtn:SimpleButton = new btn0();

I'm going to be tinkering with the buttons layout and positions, and I would like to add each of the different buttons to the stage dynamically with a for loop. I've been trying different variations of this:

for (int i:int=0; i<16; i++) {
var tempBtn:SimpleButton = new ["btn" + i]();

but I just can't seem to find the right syntax for doing this correctly.

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IDE :: Placing A Registration Point Outside Of A Movieclip?

Mar 14, 2012

I have an action script for a movie clip to rotate around (instance_name.rotation -= 1. and this works fine, how ever i need it to rotate around a point outside of the movie clip. i think i need to move the registration point but i dont know how to do this.

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